AJAX :: NumericUpDown In Gridview?
Dec 21, 2010
I am adding a numericupdown control in a template column in a gridview.I bind the grid on a button click event...but the the up and down controls do not appear...just the textbox that I use for the extender.
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Similar Messages:
Jan 8, 2011
i want to do smething like this.i show my shoppingbasket's content in a gridview. i add numericupdownextender to show product number field. i want this. when i up or down the value of numericupdownextender, a javascirpt functionthat i wrote will work.can i control this control lie this?
i looked for this. but there is no detailed sample or article.
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Mar 25, 2011
When i set Minimum to below 100 or 100, the NumericUpDownExtender is work as expected.
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server" />
<ajaxToolkit:NumericUpDownExtender ID="NumericUpDownExtender1" TargetControlID="TextBox3" Minimum="100" Maximum="3000" Width="50" runat="server" Enabled="true">
Now change the Minimum to more than 100, let's say 101, it won't work.
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Aug 24, 2010
I have an AJAX NumericUpDown Control that takes a decimal. If I put in 1.30, it removes the zero. I do not want to remove the zero, it must remain at 1.30.
A demo of this can be found here: [URL]
For example, enter 1.30 in the text box then tab out or click somewhere else. The zero is removed.
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Nov 30, 2010
I have a ajax Popup extender which contains a grid and when i select a row a value should pass into the textbox in the parent page. i created every thing but the value is posted in the textbox. The Grid is loaded perfectly and the popup shows but when i click the select command field inside the grid the popup disappers but the value is not loaded in the textbox. help me am struck up with this for a very long time.
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Dec 15, 2010
I am fairly new to web development & stuck up using the ajax:popupExtender inside a gridview/Itemtemplate. So, would like to get help from experts in the forum
Currently I m developing a web page which holds a grivview. As one of the column needs a multiple column dropdown with soring facility, I am using ajax:popupExtender to achive that. Basically in the column i have a Panel1(label & image which mocks up has a dropdown), ajax:popupExtender, Panel1(gridview to have mutiple column). When user clicks on it the ajax:popupExtender is called & the targetpopupid which is a panel2 with gridview is called.
Here when user clicks on thePanel1, I am able to display Panel2 using ajax:popupExtender. Also, when user selects some row, I am able to close/hide the ajax:popupExtender in the code behind using cancel(). (this is done in selectItemIndexchange of panel2 grid view).
But my problem comes when user doesn't select any row & clicks back on the panel1, the ajax:popupExtender will remain open. but it should have been closed as i am trying to mock up dropdown dunctionality. how can I hide/close ajax:popupExtender when user clicks on panel1 2nd time.
Following are the different approaches I tried but nothing worked out.
1. wrote JS, & tried to add attributes of the Panel1's onclick event.
Failed: Error - Object is undefined. even though i passed a valid obj from code behind.
<script language="javascript">
View 5 Replies
Dec 2, 2010
I am trying to use tab control with Ajax toolkit. I want to use my master page which is plain page and I want to show the tab function of gridview. I want to give the tab control only the gridview page partically on master page. If it is possible, I am going to put other gridview at this page. That means tab control ONLY gridview. Is it possible?
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Jan 27, 2010
Can i Validate textbox inside gridview using ajax in asp.net
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Feb 12, 2011
I want to pass testname to label in module popup by clicking image button in arow of gridview.
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Dec 15, 2012
Question for Print functionality in ASP.Net GridView control artical. I tried you code in my project, when click print current page, nothing happens.
So I download your code into my test web project "WebSite1", greate, it works.
Then in your CS.aspx page,
I added (which is the case of my project of using AJAX).
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate>
<div> <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
.......................... gridview stuff gose here .........................
</div> etc etc to close all the tags.
Now run, click print button nothing happens, no any error.
Can you see why put updatePanle for AJAX causing problem ?
I also have to pur EnableEventValidation="false" at top of the page to avoid
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Mar 22, 2010
I'm using PopupControlExtender in a GridView, which pops up various dropdowns, treeviews, calendars etc. depending on which cell is clicked. I'm populating the dropdowns on the OnPreRender event. The result is, GridView is becoming extremely slow. I've tried removing Calendar controls, the Grid is still very slow. My guess is the enormously large source view of the page, resulting from populating controls on PreRender. Here is a sample ItemTemplate:
My goal is to populate the controls inside popup panel only when that panel becomes visible. I tried using OnResolveControlID event for this in PopupControlExtender. But strangely enough, that event fires only when control is NOT found, contrary to what its name suggests.
Anyway, my goal is to populate the popup panels controls (mainly ListControls) ONLY when their container panel becomes visible - hoping that this will make the grid faster. The same grid works perfect with AutoGenerateColumns=true and no populating of ListControls (not an option). Also, I'm NOT using debug option in web.config.
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Jun 2, 2010
have a Gridview which repopulates itself when I click on a button outside the grid.This works fine, except that when I click on a button on the grid after repopulation, it gives the old values rather than the updated ones. I notice that querying GridView1 gives the grid when it was first populated.Anywhere I could have gone wrong?is already true.
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Mar 17, 2012
I am doing a program for a collapsable grid view, for this initially my gridview binded as follows in the image
Now when I click on + sign I would like to show another gridview corresponding to the selcted ID
This is my complete design
<asp:Panel CssClass="grid" ID="pnlCust" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="pnlUpdate" runat="server">
<asp:GridView AllowPaging="True" ID="gvCustomers" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
runat="server" ShowHeader="False" OnRowCreated="gvCustomers_RowCreated"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DEDFDE" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px"
[Code] ....
My code to bind gridview
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!Page.IsPostBack) {
//string strProc = "uspSearchPayRoll";
string strQuery = "select distinct concat(e.firstname,' ',e.middleinitial,' ',e.lastname)
[Code] ...
How to bind other grid view on clicking + sign..
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Aug 18, 2010
I have two InlineEditBox.NET controls in a template field inside a GridView. When displayed in the GridView, the first row is OK, but starting with the second row, the controls are automatically displayed in edit mode when the page loads, and I can't figure out why.
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Oct 27, 2010
using asp.net/vb.net 2005
I want to create an accordion inside a gridview with the following functionality:
The user will only see one field of the gridview initially, the ProductCategoryID. When the page loads it will only query the ProductCategoryID and this will be the only field displayed.
Next when the user clicks on the accordion to expand it inside the gridview I would like to query the database to get all Products that are part of the ProductCategory. I will query using the ProductCategoryID that is being displayed.
I need to do this for performance issues. The main thing I am looking for is how to query the database once the user expands a given ProductCategoryID.
but now I think of it one thing I need to know: when you bind an accordion to a dataset will it create one pane for each record returned? It might be better to put the gridview inside the accordion. I'm willing to do either, as long as it works
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Jul 25, 2010
Is there a ajax Gridview and pager Control for asp.net that you can download
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a grid view which i am using to unlock the user. I have a checkbox ,locked user details and a button in that. If i click on the button in the button click event it is checking whether checkbox is checked or not and if it is checked then the user will get unlocked. And what i need here is if check box is not checked i want to show error message.
View 13 Replies
Mar 12, 2010
im working with gridview i have to send a mail to client from my client datagridview i used popupcontrol to send a mail this is my Code
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Call for meeting">
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkBtnCall" runat="server" Text="Call" CommandName="CallForMeeting"></asp:LinkButton>
View 5 Replies
Aug 7, 2010
I have put a updateprogress ajax nested in a gridview template. However, when I click a button inside the gridview row, all of the rows in the gridview display the updateprogress gif at the same time. When the user click a button on one row, how can I get the updateprogress to display itself only on that row index?
here is my code:
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Jun 19, 2010
In the gridview I use a button to popup a model window. When I click the submit button in the model window the gridview labels turn to textboxes. Like in edit mode. I don't want that.
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Sep 9, 2010
I have a gridview with a template field containing a Button and a modal popup extender. I would like to populate the panel with the information from the row ... is there any way to do this?
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May 5, 2010
how to pop up ajax pop up or modal pop up inside a gridview to update something.
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Feb 11, 2010
Here is the setup:
VS 2008Update PanelIn the update panel, is a gridview, and an asp:panel that contains some other controls, including the button I want to trigger the update of the gridviewThe gridview is tied to a sqldatasource, although I have tried multiple methods to get the data and all failed
Here is the problem:
User logs in and fills out the top part of the form. That submits some data to a table, returns the ID of the row submitted and makes an asp:panel visible (panel.visible=true). This update panel exists inside of the UpdatePanel. The user clicks a drop down list and selects a name. When this happens, another panel becomes visible, using the same process, to allow the user to enter data about the name they selected. So far, everything works.
What Should Happen next:
User clicks "Add" buttonDatabase is updated with the data enteredDatasource refreshesGridview refreshes - It is not visible at load because there are no records for it to show.
What Actually Happens:
User clicks "Add" button Database is updated with the data entered - This has been verified Datasource should update, but not sure it is Gridview does not show.
Here is the code snippet for the Update Panel:
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Mar 21, 2011
I wanted to replicate this on my website. I already hava a gridview with data from my database, and now i wnated to add the hover menu to each row of the gridview. How can i accomplish this?
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May 8, 2010
I am using the ajax control toolkit - Tabcontainer. I wonder how to refresh the latest data inside the tab. For example, I have two tab. The first tab is a add form. After I add the form, I prompt out a successful message. Then I click on the second tab which is my gridview listing of the inserted record. But when I click on the second tab, it seem not binding the gridview to show the most latest record I have inserted.
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