AJAX :: Combo Box In DropDownStyle Allow To Paste Text?
Mar 10, 2011
I have an Ajax Toolkit combo box in DropDownStyle Mode. The DropDownStyle should prevent the user from entering values that are not in the list of items of the combo box. The problem is, if the user paste some text (right-click --> past OR ctr + V) in the combo box, it will work, event if the pasted text is not the list of items. Is there a way I can prevent this?
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Nov 13, 2010
I have a .net 3.5 web form with an ajax combo box and a text box inside it. The bombo box is bound to a SqlDataSource.
My requirement is to show/hide the text box depending on the text of the selected item in the combo box. If a particular string, say 'xyz', appears in the text of the selected item, the I will make the text box invisible. I enabled the AutoPostback, made the text box disappear in the SelectedIndexChanged event, and everything worked fine.
However, when users enter their own texts (which are not in the list items), I am unable to show / hide the text box. I've tried the TextChanged event but nothing happens. It seems the event is not trigger after I enter a new text and locate the focus to other place.
is there a way to prevent the user ented text from being inserted into the bombo box?
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Oct 12, 2010
Can I provide a Combobox that will EITHER let a user type in a value OR let them select from the dropdown? I am trying to create a scenario where a user can attach a value to an object they are editing. When attaching that value, I want them to be able to type in a completely new value or, select from a list of already-existing values.
When I create the combo box, I add a list item that has text like "Type a value or pick from the list"...this has an index of 0. Then I append the databound values to the list.
A combo box seems like the perfect solution since it combines a text box with a drop down list but, I can not figure out how to retrieve the text that has been typed into the combobox once the form is submitted. cmbMyComboBox.text seems to be the obvious way to do it but, that returns an empty string. If I try to get the SelectedItem.Text then, I get "Type a value or pick from the list" instead of whatever text I typed into the combobox, once it was displayed.
Am I trying to do something that the ComboBox is not meant to do? How can I accomplish this?
I have decided to abandon trying to use the combo box. I am trying to use a dropdown menu in one column, and text boxes in all the others. But, I am having a strange problem with that as well. I will post those problems in the appropriate forum. I marked this post as "No Status" because I didn't see any way to delete it.
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Mar 21, 2011
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Obout_theo gave the code below, which made the normal ctrl + V paste in plain text the whole time. Which is perfect for my need.
BUT, most users use paste from the context menu and this pastes in word format. Does anyone know the answer to this problem?
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Jun 21, 2013
I specified DropDownStyle = "DropDownList", so that users are not allowed to enter text that does not correspond to an item in the list.but my problem is that I can not typed text in the combobox even if I type the text that corresponds to an element of the list of combobox!!
<asp:ComboBox ID="Cmb_unitte_filtre" runat="server"
DropDownStyle="DropDownList" MaxLength="0" AutoPostBack="False" ></asp:ComboBox>
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How can I do it.
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<select name="Dr_Person" id="Dr_Person" class="required"><option value="1013">1013 PRAVEEN</option><option value="1043">1043 NKULSHRESTH</option><option value="1101">1101 N.K.KULSHRESTHA</option><option value="1002">1002 RAJIV</option>
<option value="1110">1110 SK SHARMA</option><option value="1050">1050 PIYUSH</option><option value="1044">1044 ARUN</option></select >
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Oct 29, 2010
i have 2 combobox A & B.. the values in B is populated according to selected value in A,, my code works fine when i click combo A and select a item,, the values according to it get populated on combo B. i have written it on the change event...
But when i use tab to navigate and select the items in combo A and change on pressing keyboard down key...the items in combo B is not getting populated with new values.. existing values does not get changed,,, ie change event is not getting fired... how can i manage it in down/up key in keyboard when using tab,,,,
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Dec 3, 2010
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I have a sample Microsoft Word document which has several paragraphs.
When I click the button "Paste from MS Word (with cleanup)" on the Editor, <br/> is inserted as the HTML instead of <p></p> i.e. HTML paragraphs.
I would like the MS Word paragraphs to retain their meaning and have a <p> instead of <br />.
(By the way, they are kept if I do a standard Paste, but then a lot of other obscure characters are inserted into the HTML)
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Oct 11, 2010
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Feb 23, 2011
I want masked ComboBox, so I use a MaskedEditExtenderwith a ComboBox. The two controls came from the ajax control toolkit. But I got an error: "Unable to cast object of type 'AjaxControlToolkit.ComboBox' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'". Is there a way a can use a MaskedEditExtender with a combo box?
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Jan 28, 2011
When copying and pasting from a formatted Micorsoft document, the editor drops many spaces.
If I use the "Paste from MS Word (with cleanup)" feature, the document loses its formatting.
If I don't use it, many spaces get lost and the words around them get concatenated. I just downloaded the last release of the toolkit and the problem still persists.
Users are using Firefox and Chrome with the same result.
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Sep 4, 2010
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Jan 24, 2011
have a filter on the page and i am using 5 combo boxes. The data in the combo box is getting filled properly. However when i select the drop down of combo box and select any item from the list. I get this error.."Invalid Argument"and the debugger points to style.width = bestWidth + 'px'i tried searching everywhere but no common errors.
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