C# - Is It Safe To Access .net Session Variables Through Static Properties Of A Static Object

May 10, 2010

Is it safe to access asp.net session variables through static properties of a static object?Here is what I mean:

public static class SessionHelper
public static int Age

Is it possible that userA could access userB's session data this way?

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Working With Static Variables / Store The User Specific Information In Static Variables?

Mar 5, 2011

whats the exact use of static variables in overall programming in .net and for asp.net...

Recently i went for the interview where interviewer asked me 2 question which i was not sure for the same..

whats the use of session object, i said sessions are the server side object, they are used when you want to store user specific data at server side, then he asked what if i want to use static variables for the same, i was mum, can anyone tell me how asp.net will behave if i store the user specific information in static variables.If i use cookies which are the best option to store the data at client side (not sensitive one), but what if user has disabled cookies on his machine, will my application would crash.

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Access Static Class Properties From Aspx Page?

Jan 28, 2010

I am on .aspx page and i want to take the width and height of a control from a static class
where i have defined them as constans.

Is there any way to access that class directly from the aspx page?

I know that i can make a method like:

width="<%= getWidthSize() %>"

and inside the aspx.cs to define this method to take the size from that static class.

But i am asking if this could be directly managed from the web aspx page...?

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Web Forms :: How To Access Session In Static Methods

Sep 15, 2010

I write a simple static method in my web page. How can i access session["id"] into method? I dont have access.For example:

public static void myFunc()
Session["id"]= 100;

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C# Thread Safe Static Read Only Field?

Mar 2, 2010

I have the following code in my ASP.NET project

public sealed class IoC
private static readonly IDependencyResolver resolver =
Service.Get("IDependencyResolver") as IDependencyResolver;
static IoC()
private IoC()


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C# - Creating Instances Of A Class Inside A Static PageMethod Thread Safe?

Dec 14, 2010

I am using jQuery to call PageMethods. For certain operations, the current user credentials must be validated and for other operations, I need to call other static methods. Here is some sample code:

Sample #1

public static void PostComment(string comment)
UserAuth auth = new UserAuth();
if (auth.isAuthenticated)
//Post comment here...

Sample #2

public static string GetComment(int commentId)
commentDto comment = //get comment data from the database...
string friendlyDate = ConvertFriendlyDate(comment.commentDate);
return friendlyDate + " " + comment.text;
public static string ConvertFriendlyDate(DateTime commentDate)
string friendlyDate = //call static utility method to convert date to friendly format
return friendlyDate;

Will I be safe using these kinds of operations? Am I better to drop page methods and just call a separate ASPX page for my AJAX requests?

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How To Use Of Static Variables

Mar 9, 2010

I know what they are and how they are used but i am not sure about their feasibility. Their use is always advised to be avoided. can some one explain me when they should be used and when not?

Aif i have a choice between static veriable and session for just storing an integer which one of these should i prefer??

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C# - Static Variables In WCF?

Feb 13, 2011

I have some WCF services. These services run in ASP.NET. I want these services to be able to access a static variable. My problem is, I'm not sure where the appropriate server level storage mechanism is. I don't want to use the database because of speed. But, I want the static variables to stay in memory as long as possible. In fact, I'd like it to stay until I restart my server if it all possible.

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Web Forms :: Static Variables Throughout Application

Oct 6, 2010

i am developing a website in asp.net i have created a class "Utility" in App_Code Folder this class contains a static object of another class(LoginInfo) as described below:


This LoginInfo Class is my business object which only contains 2 properties UserID and UserName
Now what i am doing on my login page, after user authentication i am setting these properties with current logged in UserId and UserName


I am using this CurrentUser object on my webpage to get userid and username. It works fine, but after few minutes my CurrentUser.UserID and CurrentUser.UserName is set to blank string. I am not able to figure out what is the problem. may be due to asp.net recycles.

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Static Variables In IIS-hosted Web Applications?

Jun 27, 2010

If I declare a static field in a type instantiated within an ASP.NET application, hosted within IIS, is the same variable (i.e. same memory location) used by all of the worker threads used by IIS, opening up concurrency issues?

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C# - How To Lock A Private Static Field Of A Class In One Static Method

Mar 26, 2011

I have a private static field in my Controller class in an MVC web application.

I have a static method in that controller that assigns some value to that static field, I want to apply lock on that static field until some other instance method in the controller uses the value stored in the static field and then releases it.


I have a controller named BaseController having a static ClientId field as follows and two methods as follows:-

public static string ClientId = "";
static void OnClientConnected(string clientId, ref Dictionary<string, object> list)
list.Add("a", "b");
// I want the ClientId to be locked here, so that it can not be accessed by other requests coming to the server and wait for ClientId to be released:-
BaseController.clientId = clientId;
public ActionResult Handler()
if (something)
// use the static ClientId here
// Release the ClientId here, so it can now be used by other web requests coming to the server.
return View();

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Where The Static Variables Are Stored In Aspx Page

Apr 4, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Where are static variables stored in asp.net aspx page Hi can someone please tell me where the static variables are stored in asp.net aspx page.Is it in the view state? If so I guess you wouldn't want to stored big complex objects?

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Optional Variables In Public Static Void?

Jun 22, 2010

Let's say I have the following;

public static void TryOut(int intOne, int intTwo, string strone, string strtwo){....}

And after I created dll, I will use it like that;

TryOut(1,3,"bla bla bla", "bla bla bla");
But I want the last variable to be optional. I mean this method could be used like that;
TryOut(1,3,"bla bla bla", "bla bla bla");
And Also like that
TryOut(1,3,"bla bla bla");

I know it is possibel but how I could do that I have no idea !

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C# - Will Static Public Variables In App Get Shared With Other Users In The Same App

Nov 11, 2010

For reasons I would rather not discuss, I need to create a custom authentication system for my app. I was just reviewing the system and am having some doubts if my solution is thread safe. My goal was to create a solution that would allow my app to authenticate a user one time and that users authentication info would be shared by all master pages, pages, classes, user controls, etc that are used. (But not share the same info between users) Here is my setup: PageHttpModule.cs - this is added to the web.config as a httpModule.

public class PageHttpModule : IHttpModule
public void Init(HttpApplication app)
app.AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(OnAuthenticateRequest);
public void OnAuthenticateRequest(Object s, EventArgs e)
public void Dispose() { }
public static class CurrentUser
public static bool IsAuthenticated { get; private set; }
public static string Email {get; set;}
public static string RealName {get; set;
public static string UserId {get; set;}
public static void Initialize()
Note: this is a scaled down version of my authentication code.
public static void AuthenticateUser()
UserAuthentication user = new UserAuthentication();
if (user.IsAuthenticated)
CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated = true;
CurrentUser.UserId = user.UserId;
CurrentUser.Email = user.Email;
CurrentUser.RealName = user.RealName;
public class UserAuthentication
public string Email { get; set; }
public string RealName { get; set; }
public string UserId { get; set; }
public bool IsAuthenticated { get; private set; }
public UserAuthentication()
IsAuthenticated = false;
Email = String.Empty;
RealName = String.Empty;
UserId = String.Empty;
public void AuthenticateUser()
//do some logic here.. if the user is ok then
IsAuthenticated = true
Email = address from db
UserId = userid from db;
Realname = name from db;

I have tested between 3 different browsers and it seems to work fine, but I am still learning and don't want to make a huge mistake. If my logic is totally wrong, then how should I do it so I dont have to put user lookups on every page directly?

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Static Variables To Be Accessed Across Multiple Instances

Feb 17, 2010

is there any way to stop share the static variable at multiple users....I need to create a new insatnce of static variables or not accessing the same static variables across multiple who are using the same site.....while googling i found like hisSystem.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref MyClass.InstanceCounter); by using can I do....or is there any other way to stop accessing the static variables accross multiple instances of my site......and in my scenario i cannot use rely on session variable also

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Static Properties Work In C# Environment?

Oct 26, 2010

If I had a class with a static property that is set when a user loads a particular page, is that static value unique to that users session?

In other words, if a second user then loads the page and sets the static property, will each user have a distinct value, or will both use the second users value?

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AJAX :: Calling Non-static Methods From A Static Method?

Jun 30, 2010

I did some research after posting. All I found was simple examples for no-layer architectures, like connecting to a database from your aspx page, so, in a corporate environment, it is unnaceptable.

I need to call a server-side method (using ASP.NET Ajax) in a 3-layer architecture.

For example, my Default.aspx contains a method LoadProducts().



This cannot change. There is no way to convert Business and Data layers to static.

How can I call the LoadProducts() method using ASP.NET Ajax?

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C# - Accessing Inherited Properties Through A Static Class?

Nov 12, 2010

Currently, I am accessing the property by creating a static method like the one below.

public static class CartCollection : List<Cart>
public static void Add(Cart Cart)


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C# - Static Methods Updating A Dictionary<T,U> Is It Safe To Lock() On The Dictionary Itself

Dec 23, 2010

I have a class that maintains a static dictionary of cached lookup results from my domain controller - users' given names and e-mails.My code looks something like:

private static Dictionary<string, string> emailCache = new Dictionary<string, string>();
protected string GetUserEmail(string accountName)
if (emailCache.ContainsKey(accountName))
lock(/* something */)
if (emailCache.ContainsKey(accountName))

View 6 Replies

C# - Is It Safe To Use Server.Transfer() To Transfer A Request To A Static Image (.jpg - .png)?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a class which implements IHttpHandler that is designed to handle image resize requests. It handles Urls like so [URL] Currently the handler looks for myimg.jpg on disk, cuts a 100x100 thumbnail (if it isn't already present) and redirects the client to the thumbnail like so Response.RedirectPermanent("/some/virtualPath/to/thumbnail.jpg");

This has been working great, but I would like to avoid forcing the client to issue a second HTTP request. Is it safe to do the following? Server.Transfer("/some/virtualPath/to/thumbnail.jpg") All the MSDN documentation talks about using Server.Transfer() to redirect to an aspx page, so I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do or not.

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DataSource Controls :: Static Variables Vs Linq2sql DataClassesDataContext Objects

May 6, 2010

im developing a silverlight project using silverlight 3, vs2008 and linq2sql. when projects starts, im storing all the data from database into some static list variables. so when ever i need data, im reading it from those static list variables. all i want to know is, is it good to store data in static list variables and use it when ever necessary or is it good to get data directly from DataClassesDataContext object like db.mytable. which is the rite and fastest way or retrieving data. i mean which will use less connections to database?

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Where Are Static Variables Stored In Aspx Page / Is It In The View State

Apr 4, 2011

where the static variables are stored in asp.net aspx page.Is it in the view state? If so I guess you wouldn't want to stored big complex objects?

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Accessing Static Variables From Global.asax In Aspx.cs Pages?

Feb 13, 2011

i declared a static variable in global.asax file like below

<%@ Application Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server">
static string Sv;
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup

i want to access this variable in aspx page. how can i access this variable.

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Architecture :: Finding Pros And Cons Of Static Classes And Variables (particularly A Db Connection)

Jan 11, 2010

So I started working on my first asp.net application that involves logging in and databases, and soon after i started messing around with a static class. I "discovered" that if you make a variable static, all sessions share that variable (I for some reason was originally assuming that each session had its own copy of that "static" class). Anyway, after discovering this I thought to myself "how could this possibly be useful to me" and thought that itmight be a good idea to make a single static database connection for all of the sessions, rather than storing that as a session variable for each session. Does anybody know what would be the pros and cons of this approach?

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Entity Framework - Is Using Public Static Variables For Compiled Queries Bad In Applications?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm coding a business layer for an ASP.NET application. I've created database methods in my BLL as static. I've created public static Func variables to be compiled and used in several different methods, like this:

namespace BLL
public class User
public static Func<Context, variable, result> selectUser;
private static void CompileQuery()
if(selectUser == null)
selectUser = CompiledQuery.Compile......
public static UserClass Select(int id)
//uses selectUser
public static SomethingElse DoSomethingElse()
//also uses selectUser

It'll be used in ASP.NET layer like this: using BLL;

private void AddUser()
UserClass user = User.Select(id);

My question is, since static variables are not thread-safe, is this a bad design decision? I'm thinking of either implementing a locking mechanism, which makes me think if it'd slow down the application, or using instantiated class approach which makes me wonder if query compiling would be beneficial.

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