AJAX :: Calling Non-static Methods From A Static Method?
Jun 30, 2010
I did some research after posting. All I found was simple examples for no-layer architectures, like connecting to a database from your aspx page, so, in a corporate environment, it is unnaceptable.
I need to call a server-side method (using ASP.NET Ajax) in a 3-layer architecture.
For example, my Default.aspx contains a method LoadProducts().
This cannot change. There is no way to convert Business and Data layers to static.
How can I call the LoadProducts() method using ASP.NET Ajax?
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Feb 16, 2010
I have a number of pages which need to support exporting data to an Excel spreadsheet. I can generate the Excel files just fine, but I'm trying to work out how to abstract this behavior so it's easily reusable from all of the pages where I need it. My current idea is to use a static utility method, as follows:
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protected void lnkExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<List<string>> dataList = GatherDataForSpreadsheet();
Utility.SendExcelFile(this, "fileNameForDownload.xlsx", dataList, "MyReports");
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EDIT: If I remove the call to File.Delete() at the end, the method works as expected. Does Response.TransmitFile() do the transfer asynchronously?
EDIT 2: I just needed to call Response.Flush() before I deleted the file.
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Mar 26, 2011
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public static string ClientId = "";
static void OnClientConnected(string clientId, ref Dictionary<string, object> list)
list.Add("a", "b");
// I want the ClientId to be locked here, so that it can not be accessed by other requests coming to the server and wait for ClientId to be released:-
BaseController.clientId = clientId;
public ActionResult Handler()
if (something)
// use the static ClientId here
// Release the ClientId here, so it can now be used by other web requests coming to the server.
return View();
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Oct 28, 2010
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[CustomControl1 - folder]
- CustomControl1.ascx
- CustomControl1.css
- CustomControl1.js
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where AddLinks method adds HtmlLink controls to Page.Header with href attribute set to coresponding css and/or js file.
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Aug 16, 2010
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public static class PageExtensions
public static int GetUserId(this Page targetPage)
var user = Membership.GetUser(targetPage.User.Identity.Name);
return (int)user.ProviderUserKey;
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public static int GetUserId()
return (int)Membership.GetUser(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey;
and I call it as follows in my WebMethod: PageExtensions.GetUserId()
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Nov 18, 2010
Actually I have done all my Biz(business layer) and DAL CRUD Opprations using static methodes
and I just send my error messages to my log table a sample of biz layer
public static bool Delete(Guid LogGroupID)
using (DAL.ChroXEntities db = new ChroX.DAL.ChroXEntities())
var q = (from lg in db.LogGroupSet
so what should i do to propagate an user friendly error to my users?
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public static int Age
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Session["id"]= 100;
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Mar 8, 2010
Im faced with an impending upgrade to an ASP.NET site and I am thinking of introducing DI using Unity. I have researched the ASP.NET DI side of things and have 2 options (Global.asax or IHttpModule). Im happy to use either. As always, there is a legacy object model in place that I would like to upgrade/change. I would like to go down the route of Constructor injection (passing in the DAO) however, each object has a mix of static and instance methods that both currently call into the DB using SqlCommand objects themselves. I want this removed to provide DB independence, therefore can anyone suggest the best way to do the DI in this case? Im open to drastic changes if they are needed.
public class ExampleClass
public ExampleClass(int test)
TestProperty = test;
public int TestProperty {get; set;}
public int Save()
// Call DB and Save
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Aug 20, 2010
I get this error: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
<WebMethod()> _
Public Shared Function ParseData() As String
Dim value as string = GetValue()
End Function
Private Function GetValue() as String
Return "halp"
End Function
End Class
I know it has something to do with the fact that the first function is shared and the second function should probably be Public as well but I don't fully understand the reason behind it. Probably not relevant but I'm calling the web method from some javascript.
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Jan 27, 2011
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Feb 5, 2010
I have the following static function in c#
public static string Greet(string name)
string greeting = "welcome ";
// is it possible to pass this value to a label outside this static method?
string concat = string.Concat(greeting, name);
Label1.text = concat;
//I want to return only the name
return name;
As you can see in the comments, I want to retain only the name as the return value, however I want to be able to take out the value of the concat variable to asign it to a label, but when i try the compiler refuses, can it be done? Is there a work around?
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Mar 5, 2011
whats the exact use of static variables in overall programming in .net and for asp.net...
Recently i went for the interview where interviewer asked me 2 question which i was not sure for the same..
whats the use of session object, i said sessions are the server side object, they are used when you want to store user specific data at server side, then he asked what if i want to use static variables for the same, i was mum, can anyone tell me how asp.net will behave if i store the user specific information in static variables.If i use cookies which are the best option to store the data at client side (not sensitive one), but what if user has disabled cookies on his machine, will my application would crash.
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Sep 1, 2010
I want to access my gridview in the static method? I am doing async call from javascript, I need code for this,
public static void bindGrid(string userinfoId, int row)
GridView gv;
gv = (GridView)gvParent.Rows[row - 1].FindControl("gvChild");
gv.DataSource = GetProfileData(userinfoId);
i want to access grid view,gridview is not static. I want to know, Is their any possiblity for using gridview in static method.? Yes or No.
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Mar 4, 2010
I have a base class with several derived classes. I want all of my derived classes to have the same Public Shared (static) method with their own implementation. How do I do this?
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Jun 10, 2010
I have just asked which one is better?Static Vs Non-Static? [URL]I would like to take this discussion one step ahead.Consider If i pass reference of Panel control as parameter to Public static method, will static method still rules in performance?
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