AJAX :: Display Horizontal Menus In Menu Control Using Sitemap

May 7, 2015

I am following the article [URL] .....

but I am not able to see my links horizontally

Here is my site map file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >
<siteMapNode url="~/default.aspx"

[Code] ....

The access to these links are controlled by membership provider.

Home is accessed by everyone. "Member Home" and MyBiz are accessed when the user is logged in.

The menu should have only Home displayed and when the user is logged in then it should displaym Home, MemberHome, MyBiz and sub links.

Here is the code for menu control

<asp:Menu ID="HorizontalMenuId" runat="server"
DataSourceID="SiteMapDataSource1" Orientation="Horizontal">
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="main_menu" />
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="level_menu" />

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AJAX :: How To Display Menu Control Horizontal

Nov 13, 2013

Is it possible for me to change from verticle to horizontal menu using vb 2005?  

As for now I have this code and it working just fine. 

<asp:LinkButton ID="home_lnk" runat="server" CssClass="linkLableName"
Font-Bold="True" Visible="true" Width="156px">Home</asp:LinkButton>
<asp:Menu ID="rootmenu" runat="server" CssClass="linkLableName" Width="156px" ForeColor="#ffffff" >
<DynamicHoverStyle CssClass="linkLableNameItem" />
<DynamicMenuStyle CssClass="linkLableNameItem" />

[Code] ....

I did make my menus turn to horizontal. But I have no clue how to put my home and sign out menu together in the menus. As it is separated because I am using linkbutton for both button.

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Can we include vertical menus inside of horizontal menu?? I want to dynamically add vertical menus( the values of the items inside of that are driven from the database) to a horizontal menu to get a tab strip like look and feel.Further is there an other way to making this process dynamic so that adding some values to the database drives the menus that appear on my page?

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VS 2010 Menu Control Won't Display Horizontal?

Oct 30, 2010

Had two questions about the ASP.NET menu control.

1) I have a menu control which is using a SiteMapDataSource. This is bound to a .sitemap file. I have the orientation property set to horizontal, but for some strange reason it still displays vertical. I can't for the life of me figure out why it's doing this. Am I doing something wrong here?

2) Is there a way to not display the root (Home) directory on my menu control? I only want to show Customer Support, Technician Support, Administration, and Site Map on the control.


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Web Forms :: Menu Control - Horizontal - Specify Level To Display?

Feb 18, 2010

Using an ASP.NET 3.5 menu control set to horizontal, is there a way to specify that only a certain node of the menu displays? For example, let's say I have a vertical menu on the left side of the master page that is tied to a sitemap and displays these nodes. The submenus would be dynamic and only display when the root node is hovered.

Main Page
Second Page
Sub Menu 1
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Sub Menu 2
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

A certain (powerful) group of my users will always be going straight to the pages in Sub Menu 1 and pretty much never touching the other pages. They would like a sub-master page that is based on the parent master page so that the primary vertical menu and the sitemappath are all still there but the sub-master page will contain a horizontal menu control that only displays the the Sub Menu 1 node, like this:

Sub Menu 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

Is there a way to set up the menu control to start displaying at a certain node level so the parent nodes and sibling nodes aren't displayed or would this require maintaining a separate sitemap file? I hope this makes sense.

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Oct 2, 2010

For the ASP.NET Menu Server Control whose RenderMode is set to "List", there is an "Orientation" property which decides whether the menu would render as a horizontal or a vertical menu. I have compared the two HTML source code and was unable to find out which part of the HTML/CSS code set the orientation of the menu(unordered list).

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I am porting an ASP.NET 2.0 project to VS 2010 and ASP.NET 4.0. I have the asp.menu set up to go horizontally across the top of my master page. This works pretty good, but I have a couple of pages that take a long time to load a lot of data (that is another issue though). The problem that I am having is that when these slow pages load the menu is initially vertical and then switches to horizontal. This looks so bad that I had initially thought that it was displaying my sitemap page. I just want it to draw properly (horizontal) to begin with.

Also, the content page has a script manager with CDNenable set to true.

The menu is defined as:

<asp:Menu id="Menu3" runat="server" datasourceid="SiteMapDataSource1"

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However, when I run the web page and hover the mouse over the Product menu, its sub-menus did not show up.

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I am using VS 2010 and ASP.NET 4.0. I have the ASP:Menu in the top of my master page and it's orientation property is set to horizontally. I have a problem with some pages that take a long time to load data. The problem I am having is that when these slow pages load, the menu is initially vertical and then switches to horizontal after few seconds which doen't look good. I have tried to change Orientation in MenuItemDataBound but no difference.

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Jan 27, 2010

I am having a menu control with the horizontal orientation.

when the number of the menuitems increases the menu control is extending.

how to display the menu items in the next line and avoid the extending of the menu control.

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How to create menu lists in ASP.NET.

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Jan 7, 2010

I've built a website with a Horizontal Menubar at the the top of the site, it works fine the only problem is now that i have added more items to the website map it has now grown wider than the site, so what i would like it to do is when it gets to a certain width drop down and start adding the node links underneath. i tried setting the width property of the <asp:menu> but this did not seem to do anything at all. I could obviously add a second menubar linking to another sitemap but i would like to be as dynamic as posssible. Plus the menu is baseed around the role structure so some users may only see 5 items where admins, supervisors etc may see around 30 level 1 menu items with multiple subitems. so in short how to i make the menu wrap round to the next line when a certain length is reached

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in horizontel way how to use menu control , iam using asp.net with csharp

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May 28, 2010

Is there a way to have 2 different menus that have their items populate from 2 separate sitemap datasources?

Currently I have one menu that is populating correctly from one sitemap. I would like to remove some items from this menu and have them in another menu positioned somewhere else on my page. How can I make this second menu populate these items from a seperate datasource?

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Web Forms :: How To Display The Menus & Sub Menus Dynamically

Sep 24, 2010

in one of my page i need to display the menus & sub menus dynamically,for this i have a menu table called colleges & one more table called branchs 1] ABC
Science ArtsCommarce2] EFG mathszoology historylike thissome times the menus are 3some times they may be 4,5,6 may randommy incresesfor this i have the two table one is menu & sub-menus

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Web Forms :: How To Get Disappeared Web.sitemap And Menu Control

Mar 19, 2010

this is probably something stupid that i am forgetting to do but its got me stumped. I have a web.sitemap file in my app with the following entries


i then slapped a sitemapdatasource into my masterpage with a menu control and changed the design in the designer. I then run the app for my default page /Pages/Default.aspx. when the page comes up i see "Home" with a flare out arrow. when i mouse over home it shoots out a small box, as expected, to the right which obscures my text on the default page. the problem is the flared out box is blank and then i try move over it, essentially moving off home it dissapears. If im not mistaken, even if my links are broken or dont extist i should at least see the text right? so when i mouse over home, in the flareout menu i should see Dive, DIve Location, User, Client, Cert at least in unclickable plain text or something.

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AJAX :: Nested Accordion Menu With Submenu Using Sitemap

Mar 24, 2014

I got requirement to create a accordion menu which will have different menus for different site collection.
So, i created this Accordion which is in bind with site map file. But my Sitemap file has multi-level nodes, here my accordion is displaying only single level menus.

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Web Forms :: Binding A Menu Control To Sitemap File Dynamically?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a problem with binding a menu control to a sitemap file dynamically.

the files...


this files are into the 'tesorera' folder in the estructure of my project

When I run the project there aren't errors but I can't see the menu items of the sitemap file, I only see the 'siteMap' word in the menu .... why?

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Web Forms :: Manipulating The Format Of A Sitemap Menu Control In A Masterpage

Oct 21, 2010

I'm trying to develop a webpage for a small college who want to keep the format similar to an existing webpage. I've created an ASP.NET master page and included a menu (web.sitemap) to navigate the various pages of the school's site. However, I'm trying to format the menu to match their existing old style html websites.

I need to place a line between the various items of the menu. I've tried border but I need the lines to appear above and below the items (or inbetween) and not on the left and right. I've read that I may have to use CSS to format it the way I want but i can't figure out the code to so.

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Web Forms :: How To Use Icons And Image In SiteMap File For Menu Control

Oct 26, 2013

I have menu control bind with website map. I have added some new links in my menu so I want to add a icon "New reports" so user can view it.

How to add icon in website map file with link.

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Dynamically Modify Role Permissions And Also Generate The Appropriate Sitemap / Menus?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm doing some research on security and sitemaps in ASP.net and am unfortunately running short on time. I have not worked too much with ASP.net security so I'm not completely sure if I'm heading in the right direction.

Here is my problem:

I have a public website (i.e. on the internet) that will allow any user to sign up to. The website will be developed using ASP.net webforms. These users may create other users and assign these users different roles.

Different roles have different restrictions and the menu is displayed appropriately. For example, a user acting as an administrator can see all menu options. Whereas a limited user will only see some of these menu items.

There needs to be the ability for users on our end to modify what pages certain roles can access. For example, if Role1 can do task X, we would like to be able at some point modify Role1 to no longer do task X. This would be done using an application built in-house.

User types (roles) are to be saved in the database. User permissions (what pages each type can have access to) are also to be saved saved in the database.

Here is something I am thinking of doing:

Implement the authorization and authentication set up built in to ASP.net using the web.config fileUse Sitemaps to dynamically create menus/breadcrumbs from the database

I believe it is possible to do the second one using custom providers (please correct me if I'm wrong). But I am not entirely sure if it's possible to configure the web.config file dynamically.

I suppose this is really more of a yes/no answer but I would just like to make sure I'm not going in the wrong direction. I will be using VS2008 and .net 3.5 framework.

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