Web Forms :: How To Access Session In Static Methods

Sep 15, 2010

I write a simple static method in my web page. How can i access session["id"] into method? I dont have access.For example:

public static void myFunc()
Session["id"]= 100;

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Web Forms :: How To Access The Page Controls In Static Methods

Oct 4, 2010

How to access the page controls in Static methods.

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C# - Is It Safe To Access .net Session Variables Through Static Properties Of A Static Object

May 10, 2010

Is it safe to access asp.net session variables through static properties of a static object?Here is what I mean:

public static class SessionHelper
public static int Age

Is it possible that userA could access userB's session data this way?

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C# - Making Cache Access Methods Static?

Nov 12, 2010

In ASP.NET, is there any reason not to make a set of functions that Add/Remove/Get from the Cache object Static?Get() - just gets the item, no reason not to be staticAdd(), Remove() - I've read that adding/deleting into the cache has it's own internal locking mechanism, so they can be static without me creating my own lock(){} wrapping.

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Architecture :: Use STATIC Methods In Data Access Layer?

Feb 4, 2011

I am developing a web application, which has Data Access Layer and this layer has only one class, in which all methods are static methods like static Insert, static Update, static Search. It has no properties. I am using these methods in my Bussiness Logic class for my users who are visiting my website.Now my question is : 1. Is it right to use static methods in this scenario ?2. What will happen if 10 users call Insert method at the same time ?

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Architecture :: Impact Of Using Static Methods In Business Access Layer In 3 Tier Applciation?

Aug 25, 2010

is there any impact of using static methods in Business Access layer in 3 tier applciation,

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Using Extension Methods In Static Methods On Extended Classes?

Aug 16, 2010

I have an extension method as follows:

public static class PageExtensions
public static int GetUserId(this Page targetPage)
var user = Membership.GetUser(targetPage.User.Identity.Name);
return (int)user.ProviderUserKey;

Now in a page I need to use this method in a static WebMethod, so I have added another 'extension method' to PageExtensions:

public static int GetUserId()
return (int)Membership.GetUser(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey;

and I call it as follows in my WebMethod: PageExtensions.GetUserId()

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AJAX :: Calling Non-static Methods From A Static Method?

Jun 30, 2010

I did some research after posting. All I found was simple examples for no-layer architectures, like connecting to a database from your aspx page, so, in a corporate environment, it is unnaceptable.

I need to call a server-side method (using ASP.NET Ajax) in a 3-layer architecture.

For example, my Default.aspx contains a method LoadProducts().



This cannot change. There is no way to convert Business and Data layers to static.

How can I call the LoadProducts() method using ASP.NET Ajax?

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Web Forms :: Difference Between Singleton Design Pattern And Static Methods

May 7, 2015

In one of the interview, I was asked why should we have to go for Single Design pattern, instead of just creating static methods. Because creating static methods also serve the same purpose, i.;e avoiding flooding of objects.

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C# - Static Methods For Biz Layer?

Nov 18, 2010

Actually I have done all my Biz(business layer) and DAL CRUD Opprations using static methodes
and I just send my error messages to my log table a sample of biz layer

public static bool Delete(Guid LogGroupID)
using (DAL.ChroXEntities db = new ChroX.DAL.ChroXEntities())
var q = (from lg in db.LogGroupSet


so what should i do to propagate an user friendly error to my users?

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C# - Best Way To Integrate Dependency Injection Using Unity When Static Methods Are Used?

Mar 8, 2010

Im faced with an impending upgrade to an ASP.NET site and I am thinking of introducing DI using Unity. I have researched the ASP.NET DI side of things and have 2 options (Global.asax or IHttpModule). Im happy to use either. As always, there is a legacy object model in place that I would like to upgrade/change. I would like to go down the route of Constructor injection (passing in the DAO) however, each object has a mix of static and instance methods that both currently call into the DB using SqlCommand objects themselves. I want this removed to provide DB independence, therefore can anyone suggest the best way to do the DI in this case? Im open to drastic changes if they are needed.

public class ExampleClass
public ExampleClass(int test)
TestProperty = test;
public int TestProperty {get; set;}
public int Save()
// Call DB and Save


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Does Static Reference To HttpContext.Current.Session Return Same Session For All Users

Feb 4, 2011

Is there room for issue in the following code in terms of multiple users of the same web application? I mean, I know that a purely static string will be shared across all sessions for a single ASP.NET application, but since this explicitly refers to the Current.Session, even though it is static it seems like it would always refer to the session instance of the "current user." But an error is happening that could be explained by everyone sharing the current value of Mode and thus the most recent change overwriting everyone else's mode value. (As a background: This string is in a Helpers class that is used throughout the application. I do not want to make references to Session["Mode"] throughout the application and do not want to have to pass Session["Mode"] in every method call from an aspx.cs page.)

public static string Mode
var value = HttpContext.Current.Session["Mode"];
return (value ?? string.Empty).ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Session["Mode"] = value;

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Alternative For Static Method In Interface - Enforce Implementing Class-level Methods

Oct 28, 2010

I have a hierarchy in my website project as below:

[CustomControl1 - folder]
- CustomControl1.ascx
- CustomControl1.css
- CustomControl1.js

I load css and js files dynamicaly based on which controls are used on particular page. I am doing it by using following code:


where AddLinks method adds HtmlLink controls to Page.Header with href attribute set to coresponding css and/or js file.

I would like to add Interface that would force new controls to have AddLinks method but it is impossible since it is a static method. Because my custom controls inherit from Control class I cannot use abstract class and/or virtual methods either. How can I achieve my goal?

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Web Forms :: Store Value Without Session - Static

Jan 21, 2010

I am currently working on asp.net 3.5 with C#. In our application Link buttons are used in Grid to redirect page. means when user click on link from Home Page it will redirect to Job details and when user click on Job details link grid it will redirect to VehicleDetail page. My problem is how to store value on jobDetails page from which page user came. without using Session , Static variable when page is redirect.

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Web Forms :: Cannot Access Public Methods On MasterPage

Sep 9, 2010

I have a a public method in my code behind on the site.master page


I wish to call applyUserRole() from Default.aspx

On Default.aspx I have ..



Master. the method is not appearing. I've seen other post where people are having this issue but I can't find an answer.

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Web Forms :: Access Value Of QueryString Value In Static WebMethod?

Feb 25, 2016

my Requirement is: when user clicks on search button ,i need to call a ajax post method from client side and have to access the request.querystring(to get some info of logged customer) in static web method?

Tried things:

1.unable to access the request.querystring in static web method

2.saving the request.qerystring data into viewstate/hidden filed,but unable to access non static fileds in static method?

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Web Forms :: Access Value Of HiddenField In Static WebMethod

Sep 20, 2015

I am developing a application in which I return the value a it will fine it give me value during debug when I put cursor on .value it give me HiddenField1.Value 140 value but how I get this value into jquery  code I will try a code but every time give me empty value means this value can’t assign to grid view following my whole code

var HiddenField1 = a;////////////////////////C# code where give me value of a
HiddenField1.Value = a.ToString();

My hidden field and Function to access the hidden field value

<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField1" runat="server" value="" />
Method to access the hidden field value in Jquery code.
var HiddenFieldcheck= $('#HiddenField1').val();

but every time it give a empty value how I solve it ...

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AJAX :: Forms Authentication To Prevent Methods Access

Nov 24, 2010

I am building a sort of administration control panel which is basically just giving the end user the ability to manage the database through my app rather than knowing Management Studio. Creating lists of users, creating events that the users can attend etc, nothing too complex. So I am basically building the whole thing using JQuery AJAX with ASP.Net to make the DB connection and what not. My Jquery code just calls a different static method in my pages code behind for each different task, passing JSON back and forth.

From what I've seen results-wise so far, my interfaces are much quicker (almost instant) and even tasks on the server take less time to return through JQuery. But if you looked at my javascript code, you can see the "Page.aspxMyMethod". That means that people can access my methods just by sending a request from anywhere? Will forms authentication prevent this because it goes through an aspx page or what?

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C# - Static Methods Updating A Dictionary<T,U> Is It Safe To Lock() On The Dictionary Itself

Dec 23, 2010

I have a class that maintains a static dictionary of cached lookup results from my domain controller - users' given names and e-mails.My code looks something like:

private static Dictionary<string, string> emailCache = new Dictionary<string, string>();
protected string GetUserEmail(string accountName)
if (emailCache.ContainsKey(accountName))
lock(/* something */)
if (emailCache.ContainsKey(accountName))

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Architecture :: Using Static Methods To Build User Objects And Various Other Objects?

Jun 21, 2010

firstly a static class only ever exists once and is not an instance. Any static members (ie static int NoOfPeople;) is stored in one place and is shared between all sessions (like the old global variables).
Now static methods is where i'm not 100% sure. If I have a static method that doesn't use any other static members could this cause inconstant results, example (this is a fairly pointless method but just a quick example of the top of my head)


So in this example if two sessions (or threads) were to call this at the same time - would they both get back the expected results, because the method only uses private data (a, b and totalToReturn).Im sure this sounds a little simple but I will be using static methods to build user objects and various other objects that there will have to be a 100% garentee that the objects will not get mixed up between sessions and the wrong things return to the user.

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Web Forms :: Access Control On A Page From A Static Method?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a static method and need to get the Textbox text in it. But I get "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Members_ETC_Tab5.TextBox1' " when I use TextBox1.text in the static method so I modified my Method as below


but I see that txtBegin is null. How can this be fxed?

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Passing Session[] And Request[] To Methods In C#?

Apr 13, 2010

In C#, How do you pass the Session[] and Request[] objects to a method?I would like to use a method to parse out Session and Request paramaters for a .aspx page to reduce the size of my Page_Load method. I am passing quite a few variables, and need to support both POSTand GET methods. For most calls, not all variables are present, so I have to test every variable multiple ways, and the code gets long...This is what I am trying to do, but I can't seem to properly identify the Session and Request paramaters (this code will not compile, because the arrays are indexed by number)

static string getParam(
System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState[] Session,
System.Web.HttpRequest[] Request,
string id)


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Java - Methods To Set A Session Token By Url?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm writing up a security document and it would be great if programmers in other languages than PHP could chime in on (perhaps the default) way sessions are passed by URL in their language's default session handler.

eg. PHPSESSION=token in PHP

Oh, and if yes does it also use cookies?

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AJAX :: Page Methods Starting New Session?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET page methods to check for the updates. I'm using inproc sessions and windows authentication in IIS 6. When page is loaded, a session is started. But sometimes when the page method is called it starts a new session(created with current request return true also). Why that might happen ?

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State Management :: Creating A Static Variable And Adding To Session?

Oct 29, 2010

I am creating a static variable and adding to session.This variable has value that is user specific. Now I am getting a problem with this users are complaining that they are getting values that should be another users. It's like a mix up with session. Could this be because of static variable declaration?

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