AJAX :: GridView In UpdatePanel Not Refreshing?

Feb 11, 2010

Here is the setup:

VS 2008Update PanelIn the update panel, is a gridview, and an asp:panel that contains some other controls, including the button I want to trigger the update of the gridviewThe gridview is tied to a sqldatasource, although I have tried multiple methods to get the data and all failed

Here is the problem:

User logs in and fills out the top part of the form. That submits some data to a table, returns the ID of the row submitted and makes an asp:panel visible (panel.visible=true). This update panel exists inside of the UpdatePanel. The user clicks a drop down list and selects a name. When this happens, another panel becomes visible, using the same process, to allow the user to enter data about the name they selected. So far, everything works.

What Should Happen next:

User clicks "Add" buttonDatabase is updated with the data enteredDatasource refreshesGridview refreshes - It is not visible at load because there are no records for it to show.

What Actually Happens:

User clicks "Add" button Database is updated with the data entered - This has been verified Datasource should update, but not sure it is Gridview does not show.

Here is the code snippet for the Update Panel:


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AJAX :: GridView Not Refreshing In UpdatePanel After Selecting LinkButton?

Oct 11, 2010

This GridView contains a TemplateField with a LinkButton that displays a text value. When the link button is clicked, the code behind needs to capture the text value of the button, and then refresh the GridView with an asynchronous postback within the UpdatePanel and display the updated output.

The post-back event is occurring, and I'm able to capture the event in Visual Studio 2010 debugger. But, the screen contents do not change after this event occurs. No exception gets thrown, at least from what I can see in debugger.

Portions of the sanitized code appear below. The GridView actually appears on a page that contains 2 dropdown lists and 2 other GridViews. There is just one UpdatePanel on this page.


This is in the Code-Behind.


I can put a break point in the above method, and it is captured when the lnkHostName button is clicked. Stepping through the lnkHostName_Click() method, the ReloadPage() method successfully runs, then executes this method:


This runs successfully, and the DataSet which gets returned contains 1 row of data rather than several rows. This is what I expect to happen. Once the filter is selected in my test case just 1 row should get returned. The problem is that I don't see that output refreshed on the screen. The grdProcesses gridview continues to display the original dataset of several rows, rather than just one row of data. To additionally test this, I tried setting the visibility of grdProcesses to false within this method when the HostName had a value. Again, this ran without an error, but the GridView was still visible. And I also tested by updating the contents of a label with the HostName value. The new value was never displayed in the label. I also tried putting the lnkHostName button into the triggers, ala:


But the following exception gets thrown when that button is added, "A control with ID 'lnkHostName' could not be found for the trigger in UpdatePanel 'upMain'."

What's frustrating is that everything appears to run smoothly in debugger. But in reality the expected output never gets refreshed on the screen. Perhaps I need to use an alternate trigger in the AsyncPostBackTrigger. I'm open to using a command button or some other artifact.

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Keeps On Refreshing The Page?

Apr 14, 2010

It keeps on refreshing the page I'm using framework 4 (VS 2010 RC1Release).

This code was working in framework 3.5

all the pages in framework 4 that i've been using updatepanel it keeps on refreshing the page.

But works fine in framework 3.5 (VS 2008).

<form runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" OnLoad="upCountDown_OnLoad" >


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AJAX :: Refreshing Controls Outside An UpdatePanel?

Jan 14, 2011

I have an UpdatePanel with some controls, and a tree control outside of the UpdatePanel. The tree control is huge (~4 MB) hence I don't want to refresh the tree on postbacks from within the UpdatePanel.

Main settings:


Everything is working great, except during one of the PostBack from within the UpdatePanel, I want to refresh the tree. This just does not seem to be possible.

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AJAX :: AutoPostback In Repeater In UpdatePanel Is Refreshing The Page?

Aug 31, 2010

I've got a TextBox with AutoPostBack="true" and OnTextChanged property set.

The textbox is located inside a Repeater, which in turn is located inside an UpdatePanel.

Problem is - whenever the TextBox postsback, the whole page gets reloaded, instead of the UpdatePanel only.

Here's how the thing looks:


Interesting thing is, if I take the TextBox out of the repeater, it refreshes only the UpdatePanel. So is if I put a Button inside the repeater - only the UpdatePanel gets refreshed. But whenver I place an AutoPostBack-ing control inside the Repeater, the whole page gets refreshed.


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AJAX :: Refreshing UpdatePanel On Selecting Date With CalendarExtender?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a page that displays data depending upon the date range entered by the user into two textboxes. I have added the CalendarExtender control from the Ajax Toolbox to each of these two textboxes, and I would like the associated updatePanel to refresh with new data whenever either of the two dates is changed. Sounds simple enough, but I have not been able to manage it so far.

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AJAX :: Refreshing "Grid Residing" Updatepanel From Javascript

Nov 17, 2010

How to refresh updatePanel from Javascript? What i want to do is i want to refresh Grid residing in a updatePanel from Javascript.

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel On Master Page Keeps Refreshing Content Page?

Mar 29, 2010

I have an updatepanel on my master page that just updates the database every 30 seconds, what is happening is that everytime it is fired, it will refresh everything on the page_load of the content page that are not under ispostback = false. to disable such a thing just for this specific updatepanel?

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UpdatePanel Not Refreshing In Accordion?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm using MS AJAX's accordion control. It works fine normally, but I can't seem to get it to work with an UpdatePanel. My layout is like this:

<div id="accordion">
<div><a href="#">Header1</a></div>
<div class="acc_content">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" >
<asp:button id="btnToggle" runat="server" text="toggle"/>
//my repeater contents go here. The buttons within the repeater cause a postback, but changes cannot be seen unless the page is manually refreshed (since the updatepanel doesn't refresh)
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnToggle" EventName="click" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnAdd" EventName="click" /> //this button is outside the updatepanel
<div><a href="#">Header 2 </a></div>
<div class="acc_content">
Content of the second pane

There are postbacks occurring when I click the buttons, but the updatepanel never refreshes or updated. I tried adding UpdatePanel1.Update() in the code-behind for each postback event, but no luck. Any ideas as to why this is happening?

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AJAX :: AsyncPostBack Trigger Not Refreshing The Gridview?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a problem when the databound gridview is not getting refreshed by the trigger that set to the dropdown outside the update panel. Both controls on ascx control that resides on the tabpanel within aspx page. I realise that both need to be in the same contianer, but because it's an ascx, I can't use Content (but it's used on the aspx main page. How to trigger the refresh of the grid?Here's the simplified code:

//Main Page - aspx


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AJAX :: Gridview Within Updatepanel Not Triggering Gridview Outside Of Updatepanel

Jan 14, 2011

I have a page that has a updatepanel around a gridview control that is within my modalpopup. So you land on the page, there is a link that when clicked will open the model popup. Initially the gridview merely displayed saved records you personally choseto save, well when you selected one, the popup would close and the data from that row would be passed to the gridview within the page to display details.. no issue when it was setup that way.. well eventually it was decided to add a delete option within themodal popup gridview so now when viewing the records you can delete it if not needed. works well.. but now with the updatepanel surrounding the gridview when i click on my "select" link it doesnt execute my

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Forms Data Controls :: Refreshing Datalist In Updatepanel?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a datalist. When a user clicks a button in the datalist I change some properties and then want to refresh the datalist. However, the code below doesnt seem to refresh the datalist. Once I reload the entire page (which I dont want) the changes are visible in the datalist. I also tried setting the updatemode of the updatepanel to "Conditional" and update manually in the dlPhotos_ItemCommand, but that doesnt work either.

In bold I've marked where I want to refresh the datalist

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upnlPhotos" runat="server">
<cc1:AsyncFileUpload ID="afuPhoto" runat="server" />
<asp:DataList ID="dlPhotos" DataSourceID="dsPhotos" DataKeyField="id" RepeatColumns="5" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" GridLines="None" runat="server" >


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Data Controls :: GridView Print Not Working When GridView Is Placed Inside AJAX UpdatePanel

Dec 15, 2012

Question for Print functionality in ASP.Net GridView control artical. I tried you code in my project, when click print current page, nothing happens.

So I download your code into my test web project "WebSite1", greate, it works.

Then in your CS.aspx page,

I added (which is the case of my project of using AJAX).

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">        </asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">        <ContentTemplate>
<div>        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
.......................... gridview stuff gose here .........................
</div> etc etc to close all the tags.

Now run, click print button nothing happens, no any error.

Can you see why put updatePanle for AJAX causing problem ?

I also have to pur EnableEventValidation="false" at top of the page to avoid

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AJAX :: How To Select Gridview Using UpdatePanel

Jul 28, 2010

I have a an UpdatePanel that binds data to a Gridview. Within the gridview I have a select button that will pass the selected id to another Gridview that uses an UpdatePanel. The issue I have is when I select a row in the first gridview one of 2 things occur.

1.) The selection does happen until the Timer refreshes. For instance if I select row 1 in Gridview1, I don't see the 2nd Gridview until the Timer refreshes after 30 seconds.

2.) The selection will happen right away IF I click on the Select button twice. (Don't want this...)

Is there something I'm missing that is causing the first click to the gridview to not select that row immediately? What really gets me is if I put a breakpoint on the Gridview1 SelecteIndexChanged, it fires right away and if I walk through the code it selects it right away.

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AJAX :: Gridview Paging Within Updatepanel?

Aug 24, 2010

I am new to Ajax. I have problem in paging for gridview which is in a update panel.I set the update panel update mode to conditional. The 2nd page records are not display after I click the 2nd page.for ref:

scriptmanager mode=release,enable page method=true.

View 4 Replies

AJAX :: UpdatePanel AsyncPostBackTrigger And Gridview Not Updating?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a very simple application that works almost all the time. I am using an UpdatePanel. My script manager is configured to enable partial rendering. My UpdatePanel is configured for conditional update mode. My asynchronous trigger is a timer that runs every 3 seconds. I track unhandled exceptions in the database. I am not getting any unhandled exceptions. Nor am I getting managed exceptions. Now, I had two users side by side running the application today. I had one record in the data queue. The first user did not get updates; her grid did not update. The second user did get updates. The only difference was that the first user was logged in for a long period of time. The second user logged in just before the test. I reviewed the IIS log file and both users were polling the page every 3 seconds for the same data. So why didn't the first user's grid update? The code follows.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" AsyncPostBackTimeout="30" EnablePartialRendering="true"></asp:ScriptManager>


In my code behind I have the following timer logic. [Code]....

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AJAX :: FindControl DropDownList In GridView Into UpdatePanel?

Mar 4, 2011

i have a gridview in updatepanel in this case:


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AJAX :: GridView In UpdatePanel With Full Postback

May 13, 2010

I have got the following gridview with a UpdatePanel and approve and save button in each row. How do I create a full postback if approve button is click and asyncPostback if save button is click.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="btnApprove" />
<asp:GridView ID="gvApproval" runat="server" CssClass="gridview" BorderColor="#E5E5E5"
Width="98%" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="NewProcessId" OnRowCommand="gvApproval_RowCommand"
OnRowDataBound="gvApproval_RowDataBound" OnRowEditing="gvApproval_RowEditing">
<asp:TemplateField Visible="False">
<asp:Label ID="lblApprovalId" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ApprovalId") %>' Width="1px"></asp:Label>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Comment">
<ItemStyle Width="80%" Wrap="True" />
<asp:Label ID="lblComment" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Comment").ToString().Replace("
", "<br />") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtApprovalComment" runat="server" CssClass="textMessageBox" TextMode="MultiLine"
Width="98%" Visible="false"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvApprovalComment" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtApprovalComment"
Display="Dynamic" CssClass="textErrorMessageNormal" ErrorMessage="Comment is required before approval"
ValidationGroup="Approve"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator><br />
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnApprove" runat="server" CssClass="spbutton" Visible="false"
ImageUrl="~/Images/ButtonApprove.gif" ValidationGroup="Approve" CommandName="Approve">
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnSave" runat="server" CssClass="spbutton" Visible="false"
ImageUrl="~/Images/ButtonSave.gif" ValidationGroup="Save" CommandName="Save">
<PagerStyle CssClass="pager" />
<HeaderStyle CssClass="gridtableHeading" Wrap="False" />
<AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="alternateRow" />

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AJAX :: Gridview Page Value Inside UpdatePanel?

Feb 2, 2011


Gridview Page value inside UpdatePanel

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AJAX :: Gridview In Updatepanel + Back Button?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a updatepanel with a gridview inside, when I navigate to another page and then click back, the gridview is empty.I have tried to google for a solution but havent found any...

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel GridView Paging Postback?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a simple form containing a gridview that displays some records. Everything works fine but I was hoping to wrap the grid view inside an updatepanle to prevent a full postback (flickering) when paging.

It doesn't seem to matter what I try, paging always causes a full postback which causes the page to flicker. What am I doing wrong?

Here's my markup:


And here's my aspx code:


<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true"></asp:ScriptManager>

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AJAX :: Export Gridview To Excel In UpdatePanel?

Nov 10, 2010

I am using AJAX 1.0. I want to export gridview to excel and it should display loading image when user start exporting excel. I usedUpdatePanelbut is gives some JS error message.

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AJAX :: GridView And DetailsView Inside An UpdatePanel?

Apr 28, 2010

I have a GridView and DetailsView in a Master/Detail relationship inside an Update Panel.The GridView displays a set of records, and when a Select button in the GridView is clicked, the detailsview displays the record for edit.Initially the focus is on the GridView, and when the Select button is clicked, I want the focus to be on the first TextBox inside the DetailsView. This happens only when I remove the UpdatePanel from the form. If the Gridview/Detailsview pair is inside an updatepanel, the focus never goes to the DetailsView.How can I make the focus on the DetailsView inside an UpdatePanel

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AJAX :: Save State Of Dropdown And Gridview In Updatepanel?

Feb 21, 2011

I would like to find a solution to my problem. In these senario I've got two pages.

First page:

5 dropdowns in updatepanel and a gridview in updatepanel

Second page:

Displays info of the selected row


So if a user makes a selections on all dropdownselection and selectes to view a row, wich in this case goes to page2 for more info.

But when the user returns to page1 all the selections and gridview has the "default" values so to speak, and not what the user has selected.

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AJAX :: Gridview.Sort Doesn't Work In UpdatePanel

Dec 5, 2010

I have a GridView in an UpdatePanel and in the code behind I bind to a Datatable and call the GridView's Sort method:

gvUsers.DataSource = dt;
gvUsers.Sort("DateOfBirth", SortDirection.Descending);

However, this doesn't sort the records. I have the Sort event as an asynch trigger for the grid.

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