AJAX :: Modal Popup With Button Click Event Won't Work?
Sep 16, 2010
I try to create a asp.net 4 webpage, using masterpage.
On webpage I have a formview and inside the formview I have a ajax modalpopup. I have multiple buttons and textboxes on the modalpopup, and created a test event, but I still get the message that the textbox is not declared.
So I have a button on form that is supposed to execute some code-behind on a click event. To this button I also connected a Modal Popup Extender, which once you click OK, it goes away. What doesn't happen (and it should) is btnSendContactForm_Click never gets called.
Using the OnOkScript didn't help me either. I have tried setting the OnOkScript property of the extender, by calling a javascript that simulates the button click on the send button, but that only re-calls the modal pop extender, and a never-ending loop results everytime you click OK.
I am trying to get a modal popup inside a modal popup?, also i want to fire the modal popup on a condition in a text change event of a textbox?...is this possible and can anyone give me directon on this
using the abovei have a master page used the above in conetnt page in update panelwhen when i click on btnYes the event is not firedi even trued using trigger in code behind & even in design mode but still its not workingi get a msg <asp: content> tag
I read so many post which say if i need to catch the button event on the modal popup extender, i need to use javascript. But when it comes to my requirement I get confused.
I open a data entry form which contains several textboxes, drop down lists, validator controls and 3 buttons (viz. SAVE, SAVE & CONTINUE and CANCEL) on the modal popup. The requirement is that :
1. When the SAVE button is clicked the data in the different controls must be inserted into the database and the modal Popup must disappear.
2. When SAVE & CONTINUE button is clicked the data in the controls must be inserted into the database and the modal popup must be ready for the other with clear controls.
3. When CANCEL button is clicked the modal popup must simply be disappear.
I have an Ajax ModalPopupExtender on a page. To summarise. I have a link on a page, when I click the link the modal popup displays. On this modalpopup I've a textbox and an 'ok' and 'cancel' button. I wish to find out what was entered in the textbox when the button is clicked I try this but the value of ((TextBox)button1.Page.FindControl("theTitle")) is null.
if (((TextBox)button1.Page.FindControl("theTitle")).Text == "") void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //if i try this tt does not compile//The name 'theTitle' does not exist in the current context//if(theTitle.Text == "")//{//} Button button1 = (Button)sender; //TextBox theTitle = ((ImageButton)(e.Item.FindControl("theTitle"))); if (((TextBox)button1.Page.FindControl("theTitle")).Text == "") { } else { } } catch (Exception) { } }
I'm using modal popup extender and panel with calendar in it. Click the "Next / Previous Month" closes the modal popup. How do I tell the modal popup to ignore click events in a calendar control inside the panel targeted for popup? I'm confused because when using extender before, you had to click OkButton or Cancel to close popup. I have update panel for reason. I just minimized the code for easy review.
I have a small problem, I have a page which 4 jQuery modal popups. everything works fine, all the popup comes up however when i click on the button inside the jQuery popup nothing happens. I cannot figure out why.
I want to create a good Pop up on button click. pop up whose "height" , "width" can be controlled. It can be either Jquery pop up or Javascript. In this pop up I want to use asp.net controls and ajax (as normal webpage functionality but in form of pop up) also its background should be little blur when pop up is open.How can i create such pop up?
I am using a masterpage that contains a javascript script (does not matter what it does) and on each page under that masterpage I am registering that script to run on page load. On the page under the masterpage, I am calling a modalpopupextender to display on a button click. Now, if I disable the register startupscript, the popup extender works fine, if I register the startup up script it does not
I had this working fine using the second example when using .net 4 and the Ajax toolkit for 4 but I am now having to rollback to 3.5 due to a vendor requirement.
Here is a little bit of extra info:
If I put the script in page and not in the masterpage and just run with a window.onload, both work fine, which is why I have figured that it must be something that I am doing with the registration of the script.
When I say it does not matter what I put as the sript, I mean, it can be a complex element property adjustment or a simple alert, nothing seems to work.
I have this script in the masterpage because the script is used on everypage of the website.
I am also using the modalpopextender.show() on button click instead of using the element that it is attached to being the launching element.
i use modal popup extender to show my details in another separate window it is a panel contains some controls the problem is :: when i click on my button which contains:: the Show() method the parent page just frozen and no popup appears at all on the other side i have a grid view when i click on the last button on it the popup appears where the other buttons on the grid view make the same behavior of my first button , i donot know what is the problem my panel visibility = true and no setting in my behind code..i view the source and i find the panel with its contents then why the popup window doesnot appear. my aspx::
I have a datalist that displays all records from table but i have a button select on the datalist and i want to use the button to select each record of the column and display it on modal...here is my code
GetPost2(username); } } public void GetPost2(string username) { // int followerid;
I have a modal popup that on the first time it is running, if the user clicks the greyed out background the modal closes. On the 2nd and later times it runs correctly. The user can click the background and it works correctly. I have searched around and tried a few things with out any luck.
Here is the code.
<telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true" EnablePartialRendering="true"> </telerik:RadScriptManager> <ajax:ModalPopupExtender ID="GlobalModalPopupExtender" runat="server" PopupControlID="GlobalpnlPopup" TargetControlID="GlobalMain" BackgroundCssClass="modal_background"> </ajax:ModalPopupExtender> <div id="GlobalMain" runat="server"> </div> <asp:Panel ID="GlobalpnlPopup" runat="server" Style="display: none; background-color: White; border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; border-color: #EA0A8D; padding: 4px; height: 40px; width: 200px; z-index: 10000; " CssClass="RadButton"> <table align="center"> <tr> <td align="center"> <asp:Image ID="imgGlobalProcessing" CssClass="progress_image" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/ajax-loader.gif" /> <b>Processing...</b> </td> </tr> </table> </asp:Panel> <script type="text/javascript"> Sys.Application.add_load(GlobalApplicationLoadHandler); function GlobalApplicationLoadHandler(sender, args) { var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance(); if (!prm.get_isInAsyncPostBack()) { prm.add_initializeRequest(initRequest); prm.add_endRequest(endRequest); } } function timer() { return true; } function initRequest(sender, args) { var pop = $find("<%=GlobalModalPopupExtender.ClientID%>"); pop.show(); } function endRequest(sender, args) { var pop = $find("<%=GlobalModalPopupExtender.ClientID%>"); pop.hide(); } </script> .modal_background { background-color:Gray; filter:alpha(opacity=65); -moz-opacity:0.65; /* It is for Mozilla firefox browser */ Opacity:0.65; }
i want to display the details of datalist of partiicular row using jquery, on click of hyperlink "view" inside datalist item template .. i want to avod ajax popup modal
I am using a 5 file upload controls on my page within a Create User Wizard.
In a modal pop up extender, I have a animated ajax gif with a message
When I submit the button (see code below )to send the form, the modal pop up shows up,but the image is not animated. If I put the button below in an update panel it works with animation. But if I add a twigger for the button as the file upload controls needs a postbackthe image is static again. Is there anywhere I can display an animated image in the modal pop up and still keep my existing code.?
The whole thing is in a form, and it doesnt postback when this button is clicked. Im no good with javascript, but i got a feeling thats not the problem.
I have requirement to show alert with cancel and continue button just before two minutes when session is about to get over.Once user clicks continue button session should get extended for 20 minutes and if user clicks cancel then he should logout.I used modal popup to do this..
I get modal popup at 18 th minutes which is fine.But two button within modal popup does not get fired when I click button.I figured out problem that if the TargetControlID is set to pnlAlert then buttonwithin modal does not work.However if I use another extra button like as follow
<asp:Button ID="test" runat="server"[code]....
This button I use to click it to get modal pop up and set TargetControlID to button instead of pnlAlert then OK and cancel button within popup works.But my problem is that I should not explicitly fire this modal popup by clicking button.I should get this popup just before two minute before session is going to expire.So I don't know what should TargetControlId should I set.However complete logic works if I use another button
Here is my page in this, there is a control txtLicenseNumber.On the text_changed event of this control my code executes but data does not shows in my control after the completion of execution.if i commented the Panel(pnpPopup) & modalpopup from my source then it works fine.What should i do to work it with modal popup ?
I have an aspx page with multiple modal popups. These modal popups are trigger in the page behind code using .Show() and .Hide().
This is what I have in the .aspx page for the particular modal popup under discussion:
The example below demonstrates the type of calls I am making to the modal popup extenders. Basically using the Datalist item command, the datalist commands are responsible for triggering my modal popups.
They all work fine after postbacks except the "activityReport" case (the last one). The only difference with this modal popup is that it contains a user control and all the postbacks are happening in the user control. So the problem is that in the last case whenever a postback happens in the user control then the modal popup is close.
1. If I separate the modal popup and place it in a page all by itself and trigger it to .Show() through a button click in the page behind code then the modal popup doesn't close. See below example.
2. The button click event in the test page looks as follow: