Ajax Combobox Doesn't Display Correctly When Inserted Inside A Tab Control

Apr 29, 2010

I have a display problem when I try to use a ajax combobox inside a tab control: when my tab control loads on the page where the combobox is, everything works fine; however, if it loads on a another page, the you change to the page which contains the combobox, the right button (which opens the list of the combobox) isn't displayed at all.

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How To Validate Inserted Items In AJAX Combobox Against Database

Nov 30, 2010

I wonder how to validate if a inserted item in a Combobox exists in a database during postback? If the item.text exists, a errormessage should notify the user that the item already exists in the database. If the item does not exists in the database a inserting should be done.

Should i use the customvalidator and create a servervalidationfunction that searches my databasetable for the item name?

Should i validate inside one of the two ComboBox control events, ItemInserting and ItemInserted?

After validating the existence i would like to validate if the inserting to the database was successfull.

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AJAX :: ComboBox Not Rendering Correctly In MasterPage?

Mar 15, 2011

When I add an ajax combobox (WindowsStyle Css) to a web page that uses a masterpage the arrow button is vertically offset from the rest of the combobox. however if I add it to page without masterpage then it works fine.I am using the images and provided css styling provided by ajax toolkit. I tried removing the site css file but that didn't help either. Any ideas what could be causing this? Code is below for a sample in Master/Content Page:


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Regional Language Tooltip Doesn't Display In All The Version Of IE But Display Correctly In Mozzila

Jan 20, 2011

We are developing application using Asp.net (VS2008) & c#. We need to show tooltip in Gujarati language (Indian regional language). When we run application it shows correctly in Mozzila firefox but display as a junk characters in all the version of IE.

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JQuery :: Firefox Doesn't Render Correctly Inside Modal Dialog

Jan 19, 2011

I have tried searching for the answer but have failed to get any insight into this problem. Look at the following two examples. [URL] (JQuery modal dialog without <input> element) Above pages have very simple JQuery modal dialog, whihc displays correctly in IE, Chrome, Safari and Opera. Unfortunately, Firefox does not display the modal dialog with <input> correctly. It displays the other one correctly. I have tried the following without resolution to this peculiar problem:

- Changed doctype
- Used <table> to enclose <input>
- Used <div> to enclose <input>
- Used all possible CSS display attributes for <input>

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit ComboBox SelectedValue / Does The Combobox Has As A Disadvantage That The Text Has To Be Unique

Apr 28, 2010

I have the following items bound to my combobox:

Value: 1, Text: SNS
Value: 2, Text: ING
Value: 3, Text: ING

Choosing value 1 results in a SelectedValue of 1

Choosing value 2 results in a SelectedValue of 2

Choosing value 3 results in a SelectedValue of 2

does the combobox has as a disadvantage that the Text has to be unique?

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Visual Studio :: VWD Doesn't Display Highlighted Options Correctly (VWD Interface)

Mar 12, 2010

my problem doesn't involve any programming per se but it involves the interface of VWD so I hope I'm posting in the correct space. Anyways, most of the time when I scroll over something in VWD whether it be something in the Getting Started box or an option from one of the menu bar items a full-colored block will cover it and won't go away. This doesn't seem to be hurting anything but it is quite the annoyance. Has anyone else had this problem? How can I fix this? This does seem specific to VWD and no other application on my PC.

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Telerik ReportViewer - When Using Within A User Control The Control Bar Doesn't Appear Correctly

Feb 16, 2010

When using the Telerik ReportViewer control from inside a user control, the control bar (bar with navigation & exports buttons etc) doesn't appear to display correctly. Only the navigation buttons appear in the control bar itself. The other buttons (Export, Refresh, Print, & Close Parameters) all appear below the control bar, each on a new line.

If I do the exact same in a normal page (rather than user contorl), it appears fine.

P.S. I'm using IE 7 and the Telerik 2009 Q3 ASP.NET AJAX suite.

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Ajax Toolkit Combobox Doesn't Work In Hidden Div?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a combobox inside a hidden div which I use css display = none to make it invisible, but when I make the div visible by setting display = block, the combobox just show the input and its button and ul list all have css as display = 'none', visibility ='hidden'.

I can tell it is done by combobox inbuild javascript because I tried to use javascript to set the css manually with no luck. It is a bug of combobox. I spent a week to solve this, and our team put a lot trust on the toolkit.

Below is the code to reproduce the bug. When you run it, you can't see the dropdown:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1._Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>
<asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server">
<div id="d" style="display:none">
<asp:ComboBox ID="ComboBox1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<div ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="show();">click me</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function show() {
var d = $get('d');
d.style.display = 'block';

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AJAX :: User Control With JQuery Doesn't Work Inside Update Panel?

Sep 21, 2010

I created a .NET user control to work as a DropdownCheckbox and added Jquery to give the sliding and hide effects. The code is as below:


This control works fine in a normal page, but once I put it inside an update panel it doesn't work. Is there a work around or simply I can't use JQuery inside update panel?

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Control Doesn't Bind Correctly After Editing?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a custom page (Page 1) in SharePoint where I have a repeater control. From Page1 I open Page2. This is where I generate a collection of object which i use to bind repeater control in Page1. For the first time everythings work fine. If I have 5 objects to bind, repeater control shows 5 elements.

Now assume, I have 5 elements in page 1. When I open page two It carried over same 5 elements. I delete 1 element and send 4 element as collection to Page 1. In page 1 after I databind the repeater control, it doesn't display correctly. It deletes the wrong element.

I debug my code. The collection which i am binding to repeater shows the correct elements. But while displaying i is not showing correctly.

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AJAX :: Combobox Inside AccordionPane?

May 31, 2010

When I add a combobox inside an accordionpane i cannot see the button and the list except for the pane selected by default.

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AJAX :: Page Inside Update Panel Doesn't Refresh The Session Object After Postback Of Any Control

Oct 1, 2010

I have many controls like dropdown, radiobuttonlist, etc on my page and I put all these controls inside the update panel so that the page doesn't look to be posting back when something is selected. Now the working on the page is very smooth. But the session object isn't getting refreshed even if I postback to the server and as a result even if the users are working on the page they are being sent to the login screen after 20 mins.

Is there anyway where I could put all the controls in update panel and still refresh the session after any postback(dropdown selection)

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Doesn't Work Correctly When It's Included In A Wizard Control?

Jul 22, 2010

when i am trying to use a repeater to display data in a wizard control, everything seems worked as expected before i change the value of wizard's DisplaySideBar, here is my demo code:Test.aspx:




guys who intrest on this you can copy this code and test it on your pc, when we click the link button in repeater's item will do nothing at the first time but it will work when we click it again.i have debug this and found that when the page is not in post back, the linkbutton's id will be "MainWizard_rpMain_ctl01 _lbEdit" in prerender method but after render it will change to "MainWizard_rpMain_ctl04 _lbEdit", but when page have been post back, the clientid will be correct as "MainWizard_rpMain_ctl01_lbEdit" and then event can be fired correctly.i thought this is a bug of .net framework, when i set the value of wizard's DisplaySideBar, it will ask to re-create controls but repeater haven't clean the item's count and then recreate item will use wrong item index, i hope this message can be post to .net framework team and they can find out what's the matter on it.

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AJAX :: Combobox Inside A Hidden Container Does Not Work?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a ajax combobox inside a table row which is hidden (display:none) on page load in javascript.

When user clicks a hyperlink, i need to show this row. But when i make this row visible (display:block), the ajax combobox dropdown button and list does not show up.

If I make the row always visible, then the combobox appears fine.

I read about this problem of showing a ajax combobox which was hidden on page load, but not able to get a proper solution.

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AJAX :: Display Insert Error Inside ModelPopupExtender Control

Feb 17, 2010

I am using UpdatePanel control with two textboxes and a button inside ASP.NET AJAX ModelPopupExtender control to insert records in database. Everything is working fine, When user click Add button on Form ModelDialogExtender display insert form user enter data and click Save button and records are inserted in database with AJAX postback means page doesn't flicker and ModelPopupExtender control hide automatically.

So far everything is fine but how can I display an error or success message inside ModelPopupExtender control without closing it. I means if any insert error occur I want to display error so that user can give correct data and if there is no error I want to display "records saved successfully" inside ModelPopupExtender.

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AJAX :: Read And Display Text From Image Inside TextBox Control?

May 7, 2015

Upload One Image . Uploaded Image Text(Character) Display to Text Box . If I Insert ASPFORUMS Logo Image Display To Textbox  ASPFORUMS.

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AJAX :: Display Success Message In Label After Record Inserted In Database

May 5, 2014

how to display msg ni label after data entered in databas in asp.net with c#

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AJAX :: ComboBox Results In ModalPopup Display Offset From Box?

Aug 17, 2010

My ComboBox is now rendering its button and results list on top of the ModalPopup panel

[URL] However, the results are showing up completely separate from the textbox. This is bacially the same problem described at [URL] However, forcing the position of the list did nothing and I'm already using the very latest (release) build of the toolkit (so alaa9jo's post about it being fixed in the November 2009 build isn't true for my instance).

I need the combobox functionality for my form.

why the scrollbars in comboboxes choose to show sometimes and not other? My main combobox is missing them, but the combobox reference above has them. Both use the same CSS settings and databindings; the only difference is that the one with scrollbars is inside the ModalPopup.

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How To Remove The Space Inserted Automatically In Ajax Control Toolkit Tab Panel Control

Mar 29, 2010

The Ajax control toolkit tab panel automatically inserts a space by all four corners of the body. For example, go to http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/Tabs/Tabs.aspx and look at the TabPanel on the page. The is a space before "Signature:" and "Bio:" labels. How can I set the space-width to 0px; in the tabPanel body?

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Combobox Control Font - Square Is Not Appearing In The Text Area?

Nov 19, 2010

ajaxcontrol toolkit combobox control, a picture is worth than a lot of words so here is the picif you are not able to view then here is the link


the problem is the items text in the combox box is having a square beneath at the second character which is hindering the visibility of the list. but the square is not appearing in the text area.

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AJAX :: JQuery UI Dialog Won't Display Correctly + Kills Datapager After Adding Function PageLoad?

Feb 1, 2010

m using JQuery UI dialog and tabs inside asp.net Update Panel.the dialog worked great until I added following codes for JQuery UI tab.

function pageLoad(sender, args) {
if (args.get_isPartialLoad()) {

The tabs work fine, but I'm getting duplicate dialog box and it also killed ASP.net Datapager.

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AJAX :: How To Bind Textbox Control To ComboBox/DropDown Control

Jul 12, 2010

I am using AJAX ComboBox control (or I can use simple ASP.NET DropDown Control it does not matter) in my form. What I do is, I bind combo box control to my database and retrieve client names:


But here is the problem. I want First and Last names to go into separate TextBox controls (txtFirstName and txtLastName). Now it inserts Last Name and Firts Name in txtLastName control. At the same time I would really like to keep LastName + FirstName together in Combo Box.

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AJAX :: ComboBox Input / When leave The Combobox It Adds To The Combox List?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm try to add a combobox to my form which i have done and populate it with the infomation i need but i want to stop the user from being able to edit the first 5 character in the textbox part of the combo box( 1 is this possible 2 am i going about it in the right way).

I have 3 columns fro a db to enter ips ie 123.456.7.89 at the start if each number i want (SE1)(SE2)(SE3) which i can do at the momment . So I get in the combobox list 3 items with (SE1)123.456.7.89 OR just (SE1) depending of i a result is returned from the DB. However i don't want the user to be able to edit out the (SE?) part of the sting in the textbox. When editing i've tried used the text change event to try and capture the change and make sure the string.length > 5 , but the event does not fire also when i leave the combobox it it adds to the combox list. If I refersh it goes back to how it should be with only the 3 items.

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Ajax Combobox Not Firing Event When Combobox Is Empty

Jan 3, 2011

in aspx i written as follows

<ajaxToolkit:ComboBox ID="cmbAddressAlias" runat="server" DropDownStyle="Simple" AutoCompleteMode="Suggest" CaseSensitive="false" AutoPostBack="true" RenderMode="Inline" Width="170px" CssClass="cmbProvince" OnSelectedIndexChanged="cmbAddressAlias_SelectedIndexChanged"> </ajaxToolkit:ComboBox>

it binding correctly(datasource dynamically binded) and it raises event too while changing index but it is not raising event when we manually clearing the combobox text..if currently combobox having text "ASP" then i manually select that entire text and using del key i am deleting but it is not raising event for me.. when i change index it automatically raising event...i need to raise event while combobox is empty...

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