WCF / ASMX :: How To Call A Non Shared Function In A Shared Function
Nov 12, 2010
I want to call a non shared function in a shared function in which i am having a textbox control instance. Its giving no error but when i call this shared function from client callback it gives me no response
Any Idea except removing shared from the function.
Here is my code :
<WebMethod()> _
Public Shared Function myF() As String
Dim pg As New _Default
Return "{'Hello':'" & pg.setText & "'}"
End Function
Public Function setText() As String
Dim pg As New _Default
pg.TextBox1.Text = "This is a test"
Return pg.TextBox1.Text
End Function
I have CMS and FAQ as 2 different modules/projects each uses a different DLL file. When those two modules was structured as the same application. I was using the following piece to get the FAQs categories as part of my menu
Now those two modules are separated. .. Can I use the following shared function which is already exist in the FAQ separate DLL to loop the categories? and how can I do it?
I get this error: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.
Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page <WebMethod()> _ Public Shared Function ParseData() As String Dim value as string = GetValue() End Function Private Function GetValue() as String Return "halp" End Function End Class
I know it has something to do with the fact that the first function is shared and the second function should probably be Public as well but I don't fully understand the reason behind it. Probably not relevant but I'm calling the web method from some javascript.
but it is not working in shared function as i am calling shared function from javascript.
i want to show an alert box in the shared function.
below is my function
Code: <System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _ Public Shared Function DeleteCircular(ByVal cilr_code As Int64, ByVal status As String, ByVal from_period As Date, ByVal to_period As Date) As Integer If status = "delete" Then Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim cmd As SqlCommand Dim sql, connstr As String
I am using the following code for slide show of AjaxToolkit. It works. But I wanna get the label1.text as picture name But I cannot do it in public shared function ! How can I do that !
I have the following code for ajaxtoolkit slideshowextender's service method. I want to get the label1.text value to make the pictures diynamic. I hope you know what I mean. Bu I cannot ! here is my vb code;
I have a gridview that is dynamically created and have finished all but one problem - I need for my code that is within a Public Shared Function to access a textbox string - In the below I need myinput to return the string so that my query's can use the variable - the below shows: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.
If I remove the "Shared" the error goes away however it crashes other parts. (if I hard code the text then all works as expected)
I have to call a function to run a report through a web service, then call another function to get the data but only after the 1st function has finished processing. How do I make c# wait till the first function has finished processing to run the second function?
my code looks something like:
NetworkCredential Cred = new NetworkCredential("uid", "pw"); ReportWebService reportService = new ReportWebService(); reportService.Credentials = Cred; string s = reportService.runReportAsync("0ede9884e6394daf73fa418e9bffd4fc"); string report = reportService.getReportData(s);
This code will break because s is not set since the function (runreportasynch) has not finished running to produce s.
<asp:LinkButton CssClass="button" ID="btnApply" runat="server" OnClick="btnApply_Click()" OnClientClick="Apply1('btnApply')" > hi ihave this functin in .vb file Protected Sub btnApply_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnApply.Click end sub
I have a class with about 5-10 methods which all my services (WCF) need to expose. What is the best way to expose all the methods in all the services keeping (DRY principle) in mind?Is interface inheritence a good design principle? e.g. public interface IBMW : ICar
I am attempting to inherit an ASP.NET RegularExpressionValidator and add some functionality to it. I inherited the control and added my custom properties. However, I would also like the client-side functionality to call a different JavaScript functionIn order to do that, I will need to supress what is happening in the AddAttributesToRender method because the name of the function is hard-coded there.
Protected Overrides Sub AddAttributesToRender(ByVal writer As HtmlTextWriter) MyBase.AddAttributesToRender(writer) If MyBase.RenderUplevel Then Dim clientID As String = Me.ClientID [code]...
I am trying to put a basic Hello World Web Service in my Go Daddy Shared hosting.
It is a basic default Hello World Web Service that Visual Studio 2010 automatically generates: it works in my local web machine: i can invoke and can see the xml.
I have transferred the Service1.asmx and the Service1.cs file( in the App_Code folder ). I can view the web service page, but I cannot invoke the web service method, and as a result I cannot see the xml file where the "Hello World" string will be in side the <string> element.
Though I can see the web service page, there is no invoke button. How will I invoke or render the content in an aspx page? As the web page has to change the name space, I have changed the namespace to my website address, but still I cannot see or do an invocation and as a result cannot see the generated xml. My question is
1) what should I do so that I can see the return xml value from the web service?
2) what should I do so that I can render the data of the web service in a web page ( for example, in mywebservicepage.aspx)?
I used visual webdeveloper 2008 express edition to make a new WCF Service Application.If I test it on my pc it works perfectly , But if I publish it to my shared hosting site I get this erroris has a BuildProviderAppliesToAttribute attribute which includes the value 'Web' or 'All'.
I Getting A Problem In DataGrid's ItemDataBound Event. I Am Calling A JavaScript Function In DataGrid's ItemDataBound Which Retrun The CellIndex And RowIndex Number On Which UserClick After That I Am Re-Binding The DataGrid With jQuery Function After That ItemDataBound Event Not Working. I Want To Call The Same Function Again. Is Their Any Method To Call A Server-Side Function On ItemDataBound Event Except Client-Side Function..
I have an aspx page with two buttons, one of the buttons has an OnClick attribute to a function that should be run when clicked. When the other button is clicked there is an if statement checking if the page is a postback, if it is then I run some statements that need to be run when that button is clicked. That postback button works fine. However, the other button, when it's clicked the function it's supposed to call never executes, and the statements inside if (Page.IsPostBack) get executed instead. What can I do to fix this? Is there a way to make the button that calls a function not do a Post back?
i have a question about call javascript in codebehind. my page has two parts.one part for enter information about manager and another part for usualuser.each person has mellicode.that it has speicail code.i wrote it with javascript and call it with this code:
when i click in btnpazireshsabt i should check mellicode for manager.i call it :
how to jquery call a other call function other class is not static
[WebMethod] public static bool Verify(string username, string password) //Do your logic with username, password here //I am just checking with admin/admin credentials Console.WriteLine("Ritu"); [code]...
have, I am using JAVA's confirm function on one of the button in my aspx page, and base on the response, I would like to call a function with in the cs file.
<asp:Button ID="myButton" runat="server" Text="Click Me" OnClientClick="ShowTextBoxContent();"/> <script type="text/javascript"> .....
I have created my proxy class from a wsdl file using
wsdl /out:myproxy.cs c:arcodework.wsdl
I have imported it into my windows service application written in c# .net and I want to call a function from the proxy.
It returns an error when I try to call any function from the proxy. How can I make my application to communicate with the proxy file which is myproxy.cs? Here is how the proxy file starts:
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Xml.Serialization; // // This source code was auto-generated by wsdl, Version=2.0.50727.1432. // [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("wsdl", "2.0.50727.1432")] [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name="LifecycleSoapBinding", Namespace="http://service.myservice.workflow.services.barcodework.com")] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(UserEdo))] public partial class BarcodecycleServiceService : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol { ...