Web Forms :: Refreshing Client Web Page Upon Refreshing Server Web Page?

Mar 4, 2010

I have a requirement where a user logs on to a server where exists a website. The user bring up the site on a browser on that server and loads a power point presentation slide. At that time, users using their laptop clicks on the link to that site and sees that particular PPT slide loaded on the server. Then the operator/user on the server clicks on the second slide and the laptop would now see the second slide. Is this possible to do? If yes, then what technology to use? DHTML? or something else.

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Web Forms :: Refreshing A Part Of A Page Without Refreshing Whole Page?

Jan 21, 2010

how can i use the refreshing a part of the web-page without all the web-page am using c#.net, it will be great if there is an example to how you can do that also i need to know how can i use the iframe to do that, or a good way to do that

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MVC :: Stop Page From Refreshing Once Server Success Message Received From Controller

Dec 10, 2010

Code below is ready to test: MVC3 Problem is when I enable e.preventDefault(); than individual errors not popping up infront of each control generated by ValidationMessageFor and showing up when e.preventDefault(); is enabled. All the errors are working properly but once code processed and Successful message returning from server side make the whole page POSTBACK/REFRESH How I stop the whole page from Refresh/Postback if e.preventDefault(); is enable and get SUCCESS message from server?


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Web Forms :: Refreshing Content Page From Master Page?

Jan 21, 2011

I am having an issue with content page refresh, when I change something in master page. My scenario is, I have a login button present in master page, on click of which am loading a modal popup with login controls. Once the credentials are valid, i am hiding the modal popup and stroing the user authentication result in a Session object. In content page's page load event, I am checking for this session object, for showing/hiding some of the controls based on the user logged in.The problem is, after login, the content page is not getting reloaded and proper controls are not shown to the user. To make the content page refresh programmatically, i added an UpdatePanel in content page and refreshed it after login button click event in master page. But still content page is not getting refreshed.

//Check login credentials


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Web Forms :: Refreshing The Page?

Oct 6, 2010

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Web Forms :: Refreshing A Page Cause ?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a button on my aspx page on clicking which i get a new enquiry no in my textbox. It is working very much fine.But problem is that even when i refresh my page, it will get a new enquiry no.I only want a new enquiry no to be displayed in textbox whenever i click on button.This is my c# code for button_click event-


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Web Forms :: Stop Page From Refreshing

Feb 1, 2011

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Feb 8, 2010

The beauty of any website is to see some rotating devices that display various event also webmaster will always like to maximize the use of web page thereby showing various advert. at a go, one rotating after the other. Then i quickly decided to make a research and put up A TUTORIAL which can show the way of doing this in ASP.NET, i call it WYSIWYG, THE power of asp.net.To start with use adRotator and xml file to get your advert. ready to displaythen let us find a way to display this advert. one after the other without hitting the buttonthen i am sure you will get what other people want to sell for $2550, which can easily rotate your advert at a goWe have the tool,(ASP.NET) let us make the maximun use of it.[URL]

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Web Forms :: How To Cancel Refreshing The Page

Mar 18, 2010

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JQuery :: How To Avoid Page Refreshing / How To Use Ajax On Page Loading

Nov 29, 2010

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel On Master Page Keeps Refreshing Content Page?

Mar 29, 2010

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Mar 9, 2011

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Oct 10, 2010

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Web Forms :: Refreshing UserControl Without Refresh The Page?

Aug 11, 2010

In my Desktop i am binding Multiple UserControls. Each control has the Refresh facility. Is it possible to do refresh the particular UserControl with out page Refresh...

and one Important thing is I am binding User Controls dynamically..( in serverside while page loading)

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Web Forms :: Refreshing Page Re-enters Same Data Again?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a simple page, 2 textboxes & 1 button, wherein when button is clicked the values in both textboxes are added to a database table. code works however, when button is clicked the values are still in the textboxes. I created txt1.text = vbnullstring & txt2.text = vbnullstring after Myconnection.Close() just to delete the values in the textboxes.

but when I try to refresh my page, The values are still added to my table. I could redirect to a new page after a successful entry but, I just what to add a label saying "New Entry Added", clear the textboxes and waits for a new entry.

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Web Forms :: Refreshing A ShowPhoto.aspx Page?

Jan 14, 2010

I have an aspx page that displays information from a database. This page includes a photo that comes from the database so I use another page ShowPhoto.aspx that just has Response.BinaryWrite(bytePhoto) and the image control Url is set to that page. The problem is when the record changes, the content is all changed but the ShowPhoto page does not refresh the image. The image is retrieved and set in the Page_Load of the ShowPhoto.aspx page and the Page_load event does not run after subsequent calls. Here is my code.

When the UserControl with the content is refreshed this code runs.

private void GetBioContent(string lookup)
this.oContent = new PageContent();
this.oContent.GetContentByContentLookup("BIO", lookup);
bool hasImage = true;


The bio content also from the database refreshes so I know the user control is refreshing just fine. If you move to a bio that does not have a photo the ComingSoon.jpg from the file system is shown just fine. Then if you move back to a photo from the database it is correctly shown. The problem is moving from a photo in the database to another photo in the database and the new photo is not displayed. The previous one is still there. The code in the first section above does run but the page_load in ShowPhoto does not run.

How can I programatically just cause the showPhoto page to go away before calling it again so the Page_Load event would run and display the current photo?

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Web Forms :: Execute SQL Commands Without Refreshing Page

Jun 24, 2012

I am executing Sql Command of insert

But after it inserts data into table it refreshes page and on refreshing, it is calling my javascript window.onunload event

Can we Execute sql command without refreshing page???

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Layout To Refresh Content Without Refreshing The Whole Page On ASP.NET Web Page?

Aug 24, 2010

I am a beginner to web development and ASP.NET. I am creating a web application (not public, so SEO, bookmarking etc. is of no concern) with the typical layout of header on top, Navigation on the left, content on the right. I want the content to update without the whole page reloading when selecting something on the navigation bar. What is the typical way to implement this? MasterPage with ContentPages and using an UpdatePanel (tried this, but does not seem to work, I guess because the URL is different for each content page)? Using Frames? Using an iFrame for the content part? UserControls for the content part

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C# - Update Image In Page From Memory Without Refreshing The Page?

Apr 3, 2010

I have a command line C# server and an ASP.NET client, they both communicate via .NET Remoting. The server is sending the client still images grabbed from a webcam at say 2 frames a second. I can pass the images down to the client via a remote method call and the image ends up in this client method:

public void Update(System.Drawing.Image currentFrame)
// I need to display the currentFrame on my page.

How do i display the image on the a page without saving the image to the hard disc? If it was a winForms app i could pass currentFrame to a picturebox ie. picturebox.Image = currentFrame.The above Update method gets fired at least 2 times a second. If the client was a winForms app i could simply put picturebox.Image = currentFrame and the current frame on the screen would automatically get updated. How do i achieve the same effect with ASP.NET? Will the whole page need to be reloaded etc?

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Web Forms :: Master Page Not Refreshing In Other Pages Than Default

Sep 21, 2010

I've got a custom menu in the master page, that hides items according to different conditions (nothing to do with roles and perms). Is in the MasterPage.master file where i'm trying to hide them, e.g.:


The function isNormalMode() is defined in the code behind file MasterPage.master.cs, and everything is working properly in the page Default.aspx, but in the rest of the pages it doesn't execute the function at any time, so the item always remain visible.

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Web Forms :: Fixing - When Submitting Something / Refreshing Return To The Top Of Page

May 2, 2010

When I submit something, or refreshing the page, It's always return to the TOP of the page. How to fix it, that it will stay in the same place I did the submit / refresh..

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Web Forms :: Reload Image Without Refreshing Entire Page?

Jan 6, 2011

I have 2 asp:TabContainers on the Page. The first one contains an Image control. The second one has a dynamic TreeView on one of the TabPanels. When I click one of the treenodes I change the URL of the image in the First TabContainer. However it refreshes the entire page. How to prevent that from happening? Below is the code behind when the treenode is clicked.


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Web Forms :: Page Is Refreshing Inside Update Panel

Jul 28, 2012

I have added update panel and gridview in my page. When I click on any Image Button which is in Gridview, the page refreshes at that time. I don't want my page to refresh.


<div class="Support"> <h1><asp:Label ID="lblTransactionStatus" runat="server" ></asp:Label></h1> <br />
<table width="100%"> <tr id="Success" runat="server" visible="false"> <td colspan="2">
<asp:Label ID="lblTransactionMessage" runat="server" ></asp:Label> </td> </tr> <tr >
<td style="width:30%" > Your Order Number : </td> <td > <asp:Label ID="lblOrderID" runat="server" >

[Code] ....

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Web Forms :: How To Clear The Values Of The Hidden Fields Without Refreshing The Page

Jun 10, 2010

I am having two hidden fields which are server controls and i set the values in the javascript function. But i want to clear them as soon as one of my code behind method gets updated. As my page is not refreshing the hidden fields are not getting cleared. But i dont want page refresh.

So how do i clear the hidden field values without refreshing the page.

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