C# - Display Basic Account Information

Jan 31, 2011

I was wondering if a user logs in using the login controller for asp.net, how do I display the users information in a "My Account" page. Do I simply do that through C# and SQL? Is there something that gets stored when a user logins already so I can return the username anywhere in the project?

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Security :: Basic Information About Creating Users With Create User Wizard?

Jan 8, 2011

Im very new to ASP.net and have no experience with it at all.Im currently developing a website,and am confused about creating users.Im using the create user wizard,everything is working fine.However,I am worried about the security of user information.I believe the user information is stored in the APP_Data folder, am I right in believing that this folder is secure?

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This is web.confg code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

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How To Display Users Account And Balance

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How To Display Infomation Onto The Application About The User Account

Mar 16, 2010

I have a website that has a login (Like most websites xD) This then obviosly fetches information from a database and loads it on the page. (EG. Welcome "Display Name")

I have designed and coded a application for my site you can use the features from my web on your desktop, I have added a login (required to use the application) and a register. Both login and register work (Fetching information from the database and writing to the database).

Now I have those out of the way I'm now onto the main part of my program which is to display infomation onto the application about the user account. This could include editing the user account, uploading content to the website or viewing content from the website.. (Sorry but I'd like to explain how I have certain things to get the point across clearly )

Anyway how would I create a sort of session? Like PHP, once you login you can grab information from the database based on the information submitted from the login which was fetched from the database.. When the user presses login on my application it brings them to the main part of the application but I'm now unsure how to load variables and/or session data.

(Side note, I have also sha encryption on my website in the register/login, at the moment VB reads the information from the textbox as normal text is there anyway I can get it to read the sha encryption? and also insert data into the database with this encryption?) - This question is optional.

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VS 2010 - Support Login To Specific Users Account Via Admin Account

Jul 28, 2014

I have a web app Which Uses Forms Authentication.

One thing that we want to be able to do on Support is login to a specific users account Via our admin account.

We are using the standard asp.net membership authentication.

The idea would be for the support technition to be able to login using credentials like admin(<Troubled User>) using the Admin Account password

We are using a a Standard ASP.Login Control

The real Issue is that the Me.Page.User.Identity.Name is set to the value on the CtlLogin.Username Property. I need it to be the the Support Login?

Login Control

<asp:Login ID="ctlLogin" runat="server" DisplayRememberMe="False" Font-Names="Arial Rounded MT Bold" Font-Size="12pt" ForeColor="Black"
MembershipProvider="MembershipProvider" Width="100%" TitleText="" UserNameLabelText="User" VisibleWhenLoggedIn="False" RememberMeSet="True"
PasswordLabelText="Password" EnableTheming="False" Height="35px" >

[Code] ....

Validate User Script

Dim objstrSupUser As String = ""
'Load the user from the membership provider
Dim strUserName As String = ctlLogin.UserName
If ctlLogin.UserName.IndexOf("(") > 0 Then
objstrSupUser = Regex.Match(strUserName, "(([^)]*))").Groups(1).Value

[Code] ....

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Mar 2, 2010

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Now I want to display information between 21 march 2010 To 21 May 2010.

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Limit Display Information By Client

Apr 21, 2010

I haveasp:GridView displaying client requests using asp:SqlDataSource. I want to limit displayed information by client:

View.aspx has to display everything, View.aspx?client=1 has to display only requests from client ID #1.

So I'm using <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="client" QueryStringField="client" /> for query "EXEC getRequests @client". Everything works properly when some client is specified. But don't - if not. I tested my SP using SSMS - it works properly in both cases - when parameter is specified and when it isn't (NULL passed explicitly).

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Ways To Detect Changed Account / No Account Found In C#?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page where at the top of the page is a search box. There are 2 text boxes - one is an autocomplete extender for the Name on a database, and one is just inputting the ID.The page features DetailsViews and GridViews primarily, and even when no account has been searched for, these display blank data which is not ideal. I sort of fixed this by using if (IsPostBack), encasing the elements in a placeholder and setting it to visible only if the page ispostback. But this doesn't cover if the user types in an incorrect ID.

Also, some accounts have huge amounts of data inside the GridView's. I had an issue where because I have no way of detecting when a data source's rows has changed, I end up binding whenever the page loads (Page_Load method). I've come to realise this is simply very bad - there are lots of times when the user can click various things in the page and have the page postback, and it takes an eternity to load each time I click something for accounts with lots of data.Anyway, my question is essentially two-fold but I have a feeling the solution will be similar:1: How can I detect when there are no accounts returned when searching, and disable the Grids/Detailsviews and show an error message?2: How can I figure out when the user searches for another account and only rebind the grids after that has happened?

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MVC :: Attaching Account Models And Account Controller To Db Outside The App_data

Nov 12, 2010

I have use the mvc 2 web site template and I would like to attach

A user db that I have already created

In my web config file I have change the connection string to this"


When I'm tring to register I'm getting this error :

Login failed for user ''. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user ''.Source Error:


I have set a break point in line 127 and I can clearly see that is getting the data (username ,password ,email) What is wrong( with the contion string)?

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JQuery Hotspots With Vb - Display Information On Hazard?

Jan 29, 2010

What I have is an image of a room (birds eye view) and in this image there are 4 red squares that each represent a hazard in the room for example a gas cylendar or a wind panel. What i want it to do is when the user highlights the red square is to get a text box appear to the right of the page and display the relevant data from the database regarding that particular hazard. So far with hotspots i have just managed to do a postback function and this is not enough. In my database i have a rooms table with a list of rooms e.g room1 room2 and room3 and i have a hazards table e.g gas cylendar, chemicals etc. Each room has up to 4 hazards and the image for the room is a simple blue rectangle with red squares around it. How do i exactly make it so that when a user hovers over the red part of the image it looks in the database at the room and see the hazards for that room then display the infomation on that hazard in a text box to appear?

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AJAX :: Display Sensitive Information For Only A Few Minutes?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a need to show sensative information but I would only like it available on screen for 2 minutes, and then after it dissapears.

Since this is part of my web application, I would like the user to stay logged into the web site before and after viewing the information, but in order to view it, I would like them to re-enter their username/password.

Are there any directions I can be pointed into accomplish this task?

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C# - Display All The Session Information Of Page (aspx)

Apr 6, 2010

I want to display all the session information of my asp.net page (aspx) in the page. How can I do that? The programming language is C#.

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Security :: Iterate Through Profile Information And Display

Aug 27, 2010

I have a site I'm working on where the values being stored in user profiles can change so I need to iterate through all available profile options and display them (say in a label or gridview for instance). Here is an example of a web.config I threw together

<profile enabled="true">

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C# - Using A Popup Window To Display Extra Information?

Feb 3, 2011

In my code I am using a popup window to display extra information. I also have the ability to export the information in the main window to Excel.The problem is, after the window pops up -> I see the info -> I close the popup window -> but if I try the export to Excel button, it throws the exception "null object referrence" (if I use a try/catch, the exception doesn't occur - but I don't get any information). In the export function I am doing something like this:

//some code .... here
session["dss"] = mydataset;

In the export button click event:

system.data.dataset dss = (system.data.dataset)session["dss"];
//then some work on this

I think, probably when the popup window opens it ends the execution and that's why when I come back to the main window and try the export button the values for the tables and all goes out of scope.Also, if I refresh the main page after closing the popup window I don't have any issue and can export the data.

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MVC :: Display User-specific Information In My Master Page

Sep 4, 2010

I have a need to display user-specific information in my master page. As a result, I have set up all of my controllers to be inherited from a "master" controller. This has worked well for other aspects of the master page, such as displaying random quotes. However, while using this technique to incorporate the user-specific information, I ran into a problem where, when I check the Request.IsAuthenticated value, the Request object is null.

Here is my "master" controller:


Curiously - at least to me - is that the Request object becomes populated by the time program flow hits the Home Controller:

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Web Forms :: Writing A Public Function To Display Information?

Nov 8, 2010

Each of my ASP.NET pages currently has VB.NET code to change the text and display properties of a Label control, to display a message if an error occurs when any of the functions or routines fail. However, ideally it would be useful to have a generic error message popup displayed, with the option of inputting text via an argument.

If the site were in VB6, I'd be using the MsgBox function, since you can adjust the text displayed and change the type of message displayed (i.e. vbExclamation). The MsgBox can be called with minimal coding. But web pages will not support Windows.Forms

So another method here might be to use the ModalPopupExtender to display an error message using a Panel control if an error occurs, and to adjust the message content and icon depending on the type of error. But the problem here is that a Panel will need to be defined in each and every aspx page.

Ideally I want a public function (with an input argument or two) that will display a single Panel via a ModalPopupExtender, that can be called from any of my pages. The text and icons could be altered by the arguement values supplied.

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AJAX :: Display Specific Date Information From Database?

Feb 22, 2010

how can I retrieve information when the user clicked on a specific link without opening a new web page? The information is stored in the database which is through web service. For example, when the user click on a specific link, e.g the date 28 February 2010, the datagrid will display the information on 28 February 2010.

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Security :: Display Profile Information For Users In GridView

Feb 10, 2010

I have been searching all over for this and trying many different things but so far have had no luck. I need to display the profile information for [all] users in the system within a GridView. For instance, I want to show their Username, First Name, Last Name,Email, etc.I've tried the Profilemanager.GetAllProfiles() method but t doesn't seem to have the fields in it.

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