AJAX :: Audio Control With Slider Extender?

Aug 10, 2010

I need to control volume of aspnet audio control using the slider extender in ajax. I have a listview in which every item click plays an mp3 file. Also at each click i assign the current value fron slider to the volume of audio control so that the volume is not reset each time the user clicks on an item. But the problem is that the slider extender does not increase the volume but only decreases it from the last value set.

The .aspx page

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Width="80" Visible="true"></asp:TextBox>

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" onchange="javascript:SetV(this.value);" Text="50"></asp:TextBox> [code]...

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Ajaxcontroltoolkit - Slider Extender Control In Ajax?

Feb 15, 2011

I am using Slider Extender for the very first time and i am not able to figure out why am i facing this problem, the problem is mentioned below :I kept the slider extender, Script Manager and 2 text boxes(one for TargetControl and one for BoundControl), i have given all required values (i.e. Maximum, minimum, steps etc.)
now the slider should load on page load. Although the slider is loading on page load but the Bar of the slider is coming out of position. The same thing when i did with Orientation as Horizontal it worked properly but for Vertical orientation it is giving the above problem.

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AJAX :: How To Slove The Hover Menu Extender With Slider Control

Aug 24, 2010

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How To Label AJAX Slider Extender

Sep 7, 2010

I'm using a slider extender to allow user to select a value from 1 to 7. It works perfectly, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to label the damn thing. I would like the slider to look something like these lovely examples from

RadControls: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/slider/examples/default/defaultcs.aspx

Here is the code for my slider: <table align="center">

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AJAX :: How To Center The Slider Extender

Jun 28, 2010

I have a series of sliders in a table. All of the contents of each cell are centered, except the sliders. No matter what I do, they stay left-aligned. You can see them here:

Here is the code for a typical cell:

<asp:Label ID="lblUse" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbUse" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false"></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:SliderExtender ID="sldrUse" runat="server"
Minimum="0" Maximum="100"

Here is the CSS:

text-align: center;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
width: 100%;

Has anyone had any luck in centering sliders?

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AJAX :: Exception Thrown When Trying To Read The Maximum Value Of A Slider Extender?

Jan 19, 2011

during runtime the exception:

Method not found: 'Int32 AjaxControlToolkit.SliderExtender.get_Maximum()'.

is thrown for the following code:

if (oldValue > flexSliderExtender.Maximum)
oldValue = flexSliderExtender.Maximum;

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AJAX :: MultiHandle Slider Extender Not Working With Master Page

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How to show two indicators instead of one indicator.....

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AJAX :: Looking For Slider Control?

Feb 16, 2010

Requirement: An AJAX slider control have two sliders on a single bar. So that max and min can be selected.

Reference: http://www.google.com/finance/stockscreener#c0=MarketCap&c1=PE&c2=DividendYield&c3=Price52WeekPercChange®ion=us§or=AllSectors&sort=&sortOrder=

- see the company distribution slider. Here there are two bars and moving it changes the bided control value as well.

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AJAX :: Slider Control - Change Max On Client Side?

Mar 24, 2011

I am dynamically changing a slider control's maximum value based on an onchange event on a different control.

This works successfully. The bar's maximum value has changed, however, my slider can now be moved off of the bar, past the maximum value.

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AJAX :: Slider Control Wraps Below The BoundTextBox But Want On The Same Line?

Apr 9, 2010

When I add the Slider Extender to the second of two textboxes in the same table cell, the slider wraps below the first textbox (which is the boundcontrol). The cell has alot of space available, so I don't understand the wrapping.If I don't use the slider control, both text boxes line up just ifne.I want the boundtextbox and the slider extender to be on the same line in the cell.


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AJAX :: Exception While Using Slider Control Multiple Times In A Page?

Jul 19, 2010

I am using slider extender in an user control. I am adding that user control 2 times in a page. At that it gives me an error saying "Two components with the same id 'Slider1' can't be added to the application."

I am using Latest Version of AjaxToolkit and VS 2008 with .NET FWK 3.5.

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AJAX :: Extender Control (CalendarExtender2) Is Not A Registered Extender Control

May 7, 2015

i have used your code to export <div> to pdf & it works fine but when i am using a ajax controls in a <div> tag then it gives me error message i.e :-

Extender control 'CalendarExtender2' is not a registered extender control. Extender controls must be registered using RegisterExtenderControl() before calling RegisterScriptDescriptors().Parameter name: extenderControl

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AJAX :: How To Control The Sequence Of Execution When Multiple AJAX Extender Is Added To A Control

Aug 5, 2010

I want to write a program to click a button to save a record. A confirmation window will show up before the record actually save to database. Once confirmed, it will show a modal popup.Here is the code:


The problem is, the Modal Popup shows up before the confirmation windows. Is there any way to control the execution sequence of AJAX controls?

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C# - Ajax Control Toolkit Modal Popup Extender Target Control Causes Postback

Jul 29, 2010

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<asp:Button id="LoginOpenButton" runat="server" Text="Login"/>

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<fieldset> [code]....

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Web Forms :: Play Audio From A Database Using Audio Or Flash Player

Mar 7, 2011

I am working on an ASP.NET Web application and I want it to have audio playback functionality. I can do is using directories. For example, using the ASP.NET Audio control like :- , is pretty easy and straight-forward and works accordingly. But, the trouble comes when I'm using a database and the control. I am totally new to data binding in ASP.NET. I don't like using JavaScript, but i am comfortable using it, but I would prefer C# solution (I know beggars can't be choosers).

I have a database containing only one table called tblAudio. This table has two fields only for the title of the audio file (type NVARCHAR(MAX)) and the field for the actual audio (type VAR BINARY(MAX)). I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Professional with SQL Server Express Edition. The table has a single record with the relevant data in their fields.

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AJAX :: How To Pop Up A Window Using Control Model Pop Up Extender Control

Mar 15, 2011

I have a doubt........on my page there is button called "Submit for Approval"( parts.aspx)

| when this is clicked a popup window should open called comments window

in that they can add comments and attachments after -------> once clicked "submit" button the popup closes and the comments entered in that popup window should be seen in read only in parts.aspx page [ there is a textbox in this page and comments should be displayed in the textbox for read-only format

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AJAX :: Using Resizable Control Extender As Splitter Control?

Nov 24, 2010

I have two div (or panels) one at the left and other at right with same height but different width. I want to know whether I can use AJAX resizable control extender can be used as a Splitter Container (or Splitter Control) just the way we use it in C# Winform.

I also need to maintain the Splitter distance on Postbacks.

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Which Method Alows The URL Of The Audio To Be Hidden When Others Embed The Audio ?

Dec 12, 2010

Adobe Flash or QuickTime..???

I assume Flash is not available via Ipads???

Which method alows the URL of the audio to be hidden when others embed the audio ?

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AJAX :: Add Extender In A Third Party Control?

Feb 1, 2010

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How to add Ajax extender in a third party control, such as autocomplete extender?

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AJAX :: Getting The Current Value Of A Slider?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a slider that is getting its initial value from a data table. I am trying to update the value upon textxhanged event. My means of accesing the data table is linq. The intitial value is correct and the update event works but the updated value is whatever the default for the textbox is. How do I get the value of the slider extender itself? Here is all related code:


As you can see I put in a value of 20 in the label.text and that is what gets updated to the db. if I leave both the textbox.text and the label.text empty the db gets update to an empty field. I have seen mention of a value attribute for the extender but have been unable to figure out how to use it.

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AJAX :: Web User Control And Modalpopup Extender?

Dec 16, 2010

I am quite new to asp.net. I would like to ask for some advice on how this scenario can be achieved. Here is the problem:

I have a 5 gridviews on my page. In each gridview, I have two important columns. They are SellerID and BuyerID. Because I already have too many gridviews on the page, I want to load a webuser control with a modalPopupExtender when either SellerID or BuyerID is clicked. That is to say if a user select a SellerID, the details information about that SellerID should be loaded with DetailView from the user control and if the buyerID is click, the details information about that buyer should be loaded with another detailview
from the user control as well.

My problem is I do not know how to get the Selected Value from the gridView since the DetailView is in the WebUserControl. One more thing, both SellerID and BuyerID are in the same GridView, so how can we distinguish when a user select a SellerID or vice versa.

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AJAX :: Modalpopup Extender As User Control?

Jan 11, 2011

i made user control which represnt a modal pop up

this is my user control


i want to user this modal popup at many page as user control but i cant treat with show() method of modalpopup

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