AJAX :: Adjacent Combo Boxes Take Space According To Their Data On Google Chrome

Aug 28, 2010

I have a page where I want to keep several combo boxes adjacent to each other. I have put them in divs that are floated left.

This works fine in IE, Firefox. But when I render the same page on Chrome I observe the uneven gap between combo boxes. Upon analysis I found out that each combo box is occupying space based on the data inside it.

This happens because on Safari and Chrome, the option list control is placed differently as compared to that on IE and Firefox.

Please see the following code from ComboBox.pre.js (in AjaxControlToolkit source/Server/)


This is how it looks:

I have tried doing the following but none of them helped:

Changed the RenderMode of combo box to 'block' from 'inline'Commented the lines above in combobox.pre.js
Basically, as per my study, unlike IE and FF, on Chrome, the outer combo box div occupies space as the width of absolutely placed ul present inside it which anyways doesn't seem to be a correct implementation.

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<script type= "text/javascript" language="javascript">
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