SQL Server :: Name From Table A ,minimum Rate1 And Rate2 Values For A Month In A Dropdownlist From Date Field From Table B?
Nov 19, 2010
I need to write a query to populate a gridview with minimum rates in ascending order for a month from three tables.For example i have three tables A,B,C as follows
Id id id
Quote_no Quote_no Quote_ no
Name Rate1 Equip_name
Rate2 E_rate
Date R1_rate
Now if the data is as follows
I need to get the Name from Table A ,minimum Rate1 and Rate2 values for a month in a dropdownlist from date field from Table B and the corresponding minimum rate(E_rate) for Equipment E1 and E2 only from Table C for the month in ascending order group by Name.
I have to come up with a way to get data from a SQL server table given it's month
There's a smalldatetime type field called "date" in the "events" table and a field from it looks like this:
29/01/2003 17:00:00
It should be one among those that appear in the gridview when I select jan/03 in a given DropDownList control in ASP.NET.
What would be the best way to do this? Assuming I only want to go as long as 10 years to the past, wouldn't making a dictionary be a good way?
How do I change it so the top month is always the current, and each month another options appeaars in the dropdown ?
It should be a common issue, so that shall not be a trick, but I want a good and clean way of doing this, and (since I'm new to asp.net) I myself would come up with something messy after a long time trying.
So what I want is:
1) Select
2) Best way of populating DropDownList (with the current month always at the top)
3) Best way to bind the DropDownList user-friendly way of writing months to the select query-friendly way of writing datetimes
I have a requirement that I have to retrieve data base on month and year.I am using the below query
<pre lang="sql">SELECT SUM(areasft),DATEPART(year, sdate),DATEPART(month, sdate) FROM storedata GROUP BY DATEPART(year, sdate) ,DATEPART(month, sdate) ORDER BY DATEPART(year, sDate) ,DATEPART(month, sDate)</pre>
I have a table named RECIPE which is linked to an other table name RECIPE_STATUS
In RECIPE table I have a field named Status_Id which contains the name of the Status which is fetch from the RECIPE_STATUS table based on this ID.
The RECIPE table sample information are as follow :
ID Name Status_Id ==================== 1 Test1 0 2 Test2 1 3 Test3 2
The RECIPE_STATUS entries are as follow:
ID Name ======== 0 Locked 1 Running 2 Free
From an ASP.net page I would like that my user is capable of changing the RECIPE_STATUS from a given recipe. For that I have a DataGrid which is bind to the RECIPE table.
But then what I would like is that the STATUS shown to my user to be the name Locked,Running or free depedning on the Id
How can I bound in my Datagrid the Recipe.Status to be bind to RECIPE_STATUS.Id ?
IN addition to that, If my user change the status for a given recipe, it should be properly save.
I have a SQL Server table with a number of fields that are defined with the "Float" data type. I'm running a simple query to retrieve the data from this table and use it to populate a Data Table in my C#.net application.
I just discovered that the data type of the Data Table fields is Double, not Float as I expected. As such, when I store a value like 0.157 it ends up getting stored like this: 0.15700000524520874
I'm aware that such extra "noise" occurs when such a conversion occurs. My major question has to do with why .Net didn't set the Data Type to Float (ie. Single) when the table was first populated?
This must be something not very difficult but I am pretty new in C# and have a problem to resolve.
I have tree dropdownlist controls. One of the control values are dates. When client selects all three drop downs then I am passing values to SQL table. Everything works but one. Date value shows 1900-01-01 instead of selected value in SQL table. I am not passing date value correctly but can't figure out how to do it.
am getting the value of quan and quantity like below i have given... so i want to subtract these two and update it in item_quan field in c_item table. but quan and quantity getting from query giving correct value but its not getting updated in the query below given the bolded update query below...
da7 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT item_name, item_quan,item_cat FROM c_item WHERE (item_name = '" + fname + "') AND (item_cat = '1')", con);
my main intention is that, the exsisting table of sql server database(.dbo) with 1000's of records, that should be import to a new access database table(.mdb).for example if we want to had a new table in db2, of exsisting table in db1 with some conditions by using "select * into New_Tabel from (select * from Exsisting_Table where <Condition>) as objectName". Here the new table is created and records inserted in one execution in db2. The same work should be done for access(sqlserver db --> Access db).Here the new access database table with given name (as string_sysdate) must be created dynamically by clicking a button (multiples time creating new table).Is there any query or c# code for sql server database to access database.
I want to filter the table in my Listview (mvc2) using values from a dropdownlist shown at the top of the page. The values in the list are hard coded. Next to the dropdownlist I got a "Filter" button that calls the filter method on the controller / How can I pass the selected value from the list to the controller? for now I'm using a classic asp:dropdownlist
I have an Access 2010 DB that I have a table of RAW data in. In my scenero when table 'a' has been populated all the rows with the updatedate of Now() get moved to another table... the SQL is like this...
As you can see it is a very simple query but it does NOT return any rows. There are actually 404 rows with todays date in teh Append_Date column.
I've recently used the CreateUserWizard to add firstname, middlename and lastname to my aspnet_Profile table. I was wondering how I would go about placing these values in a dropdownlist (ddlEmployees) so that I may wind up with a list displaying these values concatenated, eg. Mary Anne Brant, Joseph Ezra Shultz etc. That's the firstname, middlename and lastname from the profiles table.
I am fairly new to ASP.Net and web programming in general and I am having issues trying to add values from a dropdown list in my gridview to another table.
Here is my scenario. I have 2 tables in my SQL Express DB. When editing the values of table2 in a gridview, I would like to show some data from table1 in a dropdown so users can select a value from table 1 and enter that value in table 2.
I have the Gridview setup to show table2 data.
I created a field template and inserted my dropdown list and linked it to my table1 data source.
When I run my web form, I can click to edit one of the fields in the gridview, and my dropdown list correctly displays the data from table 1, but when I try to update the table2 with the dropdown value, it doesn't correctly update. The row in table2 never updates.
posting the dropdown value from table 1 into the appropriate field in table2..
Again, I am new to this and have been following the tutorials etc on this site, but can't find one pertaining to this topic.
How to create Jobs, I am using SQL 2005, i need a query which should get current date and compare current date with date in table and Send Email according to Job scheduled.
I have a panel where I have set a background image. (This image can stretch with the style I have declared) In this panel I have put a table with 3 Columns The table has width="100%" to be as wide as the panel. Each column has a label.
What I am trying to do is that Column 2 & 3 will have a static width and the Column 1 will have a dynamically width that can change if the browser window is adjusting its width.The problem in the code below is that the Column 2 & 3 width is getting smaller if the browser windows width is getting as small as possible. I am trying to have the width static all the way but in when the browserwindow get a very small width the columns is getting small too.
Is it possible to set a minimum width to a <td> ?I have commented out the image to see more clear what happens. [Code]....
How to extract Month from Date and then displaying the date using that extracted month??
I want to display dates according to Month. I have only "Date" column in database table.
I used below queries but it is not working:
string query= "SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) AS Month FROM HolidayTable"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(query) int month = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); and string query2 = "select date from HolidayTable where date= '" + month + "' ";
I have a GridView control that has a SQLDataSource.
The GridView provides me with a list of musical artists (from the tblArtists)
In the Grid, I have a field, FKGenreID, that is a Foreign Key value for music Genres.
(An example of the data in that field would be "7", which upon lookup would mean Classical in the tblGenreList table.)
What I'd like to do is add a DropDownList control that looks up the tblGenreList table and populates the DropDownList with the ID and Description from the tblGenreList Lookup table.
Now the tricky part is that if the GridView field (FKGenreID) has a value, then I'd like the corresponding Genre Description to be displayed in the DropDownList
Alternately, if there is no value for FKGenreID in the GridView, then I'd like the DropDownList to show that nothing was selected, but have the list of Genres available.
Most importantly here, when the user makes a selection, I'd like the GenreID (from the DropDownList) to be entered into the FKGenreID field in the GridView field.
My thought is that a gridview record may or may not have a value in the FKGenreID field. Either way, the DropDownList is bound to that field. The DropDownList would display a list ofGenre Descriptions for the user to select from. Upon selection, the GenreID column of the DropDownList becomes the value in for the FKGenreID field in the GridView.
Is this possible?
In case it matters, I'm using ASP.NET 4, Visual Studio 2010, and coding in VB
i have a store procedure that load data in a table of SQL SERVER 2008 from an excel file.the issue is, that the excel file have a column of DATE type, and i want that the system interprets the format in it, no matter what comes in it.dd/MM/yyyy mm/dd/yyyyi have an argue about this with my parnerts, cause i think is imposible, if you don't have a format before the process runs.
In my report1.rdlc I have a table which use to fill with the dataset value. Some times the table in the dataset may have only 1 row some times 5,10 etc.How can I make the table in the report.rdlc such that at all times it should show minimum 5 rows ie if the dataset table contains only 1 row the report.rdlc table should contain 1 row with data and rest 4 rows blank
I have one asp.net application using Sql server as back end.. in sql server database i have one table which consist two fields.. ItemName and RateI have one notepad file which consist around 700 ItemName with Rate..
So how to get this ItemName and Rate in my Table...