How To Display Non-Bound Information On The Forms

Mar 2, 2010

This is a newbie question, and yes I have searched the web and the Help section. How do I display non-Bound information on the forms? Perhaps I should explain a little better.I have a form where I use dropdowns and other items to insert and update fields. These fields work correctly.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Hyperlink In Gridview Bound From Datatable

Feb 11, 2010

I have a gridView which is populated with the code below. This is working perfectly except for one issue. In the "Region" column, I need for each region name to be a hyperlink. If I set the row code to dr(0) = "<a href='table_display.aspx?IO_ID=" & objDataReader("IO_ID") & "'>" & objDataReader("Region") & "</a>" it actually displays the entire string of text from "<a href..." through "</a>", but not as a hyperlink. I have read in many places to manually put a hyperlink field in the aspx page, but I would really prefer to do this programmatically in the code-behind.


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Forms Data Controls :: Display Without Rounding Off In Gridview Bound Column

May 17, 2010

I am having trouble with displaying double data in gridview bound coulumn. I want it to display as it is... But it gets rounded off when displayed.

Like my 1.34 displays 1.00
1.57 - 2.00

and so on. But i want it to display as it is i mean with decimal points, without rounding it off.

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Web Forms :: The Best Way To Display Information Out Of The Exception?

Aug 16, 2010

Using try, catch finally, and end try, what is the best way to display informaiton out of the exception.

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Web Forms :: Writing A Public Function To Display Information?

Nov 8, 2010

Each of my ASP.NET pages currently has VB.NET code to change the text and display properties of a Label control, to display a message if an error occurs when any of the functions or routines fail. However, ideally it would be useful to have a generic error message popup displayed, with the option of inputting text via an argument.

If the site were in VB6, I'd be using the MsgBox function, since you can adjust the text displayed and change the type of message displayed (i.e. vbExclamation). The MsgBox can be called with minimal coding. But web pages will not support Windows.Forms

So another method here might be to use the ModalPopupExtender to display an error message using a Panel control if an error occurs, and to adjust the message content and icon depending on the type of error. But the problem here is that a Panel will need to be defined in each and every aspx page.

Ideally I want a public function (with an input argument or two) that will display a single Panel via a ModalPopupExtender, that can be called from any of my pages. The text and icons could be altered by the arguement values supplied.

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Web Forms :: Display Information On Label Based On Dropdown List?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a table that has 3 columns, ID NAME DESCRIPTION at the moment, i have a drop down binded to name(bring back a list of names) simple enough!

now i want to put a label next to the drop down so that what ever is selected , it would show a label description next to it...

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Information In Table Using Repeaters

Jan 22, 2010

I am having trouble getting the following code to display side by side in a table. At the moment it displays next to each other in different cells but the cell on the right stretches further down than i would like, the opening item in the cell - <%#Eval("Product_ID") %> - is level with the end of the image in the cell on the left and everything else continues on new lines below it, when what i was hoping would happen would be for the product id to be directly across from the top of the image and the rest of the items to go below that. I have tried datalists and detailsview but they do not give me what i want either


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview: Display Information Of One Particular User Only?

Mar 16, 2010

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Web Forms :: Display Computer Hardware Information And Then Save To Database

Feb 15, 2013

I need a program with asp.neĀ  that would connect to the computer userĀ  (client) and hardware information Show to me then save to db.

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MVC :: Display Foreign Key-bound Property From Model View

Apr 17, 2010

but I am new with MVC and database-driven applications.

I hava a table with Cities (ID,Name) and one with Businesses(ID,CityID,Name). The later has a foreign key relationship with the first table.

I used a linq-to-SQL class to create my models.

My problem is that I need to access the City Name(not the ID) when displaying the Business Model View.

How can I do this? if from my controller I call the View passing the auto-generated Business Model, I only have access to the ID.

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Web Forms :: Display User Specific Information From Database - Based On Login ID

Jan 7, 2011

I have a online game (written in ASP) which i have finally decided to convert to ASP.NET. However i cannot seem to link the login ID's of users to their specific details in the database. I.E when Joe Bloggs logs in, he will be shown the team information for just his club, not every club. in ASP I use code similar to this below


im not convinced that is the right syntax to be using, but when i execute the code in Query Builder it is showing me the correct data (that i expect to see). So im wondering if there is something else im missing? Is there something extra that i need to be adding in Web.Config file or elsewhere?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using A Button To Display A Gridview Containing Certain Information In A New Webpage?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a button on info.aspx and I would like a situation whenever the button is pressed to display two gridview containing certain information on a new web page called full_info.aspx.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display A One Row Gridview When Gridview Is Bound To Empty Dataset

Jan 13, 2010

If the gridview binds to empty dataset, I need to still show a gridview so that users can ADD more using the textfields in the bottom of the footer template. Since the gridview is empty it won't bind not allowing rendering of the <footer template> I guess I should create a empty dataset if the gridview is empty. How do I check for this and can this be done in GridviewRowEventArgs

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Forms Data Controls :: Looking For Suggestions On A Gridview With Expanding Cells To Display Detailed Information?

Dec 16, 2010

I have searched and have found master detail tutorials.found other sites with links to controls you have to buy but i thought some time back i saw a great tutorial on building this setup and it was somewhat pretty simple and detailed in steps.

Here is what im trying to do and maybe someone can point me in the right direction to links or suggestion on controls to use that may already exist that are free,We have a search page that i have setup to handle a number of different searches as well as differnet result views..we have 1 search that returns/needs to return alot of much for a gridview layout.Currently i have it setup to return to
a formview and paging each record.BUT at the moment,in our test server we have over 400 no one is going to page thru 400 the 2 methods used are not going to work for after meeting and discussing it.we want to see if the following can be accomplished in a practical way.

We want to setup the results to be returned initially in a gridview.. ( just a few key columns,kinda high level view ).then if you want to view details about any specific record,you can click on it or select it and the row is expanded to display the rest of the details.this will allow us to display all 400 records.25 or so per page of the gridview and allow them to chose what they want to see in more details.

Like i said i found a few examples online already,but not all of them are really detailed in the can anyone suggest a good source for accomplishing something like this.what would be cool.if possible is to open the formview that is already built under the selected record.kinda like CollapsiblePanelExtender that is within ajax

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Display Modalpopup After Clicking The Linkbutton In Grdview With The Data Based On Bound Vale?

Sep 7, 2010

have gridview with link button as itemtemplate.i want to display the modalpopup after clicking the linkbutton in the gridview.This modalpopup should dispaly some data based on the value associate with the linkbutton

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SQL Server :: Display Information Between 2 Different Dates?

Sep 28, 2010

I stored 5 months data in Database(for Eg. 1 Jan 2010 to 31 may 2010 ).

Now I want to display information between 21 march 2010 To 21 May 2010.

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Limit Display Information By Client

Apr 21, 2010

I haveasp:GridView displaying client requests using asp:SqlDataSource. I want to limit displayed information by client:

View.aspx has to display everything, View.aspx?client=1 has to display only requests from client ID #1.

So I'm using <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="client" QueryStringField="client" /> for query "EXEC getRequests @client". Everything works properly when some client is specified. But don't - if not. I tested my SP using SSMS - it works properly in both cases - when parameter is specified and when it isn't (NULL passed explicitly).

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C# - Display Basic Account Information

Jan 31, 2011

I was wondering if a user logs in using the login controller for, how do I display the users information in a "My Account" page. Do I simply do that through C# and SQL? Is there something that gets stored when a user logins already so I can return the username anywhere in the project?

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JQuery Hotspots With Vb - Display Information On Hazard?

Jan 29, 2010

What I have is an image of a room (birds eye view) and in this image there are 4 red squares that each represent a hazard in the room for example a gas cylendar or a wind panel. What i want it to do is when the user highlights the red square is to get a text box appear to the right of the page and display the relevant data from the database regarding that particular hazard. So far with hotspots i have just managed to do a postback function and this is not enough. In my database i have a rooms table with a list of rooms e.g room1 room2 and room3 and i have a hazards table e.g gas cylendar, chemicals etc. Each room has up to 4 hazards and the image for the room is a simple blue rectangle with red squares around it. How do i exactly make it so that when a user hovers over the red part of the image it looks in the database at the room and see the hazards for that room then display the infomation on that hazard in a text box to appear?

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AJAX :: Display Sensitive Information For Only A Few Minutes?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a need to show sensative information but I would only like it available on screen for 2 minutes, and then after it dissapears.

Since this is part of my web application, I would like the user to stay logged into the web site before and after viewing the information, but in order to view it, I would like them to re-enter their username/password.

Are there any directions I can be pointed into accomplish this task?

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C# - Display All The Session Information Of Page (aspx)

Apr 6, 2010

I want to display all the session information of my page (aspx) in the page. How can I do that? The programming language is C#.

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Security :: Iterate Through Profile Information And Display

Aug 27, 2010

I have a site I'm working on where the values being stored in user profiles can change so I need to iterate through all available profile options and display them (say in a label or gridview for instance). Here is an example of a web.config I threw together

<profile enabled="true">

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C# - Using A Popup Window To Display Extra Information?

Feb 3, 2011

In my code I am using a popup window to display extra information. I also have the ability to export the information in the main window to Excel.The problem is, after the window pops up -> I see the info -> I close the popup window -> but if I try the export to Excel button, it throws the exception "null object referrence" (if I use a try/catch, the exception doesn't occur - but I don't get any information). In the export function I am doing something like this:

//some code .... here
session["dss"] = mydataset;

In the export button click event: dss = (["dss"];
//then some work on this

I think, probably when the popup window opens it ends the execution and that's why when I come back to the main window and try the export button the values for the tables and all goes out of scope.Also, if I refresh the main page after closing the popup window I don't have any issue and can export the data.

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MVC :: Display User-specific Information In My Master Page

Sep 4, 2010

I have a need to display user-specific information in my master page. As a result, I have set up all of my controllers to be inherited from a "master" controller. This has worked well for other aspects of the master page, such as displaying random quotes. However, while using this technique to incorporate the user-specific information, I ran into a problem where, when I check the Request.IsAuthenticated value, the Request object is null.

Here is my "master" controller:


Curiously - at least to me - is that the Request object becomes populated by the time program flow hits the Home Controller:

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AJAX :: Display Specific Date Information From Database?

Feb 22, 2010

how can I retrieve information when the user clicked on a specific link without opening a new web page? The information is stored in the database which is through web service. For example, when the user click on a specific link, e.g the date 28 February 2010, the datagrid will display the information on 28 February 2010.

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