AJAX :: Get The Label.text In _Public Shared Function Resimler() As Slide()?
Jan 21, 2010
I have the following code for ajaxtoolkit slideshowextender's service method. I want to get the label1.text value to make the pictures diynamic. I hope you know what I mean. Bu I cannot ! here is my vb code;
I am using the following code for slide show of AjaxToolkit. It works. But I wanna get the label1.text as picture name But I cannot do it in public shared function ! How can I do that !
I have a gridview that is dynamically created and have finished all but one problem - I need for my code that is within a Public Shared Function to access a textbox string - In the below I need myinput to return the string so that my query's can use the variable - the below shows: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.
If I remove the "Shared" the error goes away however it crashes other parts. (if I hard code the text then all works as expected)
I want to call a non shared function in a shared function in which i am having a textbox control instance. Its giving no error but when i call this shared function from client callback it gives me no response
Any Idea except removing shared from the function.
Here is my code :
<WebMethod()> _ Public Shared Function myF() As String Dim pg As New _Default Return "{'Hello':'" & pg.setText & "'}" End Function Public Function setText() As String Dim pg As New _Default pg.TextBox1.Text = "This is a test" Return pg.TextBox1.Text End Function
i have a function that return string format i want to use this function in HTML and set label's text property i use this code that i know it's incorrect how can i implement that?
I have a gridview being loaded via a Databind to a MembershipUserCollection
This works fine, but I need to add one more Column with data not found in the collection, so i added a TemplateField and a Label to my Gridview and in the TEXT prop of the label is where my problem is.
The function call is working, but my problem lies with providing the Datafield="UserName" value from the same row in GridView in the function call
I am trying to build a site that will display a word ("Synset" in my code) from a "function call", (ultimately the word will come from another database but I'm ignoring that part for now). The user will click one of 4 radio buttons deciding if the word is "positive", "negative", "neutral", or "can not be determined". Then the user clicks "Save" the word is saved a MS SQL database, the function is called displaying a new word and the process is repeated.
So far I have been able to get this to mostly work by using the code below. The problem is that the function is called and the correct word displayed when the page loads the first time, when I click a radio button and then the "Submit" button, the word and value from the radio button are saved to the database but then no new word is displayed. The text just disappears. The new word is created, as I can see that new words are saved to the database when i click submit.
I'm thinking the issue might be because I'm binding the text attribute of the label I'm using to display the word to the sqldatasource, because it's probably trying to display the text from the database?
I've tried putting the code that gets and displays the new word in FormView1_PageIndexChanging() and submitButton_Click() and neither work.
I've tried to just call Response.Redirect("Default.aspx") in submitButton_Click() and this displays the word but nothing is saved to the database.
Anyone have this problem. When you write a ex. label name or label text in the properties window, it look like its updating the text before you actually are finish. This make you type over what you allready wrote. Its not a big problem,
I have CMS and FAQ as 2 different modules/projects each uses a different DLL file. When those two modules was structured as the same application. I was using the following piece to get the FAQs categories as part of my menu
Now those two modules are separated. .. Can I use the following shared function which is already exist in the FAQ separate DLL to loop the categories? and how can I do it?
I have a label contol and text box on my page. I want the label control to display the text(that will come from the text box control) as soon as user type in text box control. I know that would include script manager control and update panel control. But really donno how to achieve in using code.
< ajaxToolkit:ConfirmButtonExtender ID="ConfirmButtonExtenderDelete" runat="server" ConfirmText="Are you sure you want to delete this Foreign Exchange Allowance?" TargetControlID="ImageButtonDelete" ConfirmOnFormSubmit="true"> </ajaxToolkit:ConfirmButtonExtender>
How to put below template label value in confirm text
I get this error: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.
Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page <WebMethod()> _ Public Shared Function ParseData() As String Dim value as string = GetValue() End Function Private Function GetValue() as String Return "halp" End Function End Class
I know it has something to do with the fact that the first function is shared and the second function should probably be Public as well but I don't fully understand the reason behind it. Probably not relevant but I'm calling the web method from some javascript.
but it is not working in shared function as i am calling shared function from javascript.
i want to show an alert box in the shared function.
below is my function
Code: <System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _ Public Shared Function DeleteCircular(ByVal cilr_code As Int64, ByVal status As String, ByVal from_period As Date, ByVal to_period As Date) As Integer If status = "delete" Then Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim cmd As SqlCommand Dim sql, connstr As String
I have ajax accordion with 6 panes with an user control inside each of it. In the first pane I have a form view user control and have a modalpopup to display error message. The same method is used in all other panes.
On page load I was able to set the label text property and it properly shows in modal popup.
However whenever I do some validation and update label text property, the modal popup shows up but the label text property is not updated. It works in all other panes.
The only difference is the user control in the pane is inside of a update panel. If I remove the update panel every thing works fine. But I need the update panel to avoid full post back.
How do I set the label text property inside of a modal popup.
I have a GridView which contains 3 fields( Label Fields) , I want to open a popup window through ajax when any one cell of Grid is clicked or Text of Label control is clicked.
I trying to include a modal popup extender in my application that can be 'customized' at runtime, depending on what button it is being called from. Basically, I have 4 different buttons that I need to bring up a text box, allow the user to enter text in, and save to a database. Each text box needs to be associated with a different record, but the functionality of all of them would be the same.
So I was thinking I would create a modal popup extender, and in the panel it references, simply change the text of the label, and somehow pass an argument that would allow me to use one extender, and simply change a few properties on it each time it is called. But I am having some issues, and wondering if anyone could give me any help/advice. I am not too good with JavaScript, and I am sure there is probably some trick way to accomplish this in it, but if it could be done server side, that would be awesome.
Here is the code in the web page :
And here is the code behind : [Code]....
This is all in a content placeholder within a master page, i
there are animation effect to controls onload , onmouseover, onclick ...... but i can't find method to give animation effect to a label ontextchanged .
how to do this. I have asp.net page left side tab container each tab panel have options to procede a quotation when clicking radio buttons or check boxes right side panel gives quotation, and change total price on label.
I could give animationextender for each radiobuttons or check box control and give animation effect to label.
but this is a pain, any body know how to write code to give animation effect atleast change color of label text with out using 10 or 15 animation extenders.