AJAX :: ComboBox Results In ModalPopup Display Offset From Box?

Aug 17, 2010

My ComboBox is now rendering its button and results list on top of the ModalPopup panel

[URL] However, the results are showing up completely separate from the textbox. This is bacially the same problem described at [URL] However, forcing the position of the list did nothing and I'm already using the very latest (release) build of the toolkit (so alaa9jo's post about it being fixed in the November 2009 build isn't true for my instance).

I need the combobox functionality for my form.

why the scrollbars in comboboxes choose to show sometimes and not other? My main combobox is missing them, but the combobox reference above has them. Both use the same CSS settings and databindings; the only difference is that the one with scrollbars is inside the ModalPopup.

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I have placed an AJAX Control Toolkit (version 3.0.30512.1) HTMLEditor inside a ModalPopup. Everything works fine except when you click the 'Insert/Edit URL Link' button. The resulting 'add a link' popup moves to the extreme bottom right of the ModalPopup - and drastically shifts the HTML Editor. This happens in Firefox, IE8 and Chrome so far. A screenshot to illustrate this is shown at the bottom of this message.

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AJAX :: Display ModalPopupExtender ModalPopup After Records Saved (form Submitted)

Sep 20, 2015

I have a submit button that saves record successfully.

The problem i have with it is that it can only show ModalPopupExtender after the first save(first click of the submit button).On the second click of the submit button it doesn't show ModalPopupExtender even though record is saved.How do i go about it.

Here is my markup:

<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upMain" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers ="true" >
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbtn" runat="server" >LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>


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Ajax Combobox Doesn't Display Correctly When Inserted Inside A Tab Control

Apr 29, 2010

I have a display problem when I try to use a ajax combobox inside a tab control: when my tab control loads on the page where the combobox is, everything works fine; however, if it loads on a another page, the you change to the page which contains the combobox, the right button (which opens the list of the combobox) isn't displayed at all.

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit ComboBox SelectedValue / Does The Combobox Has As A Disadvantage That The Text Has To Be Unique

Apr 28, 2010

I have the following items bound to my combobox:

Value: 1, Text: SNS
Value: 2, Text: ING
Value: 3, Text: ING

Choosing value 1 results in a SelectedValue of 1

Choosing value 2 results in a SelectedValue of 2

Choosing value 3 results in a SelectedValue of 2

does the combobox has as a disadvantage that the Text has to be unique?

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AJAX :: Embedded Object Doesnt Display Within Modalpopup, But Code Is Visible In Source View?

Mar 9, 2011

Using StringBuilder im building my object in code behind so its customize for our needs.. I placed a Literal control within the modalpopup and populating it when you click on a button..On my test page everything works great to display it and when fed a value video file, it plays.. on that page, it wasnt contained within a modalpopup.Now on my actual dev page that i need it on, i placed the literal control within the modalpopup, and when you click on the button, it builds the object..my modal popup comes up and everything shows up except the object which is weird, because within the stringbuilder i have 4 buttons below the object and those show up, just not the object control itself.. can a object not be built and displayed like this?What makes it weirder is that when the modal popup opens, you can view the source of the page and my entire customize object control is there, but it just doesnt render on the page..

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AJAX :: ComboBox Input / When leave The Combobox It Adds To The Combox List?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm try to add a combobox to my form which i have done and populate it with the infomation i need but i want to stop the user from being able to edit the first 5 character in the textbox part of the combo box( 1 is this possible 2 am i going about it in the right way).

I have 3 columns fro a db to enter ips ie 123.456.7.89 at the start if each number i want (SE1)(SE2)(SE3) which i can do at the momment . So I get in the combobox list 3 items with (SE1)123.456.7.89 OR just (SE1) depending of i a result is returned from the DB. However i don't want the user to be able to edit out the (SE?) part of the sting in the textbox. When editing i've tried used the text change event to try and capture the change and make sure the string.length > 5 , but the event does not fire also when i leave the combobox it it adds to the combox list. If I refersh it goes back to how it should be with only the 3 items.

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Ajax Combobox Not Firing Event When Combobox Is Empty

Jan 3, 2011

in aspx i written as follows

<ajaxToolkit:ComboBox ID="cmbAddressAlias" runat="server" DropDownStyle="Simple" AutoCompleteMode="Suggest" CaseSensitive="false" AutoPostBack="true" RenderMode="Inline" Width="170px" CssClass="cmbProvince" OnSelectedIndexChanged="cmbAddressAlias_SelectedIndexChanged"> </ajaxToolkit:ComboBox>

it binding correctly(datasource dynamically binded) and it raises event too while changing index but it is not raising event when we manually clearing the combobox text..if currently combobox having text "ASP" then i manually select that entire text and using del key i am deleting but it is not raising event for me.. when i change index it automatically raising event...i need to raise event while combobox is empty...

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AJAX :: Increase The Shadow Offset Or Width In DropShadowExtender?

Sep 27, 2010

I don't see any properties, but thought I'd ask to see if there way to increase the width of the shadow or offset of shadow from the pop-up panel or div I'm displaying?

I just want to make the pop-up appear to "stand-out" a littlle more.

runat="server" TargetControlID="pnlPopUp"
Rounded="false" TrackPosition="true"

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C# - Combobox Selected Values Display In The Gridview?

Aug 2, 2010

Using C# & MySQL

In my web page am using Comboxbox, if am selecting the value from the combobox the selected values should display in the gridview......


cmd2 = new OdbcCommand("Select * from tb_car where vehicleno = '" + cmbvnoview.SelectedValue + "' ", con);
ada2 = new OdbcDataAdapter(cmd2);
ds1 = new DataSet();
vhviewgrid.DataSource = ds1;

Above Code is working, but in which event i have to write a code for display

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AJAX :: How To Use Multiple (rows Of) Buttons In A Listview As A Ok Button In Ajax Modalpopup

Jan 5, 2011

I have the modal popup come up for searching something. Inside the popup (panel) I have a txtbox and a search button. I enter text and hit 'search' and the results are shown in a listview within the popup. Now every row in the list view has a button "Select". I want to click on one of those buttons to select a particular value.

Now on click of the button(within the listview), I tried calling a javascript function and doing $find('mdlPopup').hide(); , which makes the popup dissappear. But somehow the debugger takes me straight to Global.asax.Application_Error() and doesn't even give me a stack trace to see wht the issue is. And over that, the popup looks dissapeared, but the rest of the controls on the page are not enabled back. Strange?

I'm assuming, that the popup doesn't close as intended and it errored out (which took me to Global.asax.Application_Error() ), and is not enabling the rest of the controls in the page.So my question is, how do I assign multiple buttons in a listview to the okbutton (or cancelbutton) of a modalpopup extender?

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VS 2010 - When Selecting Default Option For Combobox 1 / Second Combobox Is Disabled

Jun 13, 2012

I have a problem with CascadingDropDown... I have two related comboboxes, where the second is a slave of the first (e.g. country the first, cities the second). What I want is that if I select one country from combobox 1 then the second must be "filtered" by that selection (it should display all the cities inside the selected country, and the actual CascadingDropDown implementation is OK), but if I leave the combobox 1 in the default option (e.g. "Please select a country") I want the second to display all the cities I have in the database. The problem is that when selecting default option for combobox 1 the second combobox is disabled and a postback to my webservice never occurs.

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Display Modalpopup After Clicking The Linkbutton In Grdview With The Data Based On Bound Vale?

Sep 7, 2010

have gridview with link button as itemtemplate.i want to display the modalpopup after clicking the linkbutton in the gridview.This modalpopup should dispaly some data based on the value associate with the linkbutton

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How To Display Results From A Url

Feb 3, 2011

In my asp.net project I need to call another url with a parameter and display what the url returns in a label. What is the easiest way to do this?

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AJAX :: Highlighting The Text Of The Selected Item In Ajax Combobox?

Sep 26, 2010

Is there a way to programmatically select the entire string of the selected item in the AJAX Combobox?What I'm trying to do is bascially on a State/City selection.

1. User selects a State from the first combobox. This triggers the City combobox to be populated. The item(0) is "Select One:".

2. I want the entire "Select One:" to be hightlight as if the user had used their mouse and highlighted all the text.

The reason for this that I'd like the user to be able to start typing the city without needing to clear out the "Select One:" manually.

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How To Display Sql Results In A View

Feb 14, 2011

Firstly, im a PHP developer trying to get my head around asp.net.

so i have created a basic MVC project.

I have a query without the fields known (ie. select * from products) how do I:

execute in Controller - my attempt:

public ActionResult getProducts()
using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myDB"].ToString()))
string sql = "select * from products";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn);
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
return View();

how do i pass the results to a View and then loop through them like:

foreach ($data as $key => $val)
echo $key.' = '.$val.'<br>';

this is SOOOOO simple in PHP but seems to be very confusing in asp.net.

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Setting A Offset Value For A Particular Id?

Mar 31, 2010

i am designing a website in which i need to generate an offset value for a product(and store it in database) between 1 to 999 for every product id i store into my database from a textbox..but first it must check if a particular value starting from 1 to 999 is already taken if yes then it generates the next available number between 1 to 999..the problem is how can i retrieve and check the available numbers already stored in offset column of my database and then generate next available number?for example: if 1 ,2 ,3 ,6,8 numbers are taken offset value generated should be 4 and not 7..though its difficult to explain but if u understand my question i wuld be glad to have some code of how to achieve it??

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Display A List Of Results With Numbers?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a common problem in an ASP.NET web form. I'm just surprised that I haven't found a common solution :)

I have a list of results being returned from a SQL Server database. I want to show those results in my web page with number to the left of them. For instance, my result set may look like the following:

New York | NY
Chicago | IL
Los Angeles | CA

In my web page, I would like to show them as:

1. New York, NY
2. Chicago, IL
3. Los Angeles, CA

I was surprised that I can't find a way to make the numbers automatically appear. Am i doing something wrong? If not, what is the recommended approach?

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VS 2015 - ComboBox Click To Refresh Another ComboBox

Jan 19, 2016

How do you refresh a combo box from clicking on something from another Combobox (using Visual Basic).

I don't want to use a button for this as i know it works that way by using .Databind() on the other combobox.

In access it is so easy by using the click event on a combo box but visual studio does not seem to use it.

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Web Forms :: How To Display Sql Query Results Dynamically

Jan 26, 2010

I want to display sql query results in my web application (asp.net webpage) dynamically at the run time. But I don't know how to do that. Is there any control to do that? Or is there any code? Could you give some examples?

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Display A Message If The Search Returned No Results?

May 21, 2010

I have this code:

Dim Result As New DataTable
'bind data to visible surname/name grid
If Result.Rows.Count = 0 Then
NoInputBottom.Text = "No Results. Please widen your search criteria and try again"
NoInputTop.Text = "No Results. Please widen your search criteria and try again"
GV.DataSource = Result
End If

I have also tried moving the check to the gridview like so:

If GV.Columns.Count = 0 Then
NoInputBottom.Text = "No Options Selected: Please select your search criteria and try again" NoInputTop.Text = "No Options Selected: Please select your search criteria and try again" End If

When I run the code. the noinput labels do not have value, the null check seems to be failing? how to display a message if the search returned no reults.

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C# - Display Search Results Dynamically As Typing?

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to build a SharePoint 2007 web part in Visual Studio. This web part should search a sharepoint list and display the results.

What I want to accomplish is to display the results as soon as the user stops typing, so no clicking button involved.

Probably, a combination of text_changed event and onkeydown javascript?

This sharepoint site is "Ajax-enabled", btw.

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DataSource Controls :: Display All Results In ObjectDataSource?

Oct 23, 2010

I have objectDataSource connected to report viewer.

This datasource have a select method to filter the results by Dep_id parameter

Now if i want to include all results(All Departments) what should i do ???

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