ADO.NET :: How To Subtract And Update Values In Item_quan Field In C_item Table

Nov 28, 2010

am getting the value of quan and quantity like below i have given... so i want to subtract these two and update it in item_quan field in c_item table. but quan and quantity getting from query giving correct value but its not getting updated in the query below given the bolded update query below...

da7 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT item_name, item_quan,item_cat FROM c_item WHERE (item_name = '" + fname + "') AND (item_cat = '1')", con);

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SQL Server :: Name From Table A ,minimum Rate1 And Rate2 Values For A Month In A Dropdownlist From Date Field From Table B?

Nov 19, 2010

I need to write a query to populate a gridview with minimum rates in ascending order for a month from three tables.For example i have three tables A,B,C as follows

Id id id
Quote_no Quote_no Quote_ no
Name Rate1 Equip_name
Rate2 E_rate
Date R1_rate

Now if the data is as follows

I need to get the Name from Table A ,minimum Rate1 and Rate2 values for a month in a dropdownlist from date field from Table B and the corresponding minimum rate(E_rate) for Equipment E1 and E2 only from Table C for the month in ascending order group by Name.














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Access :: Subtract Session Value Before Update?

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ADO.NET :: How To Update A Single Field In The Db Table

Feb 22, 2011

net.3.5 linq 2 sql

if i need to update a single field in the db table - do i need to select all the row first?

can i say update myTable Field2 = x where field1=y?

dont know its look like too mach recourses

Order order =new ();
order.ID = 1; orderStatus = "test";
db.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, oOrder);

well that delete all the other fields values

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SQL Server :: Delete Comma From Table Field Values?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a table in which there is one column named "Address1"

Now in this column all the data in this displaying as follow:-

sector-2, Guj,676

Now i want to modify all the data in this column,

if there is any "," comma found in the data,

it should delete that comma from the data?

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Javascript - Make Code Works If Used Inside Update Panel And Checkbox Values Will Be Disabled According To Database Field?

Jan 28, 2011

This code works fine if i use this inside ssercontrol > panel and i have a checkboxes in table when no checkbox is checked its works fine .... but if i disabled and checked any of the textbox then this doesn't work .... in usercontrol why ? i didnt understand ..

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function checkboxChecked(){
var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var i=0; i<allInputs.length; i++) {
var chk = allInputs[i];
if(chk.type == "checkbox" && !chk.disabled && chk.checked) {

return true;
alert("OOps! You haven't selected all available checkboxes");
return false;

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding The Field Of One Table With The Field Of An Other Table?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a table named RECIPE which is linked to an other table name RECIPE_STATUS

In RECIPE table I have a field named Status_Id which contains the name of the Status which is fetch from the RECIPE_STATUS table based on this ID.

The RECIPE table sample information are as follow :

ID Name Status_Id
1 Test1 0
2 Test2 1
3 Test3 2

The RECIPE_STATUS entries are as follow:

ID Name
0 Locked
1 Running
2 Free

From an page I would like that my user is capable of changing the RECIPE_STATUS from a given recipe. For that I have a DataGrid which is bind to the RECIPE table.

But then what I would like is that the STATUS shown to my user to be the name Locked,Running or free depedning on the Id

How can I bound in my Datagrid the Recipe.Status to be bind to RECIPE_STATUS.Id ?

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Apr 12, 2010

I have a typical gridview/formview master control setup. When I try to update or insert I don't get any errors but it also doesn't work. When I try to insert data all I get are null values and when I update, none of the values are updated. The formview looks like its working, but just doesn't. The primary key is an identity and it auto-increments by one.


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Architecture :: Database Update Table Field Time To Time

Feb 1, 2010

I need to do an update a field in database every x minutes. ie: a person login and I need to update a field related to they every X minutes until the value reach a value. Like this, this person start a count event from 1 to 10, they log off the web, but this count must remain countting until reachs 10, 1 by 1 every 7 minutes. I cannot do a SQL Job. Should I User a System.Timer??? Should I record the time and value of the last update, when the person log in I cauculate and update the value??

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Feb 8, 2010

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Web Forms :: How The Date Subtract In Day In C#

Jan 19, 2011

how the date subtract in day in C#

<asp:textbox id="d1" runat="server Text="1-Jan-2011"/>
<asp:textbox id="d2" runat="server Text="11-Jan-2011"/>

the final output is

d1-d2=10 days(in C#)

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Apr 30, 2010

I have seen a lot of info on how to subtract one datetime from the other and how to add years on to a datetime. but the following is giving me a headache....When a user inserts a record a hidden field called subdate with a value of is added to the db.I then need to have an 'old records' page that lists all the entries that are over 1 year old and was hoping to use something (but using subtract method) similar to;


but there is no SubtractYears available? Why?

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This table contains some business flags on its 0th, 1st, 2nd columns.

I need to store those columns on the rendered HTML of the grid-view -so that I can reach them via JavaScript- but I do not want them to be visible.

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Jan 4, 2010

dear i want to subtract 60 seconds from current date.

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How To Subtract A Month From Date Object

Feb 3, 2010

How do I subtract a month from a date object in VB.NET?

I have tried:


However, given that Today is 01-Jan-2010, the result I get is 01-Dec-2010. The answer I want is 01-Dec-2009.

Is there a convenient way of doing this within the .NET framework?

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Values To A Table From Another Table Via Dropdown

Jan 3, 2010

I am fairly new to ASP.Net and web programming in general and I am having issues trying to add values from a dropdown list in my gridview to another table.

Here is my scenario. I have 2 tables in my SQL Express DB. When editing the values of table2 in a gridview, I would like to show some data from table1 in a dropdown so users can select a value from table 1 and enter that value in table 2.

I have the Gridview setup to show table2 data.

I created a field template and inserted my dropdown list and linked it to my table1 data source.

When I run my web form, I can click to edit one of the fields in the gridview, and my dropdown list correctly displays the data from table 1, but when I try to update the table2 with the dropdown value, it doesn't correctly update. The row in table2 never updates.

posting the dropdown value from table 1 into the appropriate field in table2..

Again, I am new to this and have been following the tutorials etc on this site, but can't find one pertaining to this topic.

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SQL Server :: SQL Server Float Field To Data Table Double Field?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a SQL Server table with a number of fields that are defined with the "Float" data type. I'm running a simple query to retrieve the data from this table and use it to populate a Data Table in my application.

I just discovered that the data type of the Data Table fields is Double, not Float as I expected. As such, when I store a value like 0.157 it ends up getting stored like this: 0.15700000524520874

I'm aware that such extra "noise" occurs when such a conversion occurs. My major question has to do with why .Net didn't set the Data Type to Float (ie. Single) when the table was first populated?

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Update A Single Table Using Multiple Tab Panels - Incomplete Update?

Sep 20, 2010

I've got a single table, with project information and schedule information. To make the data easier to present, I created a tab control with two panels (a detailsview in each). The first tab is for project info, the second tab is for schedule info (again, all fields in the same table). The problem is, if i change info in both tabs, and then hit the update button, only the data from one tab is added to the table. I think this problem is simple to fix, and boils down to the way I have the page organized, but I can't quite figure it out.

I've boiled my code down to the following conceptualized structure:


When you click the update button, you return to the listview, but with only the information from your current tab saved. How can I get it to update from both detailsviews?

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Web Forms :: Subtract Date And Time From Textboxes?

Jan 20, 2010

I have 3 textboxes.

1 Textbox = Start date and time

2 Textbox = End date and time

3 Textbox = End date and time SUBTRACT Start date and time

Any idea on how to subtract these two dates.


Textbox 1 = 2010-01-20 11:33:52

Textbox 2 = 2010-01-20 12:53:59

Textbox 3 = the difference of textbox 1 and textbox 2 which is 2010-01-20 01:20:07

Im doing this in VB.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Another Table Automatically As Row Entered In First Table?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm sure this has been answered many times already, but I still can't seem to find exactly how to search for this issue, so apologies in advance.

Anyway, I have a VB script for entering a row of data into a table by a web user. When this row of data is entered, I wish to take some of the values from the columns of the "primary" table, and have that data automatically create a new row of data in a "secondary" table. I think I'm part of the way there, here is my script:


"ProductsByMfr" is the "primary" table - the table that the user adds data into when the button click event is fired.

"DealerPricing" is a "secondary" table that I wish to have some of the data from the newly-entered row in ProductsByMfr copied into. Am I even close here?

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SQL Server :: Trigger To Update The Aspnet_Membership Table When Another Table Is Updated?

Aug 13, 2010

Here's my scenario:

I'm using the ASP.Net Membership provider, but I don't want to allow system administrators to DELETE any users. Instead, I simply want to mark them as locked out (aspnet_Membership.IsLockedOut) of the system so they can't log in when an administrator assigns them to a role titled "Inactive". Make sense? Right now my trigger isn't throwing any errors, but it's not working either. Here's my trigger (which is on the aspnet_UsersInRoles table):


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