AJAX :: How To Upload A File From Server To Client Without Attaching It To The Response

Mar 22, 2011

Basically I have to generate a rather large XPS document serverside and send this back to the client.

The issue I have whilst trying to do this is because the XPS document needs to be created on a STA thread, so either the response is sent back before the async operation is complete (in which case I can't attach the file using the transferfile method) OR I have to wait until the Async thread has completed and then I can send the file using the transferfile method (but this leaves the current page locked out for quite a while).

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AJAX :: How Not To Load Files On Server In Async File Upload Control When Client Side Validation Fails

Nov 15, 2010

I have a async file upload control and I am doing client side validation for Image."OnClientuploadstarted" I am doing the client side validation.My validation is working fine but my problem is that the file upload control text box goes green (i.e file is loaded on the server) even if the validation fails which is I dont want.What I want is when the client side validation fails the file does not gets loaded on the server and the Async file upload textbox does not goes green.I have goggled but have not found a suitable solution.

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How To Copy File From Client Machine To Server Folder Without File Upload Control

Mar 25, 2010

I have to copy a file from client machine to server folder without use file upload control.

i tried with WebClient().Like this

Dim onbjweb As New WebClient()
onbjweb.UploadFile(Server.MapPath(serverpath), "POST", LocalFilePath).

Its working fine in localhost.When its deployed in server its not working.

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Web Forms :: Client Download .csv File From Server Using Response.TransmitFile?

Sep 3, 2010

I am using the code below to enable clients to download a .csv file from my server.

The problem I am having is that when the file is saved to the client computer the file name is prefixed and suffixed with an underscore which leads to a file type of .csv_ which is obviously not a recognised file type.

How can I strip the underscores from the file name at the transmit stage?

Dim FileName As String = LstBox1.SelectedItem.ToString
Dim FilePath As String = "~/temp" & FileName
Response.ContentType = "text/csv"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & FileName & "")

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Web Forms :: Upload File From Client To Server Without OpenFile Dialog?

May 4, 2010

i am trying to create an aspx page where i can directly upload a file from the client to the server without user intervention. I would like to do something like when the user specifies the file path in the url, that particular file must be uploaded to the server.

example: ht.tp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/File_upload/File_Uploader.aspx?upload=C:/sample.csv&type=csv

The user can change the value after upload and what ever file he is specifying, it will be needed to be uploaded onto the server which is located at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

my sample code is:


this is just a trial to check if the csv file is being created on the server or not, and it is not being created.

i just want to copy the file on the client side to the server side and it has to be only by the aspx page in the format specified above.

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Attaching File With Email From Some Other Server (URL)?

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how to attach file from other server.


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Here are the error message.

1. Attach .mdf in SQL database file and open the database in Server Explorer

2. Create a new SQL server and attach .mdf

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AJAX :: Async File Upload Control - Check File Contenttype Before File Upload Starts?

Jan 13, 2010

I am using the async file upload control to upload to a image file. I want the user to upload only jpg files. And for that I am checking the uploadedfile content type in server side, after the upload complets. I wanna check this, before upload starts. There is one javascript method

function startUpload(sender, args){}

but how to access the content type of the file selected by user.

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Sending Zip File To Client Via Response?

Oct 26, 2010

I've been pulling my hair out about this for ages. I have a WebService which sends a zip file to the browser. This works; when I test the WebService and 'invoke' the method through it directly, the zip file is downloaded to the browser correctly.

The problem arises when I use jQuery to send an AJAX request to the WebService - the zip file is downloaded to the response, but it stays in the response and doesn't download as a file.

Here is my code:


Now this works since the file downloads when I use the 'invoke' function when navigating directly to the service.

Here is my jQuery AJAX request...


I added the code in 'beforeSend' so that the request states explicitly what type of response the browser should expect.

I've been using Firebug to monitor the request/response headers and can't see anything wrong with them (except when I look at the content of the response, it's full of binary data AND its the same size as the file I'm sending.

I just attempted to upload screen-dumps of the request/response headers and the content of the reponse but I don't have enough reputation points to do this yet :-(

The Response is the same size of the Zip file so I'm assuming its being sent back to the browser, but the browser doesn't know what to do with it.

Tested in IE, FF & Chrome and the results are consistent.

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Accessing Image File Of Client's Machine (without Using File Upload Control)

Apr 14, 2010

I want to access one image file residing in C: of the client's machine. I know with the help of file upload control (or say input type=file), this would be easy. Due to nature of my application (Its a KIOSK application), user is not expected to select file. I am just wondering how should I implement reading file without using file upload control. I want to store this file in Images folder of server. I am beginner to WCF. Should I look towards WCF?

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Cannot Upload A File To A Webservice And Get The Response In Json Format

Aug 10, 2010

I have a simple webservice that I would like to upload a file to. The problem is that I need the response in json.

Form my experience in order to get a response in Json my request has to have a content-type of 'application/json'. But ofcourse this cannot be the case with a file upload since the content type will have to be 'multipart/form-data'.

In my Json i want to return a value showing whether successful and a filename.


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Jun 11, 2013

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Jan 23, 2011

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Response.BinaryWrite - Incorrect Name Of File Opened On A Client Side

Jan 24, 2011


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Web Forms :: File Upload From Client Machine

Feb 21, 2011

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Web Forms :: How To Upload File Directly From Client Machine

Mar 18, 2013

How to upload the file directly from the client machine. I have one button for mail sending.

If i click the button, the from, to, subject comes using pageload. Like that the default file also could be added as a attachment directly from the client machine.

How to upload the file directly(using file upload control or eithout using file upload control)...

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Upload From Client To A Server

Oct 28, 2011

I want to send a file from MY LOCAL MACHINE (a pdf file) to a server running the web application. (to a pre-determined path on that server). Example .. the web application is a shopping cart. Customers can UPLOAD a pdf of their tax exempt status so it is on file at the servicing end. Will the VS control FileUpload accomplish this. I have seen where you can push a document from the SERVER to the client ... but not from the remote webuser client back to the servicing webserver application.

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Web Forms :: How To Upload File At Client Machine Using Fileupload Control

Jan 19, 2011

I want to upload file at client machine using fileupload control. How can I do this in asp.net.. Currently I am using the following code to upload a file. but this code gives the contents of file at server machine..

I need the full file path..In IE versions higher than 7, FileUploadControl.PostedFile.FileName gives only the filename ..

string filename = FileUploadControl.PostedFile.FileName;
sr1 = new StreamReader(FileUploadControl.PostedFile.FileName);


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Web Forms :: Implementing Reliable File Upload Functionality Without Using Client

Sep 26, 2010

I want to have an upload functionality for uploading large files -- as large as 1GB. I see some sites successfully implementing reliable upload functionality without using any upload clients e.g. ActiveX, Java, etc. Some suggest, the secret is sending the large file in smaller and more manageable chunks to the server. If that't the case how do I handle that?

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MVC :: Client-side Verification Not Working On Upload File Field?

Mar 25, 2011

I have this model:








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Web Forms :: Detect Client Side (using JQuery Or Ajax) That The Response Has Been Completed

Mar 3, 2011

I have a web form which does a full page postback when a button is clicked. This is caused by an update panel trigger. Client-Side: When the button is clicked, an animation gif is displayed Server-Side: When the button is clicked, the server side event changes the content type to excel, binary writes out excel content (byte array) and does Response.Flush() and Response.End() Client-Side: User is asked to either open or download the excel file. Animation gif is still displayed.

Question: How can I detect client side (using jQuery or Ajax) that the response has been completed. There is no page postback because the code-behind has cut off the response by using Response.End().

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Web Forms :: How To Get Full Path Of Picture By File Upload In Client Machine

Dec 27, 2010

how can i get full path of picture by file upload in client machine

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JQuery :: How To Upload Files In Browser Cache To Get File Size On Client Side

Apr 1, 2011

My requirement is to get the file size in client side. there is no problem in FF but in IE you can't do that unless u r using an activeX object. So we thought of putting it in browser cache and reading the file size from there and when we post it to the server we will be taking it from the cache and send it to the server.

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Response.Cookie Client Or Server/where Does The Cookie Saved? On Client Machine Or Server Machine?

Mar 7, 2011

When calling Response.Cookie.Add(new HttpCookie("MyCookie", "objValue")); where does the cookie saved? on Client Machine or Server Machine?

EDIT:if saved in Client Machine, how can I read it from javascript then? I tried this kind of script.

function getCookie(c_name) {
var i, x, y, ARRcookies = document.cookie.split(";");
for (i = 0; i < ARRcookies.length; i++) {

I cannot get the cookie that I saved from code behind. When I look into the document.cookie object, it is just an empty string.

Scenario:On Page_Init() on code behind. I create a cookie using Response.Cookie.Add(new HttpCookie("MyCookie", "cookieValue"));.
On Client side, I'm trying to read the cookie saved from code behind on page load using the snippet above, but it returns undefined

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