I have been reading a lot about UpdateMode set to Conditional on multiple UpdatePanels on a page. It seems that when set to Conditional only the UpdatePanel affected by the event will refresh. It is not happening on my case and I don't know what am I doing wrong.
This is the scenario. I have 4 updatePanel all set to Conditional. I have external buttons that will call the Update method per each panel but the whole page refreshes when I click on any of the buttons.
On my page which uses nested master pages, I have several user controls which are in their own UpdatePanels.
I've noticed that when I update something which is in UpdatePanel 2, things are shifting slightly in UpdatePanel 1. Someone told me that when UpdatePanels are used, the page is reloading anyway. Is this true?
How do I prevent UpdatePanel 2 affecting UpdatePanel 1?
P.S. All update panels are set to Conditional in their UpdateMode's.
I just want to make sure that I got this right. If I have two update panels, and updatepanel1 has 10 dynamic controls created from an external button that resides on the page by default.. and then i have a second button which also is on the page by default but is an asynctrigger to updatepanel2...
then when the first updatepanel1 is populated with dynamic controls, then when I click button2 to update the second updatepanel2 with some data, the dynamic controls in updatepanel1 wil;l still remain there right? but does it persist by itself on postback? And if so why?
because when I click button2 to update updatepanel2, it does a partial page postback. So when it does a partial page postback, does that mean it does not destroy updatepanel1's dynamic controls?
I have a page in which there are multiple updatepanels and each of these update panels are trigerred by different triggers.
These update panels are used to do Async post back and the page is updated with the data retrieved from the async post back.
Now the issue i am facing is that since there are multiple update panels, the update done by one panel is lost when the other panels does the post back.
let me know if any one knows on how to solve this issue.
In my asp.net application in one of the Page I need to create 3 Panels. These 3 Panels I had already kept in 3 Updatepanels. Now, Outside the UpdatePanels, I have a dropdown. Selecting the Value from Dropdown, those 3 panels will be populated from database.
Each of the UpdatePanels have their UpdateProgrees Control. Now What I want is that those 3 UpdatePanels should filled up one by one.
I seem to be having issues trying to programmatically update one of the UpdatePanels on a page i'm developing.Basically what i'm trying to do is...
have one update panel on the master page (used to show summary info like errors and success message) and then a updatepanel on the content pages, all of which are conditional. where its not working (or i'm doing something wrong) is when i call a method in the master page to update its updatepanel to show the new summary message it does nothing.
I am having now two UpdatePanels on the same content page. One is a big UpdatePanel and another is a very small one. I can insert the little one content to the big one, but it means some info I don't need to update with Ajax at all will be init two, because of UI issues. What is better for performance? One big UpdatePanel or a small ones?
I have two grids "grid1" and "grid2" and two updatePanels "up1" and "up2". Both the panels have UpdateMode = "Conditional" grid1 is nested in up1 and grid2 is nested in up2 [Code]....
In Code behind : [Code]....
I am using UpdatePanels, but still data will be fetched whenever page loads. How can I handle so the dat will be fetched on ony for the grid which is being updated
I am using a timer control on one of my updatepanels in the asp.net website.
my problem is that behind the scenes the postback is a full postback, therefore any content that is placed under any other UpdatePanel is refreshed, as well.
How can i specify the timer functionality ONLY to the specific update panel, leaving other update panels, which do not contain a timer, unrefreshed.
I hope this is a really easy question but I'm struggling with it. I have a GridView that has an UpdatePanel within a TemplateField.
The idea is that the user can make simple alterations without a full page load being required.
I have simulated my page functionality in the following example, which simulates a database hit, gridview databinding and updatepanel functionality.
When you press any of the + or - buttons in the GridView, the form controls in the bottom UpdatePanel also post their contents back. I have seen this by using Firebug. On my real page however this is causing excessive bandwidth and is nearly the same as a full postback.
how I can force ONLY the appropriate UpdatePanel's contents to postback for processing, rather than all the UpdatePanels?? I've tried experimenting with Triggers but just can't get it working properly.
I have a requirement where a user logs on to a server where exists a website. The user bring up the site on a browser on that server and loads a power point presentation slide. At that time, users using their laptop clicks on the link to that site and sees that particular PPT slide loaded on the server. Then the operator/user on the server clicks on the second slide and the laptop would now see the second slide. Is this possible to do? If yes, then what technology to use? DHTML? or something else.
I have a dropDownList on a page that I need to refresh with new database entries whenever new content is added to my DB.Basically, I have a list of usernames in one dropdown, and when I add a new username to the database I want this to be reflected in the dropdown without refreshing the whole page i.e. on the fly.I have used update panel but partial postback is occuring but i want page should not refreshing at allI hope someone can help, I have looked around and not found any solutions.
I have an updatepanel on my master page that just updates the database every 30 seconds, what is happening is that everytime it is fired, it will refresh everything on the page_load of the content page that are not under ispostback = false. to disable such a thing just for this specific updatepanel?
I am very new to ASP, .NET and MVC but am reasonable with HTML, Javascript and CSS. I was hoping someone could answer a question about how to change a page without refreshing the actual page.
The dashboard div contains a lot of information that will be present on each page, so when the user navigates to another page, I only want the MainContent to change. I suppose this could be done by using an iframe, but I'd rather not go that path.
How would I go about this? Are there any tutorials that cover this? What functions/terms should I be looking for regarding this?
Edit: I don't know if it is relevant, but I thought I'd better state that I am trying to do this using MVC, and I want to get the content of the MainContent div handled by the appropriate controller of the 'page' contained within that div.
All i have issue we are implementing a web control . in this web control we have use multiple UI controls just like textbox,dropdown, etc... Allmost this page have more than 100 controls, these are dynamically created.But When this page is render on ie7 . this page is not load and refresh again and again.
Can someone provide a good example of multiple UpdatePanels being updated by a singe Dynamic Populate extender? Is there some way to have one UpdatePanel trigger another to make a call and subsequently update another UpdatePanel?
I have an Infragistics ultrawebgrid inside an asp:UpdatePanel control.The issue is each time the page is refreshed, the grid becomes invisible.But,the data is bound to the grid during postback also.
I've got a TextBox with AutoPostBack="true" and OnTextChanged property set.
The textbox is located inside a Repeater, which in turn is located inside an UpdatePanel.
Problem is - whenever the TextBox postsback, the whole page gets reloaded, instead of the UpdatePanel only.
Here's how the thing looks:
Interesting thing is, if I take the TextBox out of the repeater, it refreshes only the UpdatePanel. So is if I put a Button inside the repeater - only the UpdatePanel gets refreshed. But whenver I place an AutoPostBack-ing control inside the Repeater, the whole page gets refreshed.
I have used master pages inside application and menu is placed on master oage.On click of that menu content pages are called,i want to update only content page But the whole page is being refreshed.I have also used the Update panels on content.
I am using ASP.NET 2.0 and C#. I am not using AJAX.
I have added an Adrotator in my page. I want to refresh the adrotator after every ten seconds. Currently when the adrotator refreshes, the page is also getting refreshed.
How to refresh the adrotator without refreshing the complete page and not using Ajax?
how can i use the refreshing a part of the web-page without all the web-page am using c#.net, it will be great if there is an example to how you can do that also i need to know how can i use the iframe to do that, or a good way to do that