I am filtering dataview using my Date Column but the result is not proper because the Field value also stores time, so I want to convert this Date Field to only Date during Filter. How can I achieve this? Here is my code. And the actual value I am getting in the Dataset Field "CreationDate" is a DateTime field which is like
In timsplit i have value "17:00 - 2:00".Then i am converting it TimeIn and TimeOut.TimeIn is string now and how to convert it to int32.I am getting error while convertin Timesplit = strResultData.Split('-'); string TimeIn = Timesplit[0]; string TimeOut = Timesplit[1]; int TimeI = Int32.Parse(TimeIn);
I'm using a GridView control to edit data in a MySQL database.
I've created the C# code behind but I'm having trouble pulling back the parameter from a radiobutton control to populate an Int32 field in the database. I'm getting "Input string not in correct format"This is the particular bit (amongst a host of others of the same type) that is causing the problem:
I am not sure where my app is failing but most probably this is where it is failing.. I think lblExpID.Text is the culprit. Here's the relvant part of my code:
Dim lblExpID As Label For Each item In LSGrid.Rows lblExpID = item.FindControl("lblID") If txtExpGenFund.Text <> "" Then sqlArray(i) = ExpDetailsID & "," & (lblExpID.Text) & "," & MunID & "," & _ Val(txtExpGenFund.Text) & "," & Val(txtExpDetSpecialRevenue.Text) & "," & _ Val(txtExpDetCapitalProjects.Text) & "," & expTotal & "," & reportingYear & "," & "Test Comments" & "," & UserID End If
Can u help me identify why i am getting this error looking at the sp below:
PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspEXPENDITURE_DETAILS] ( @ExpDetailsID int=0 output, @ExpDet_ExpID int, @ExpDet_Municipality_ID nvarchar(50), @ExpDetGeneralFund money, @ExpDetSpecialRevenue money, @ExpDetCapitalProjects money, @ExpDetTotal money, @Exp_Reporting_Year varchar(10), @ExpComments varchar(max), @Contact_ID int ) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
delete from [dbo].[TBL_EXPENDITURE_DETAILS] where ExpDet_ExpID=@ExpDet_ExpID and ExpDet_Municipality_ID=@ExpDet_Municipality_ID and Exp_Reporting_Year=@Exp_Reporting_Year
If @ExpDetailsID >= 0 Begin INSERT INTO [dbo].[TBL_EXPENDITURE_DETAILS] ([ExpDet_ExpID] ,[ExpDet_Municipality_ID] ,[ExpDetGeneralFund] ,[ExpDetSpecialRevenue] ,[ExpDetCapitalProjects] ,[ExpDetTotal] ,[Exp_Reporting_Year] ,[ExpComments] ,[ExpDetCreatedBy] ,[ExpDetCreateDate]) VALUES (@ExpDet_ExpID, @ExpDet_Municipality_ID, @ExpDetGeneralFund, @ExpDetSpecialRevenue, @ExpDetCapitalProjects, @ExpDetTotal, @Exp_Reporting_Year, @ExpComments, @Contact_ID, GetDate() ) SET @ExpDetailsID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() return @ExpDetailsID end
This is in the codebehind of a page containing a gridview. The gridview has been customized to include two hidden fields hfsearchtext and hfsort that are used to search my database table and return results to the gridview through the use of a DataView.
As I'm new to this type of construct, can someone walk me through the code above? I receive an error message stating that the Value of System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments cannot be converted to an integer. How to rectify this error?
Sometimes Convert.ToInt32(object) will work and other times (Int32)object will work. How do you know which to use? I usually try one and if it doesn't work use the other but I'm sure that's not the best approach.
string url = string.Format("http://localhost:1388/WebSite1/Login.aspx?username={0}&password={1}",loginname,password); string str = "Dear" + " " + txtName.Text + " " + "you are successfully registered on our site" + System.Environment.NewLine + "Your login details are given below" + System.Environment.NewLine + "Username:" + " " + txtName.Text + System.Environment.NewLine + "Password:" + " " + txtPass.Text + " " + System.Environment.NewLine+"please click on the followinf link to confrm your registration"+System.Environment.NewLine+url;
here the string url show hyperlink in the text "http://localhost:1388/WebSite1/Login.aspx?username=" but i want hyperlink in the whole string including username and paassword value.
I have a dataview on a page. I am binding a list of Items, and each item has a Person object. So I get this exception "field not found in selected datasource" when I try to bind to any property on the person object.
It appears that the dataview is having problems with the person object because it will display all the properties for the Item correctly.
why I get a not found on the boundfield and not on the eval?
My web application calls a stored procedure and stores the result in a .NET datatable. I'd like to use this datatable and join it with other tables in my database. Is this possible?
Would the best way to set this up be to create another datatable and then use a dataview to join both datatables?
I get from SQL Server Server Data. I need to use datas form 2 colums of my SQL query for a VB.NET. The VB.NET need 2 values for both colums and produce 1 answer. I what to display the value on the same line instead of the 2 1st values. How can i store the 2 colums wich lot of SQL values on my vb.net script and diplay the result with the other data from the SQL query ?
As you can see, the first 3 documents are for the same NIIN, and their total QtyReq is 6, however there are only 5 Available for this NIIN.
I need a way to remove the document 12346 because it cannot be filled, the other 2 document can though. I cannot figure this one out, but it seems like it should be pretty easy.I am using MS SQL Server 200
Currently I am able to bring the datetime from my SQL table but I also need the milisecods. Here is the line of code:
So latestTimeStamp = {9/22/2010 6:24:09 PM} but I needed it to be latestTimeStamp = {9/22/2010 6:24:09:080 PM} since the SQL field value is 2010-09-22 18:24:09.080 and I want to do an accurate datetime comparison.
(1) "...this application is a very heavy SQL application, it does not perform a session based SQL connection, instead for every request it refers back to the base confirmation file on the web server and then opening or making a new SQL request the result being a very chatty SQL client!"(2)..." concerns specifically relating to the chattiness of the SQL client app. Please be cautious when "testing" the product for it may have a negative effect even on [the] faster WAN links"C. Example of Code(1) from a class helper file:
I want to be able to store strings in the DB but some are long and i want to format them such that when i copy them out of SQL and past them into notepad they have line breaks to break up the otherwise single line that runs on forever and hard to read.
lets say i am storing a string of all the session variables like this, how do i include line breaks in here?
StringBuilder theBody = new StringBuilder(); theBody.Append("Session Values: " + " "); foreach (string s in Session.Keys) theBody.Append(s + ":" + Session[s] + " ");
I trying to create a search mechanism for records in a EDM based on text entered on a text box in a web page.
For example, if I enter a partial name of a customer and/or state abrebiation for that customer on the Text Box (abc, TX)s, I want to search name and state fields in a Customer table in my database for matching customers.
I found a solution with the namespaceSystem.Linq.Dynamic, but for some reason it is not working. It does not expose the Search() method. Here is the code I am using to perform the search;