AJAX :: Removing Multiple Empty Lines From The Editor?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm having troubles in removing multiple empty lines.

I'm trying to remove with editor1.Replace("

","") and also with Replace("<br>","") but nothing seems to work.

With 'removing multiple empty lines' i mean removing empty lines like for instance:

Line 1 text
line 2 text
Line 3

The line that should be removed is the one between line 2 and line 3, so this should become:

Line 1 text
line 2 text
Line 3

No emtpy line between line 2 and 3

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AJAX :: HTML Editor Control Is Removing Blank Lines?

Jan 25, 2011

I a using an HTML Editor control on a page within a Update Panel, when te user selects from a DropDownList the page gets the requested Text from an SQL DB and updates the HTML Editor. This all works fine and if the user edits the text it is also saved back to the DB perfectly fine.

However if the user tries to put a blank line in to the TEXT (Line theline above this one!) even switching from Design to Preview this line is removed and if the Text is saved back to the DB the line is removed. I have tried adding lots of lines but they are always removed as if the control is thinking well we don't need this white space so lets get rid of it.

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JQuery :: Removing Duplicate Lines From Autocomplete TextBox?

Jun 17, 2010

My datasource returns up to 3 different values for each item: a contact name, a company name, and an email address

The problem is, this ends up returning the same company names multiple times in the returned list of suggestions

Is there a way to weed these duplicate items out using JQuery or is there another method I should use?

Here is my implementation


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Forms Data Controls :: Removing Blank Lines On Website End?

Apr 9, 2010

I have some data im reading from an SQL Database onto a web page.

on the website end im converting each new line into a list item.

but in the database theres lots of blank lines between list items, so its showing each blank line as a list item.

so i just wondered if theres any way to remove those blank lines on the website end.

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Error Using Editor Control From Ajax Control Toolkit / Value Cannot Be Null Or Empty

Mar 27, 2011

When trying to use the editor control i'm getting the following error:

Value cannot be null or empty.

Parameter name: elementID

Here's my HTML:


I'm using asp.net 4 with ajax control toolkit for version 4.

I believe the error is talking about the routing I have. Is there something special I have to do if I want to use the toolkit and custom routing?

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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Columns In Multiple Lines In Single Column In GridView

Aug 18, 2015

I have a question in gridview, I want to combine my two or more records into a single cell with two rowsfor Example i have a ID, Name, Year Start, and Year End for Column name in database and i want call it into my gridview that the Year Start and Year End will combine to Year like:

In Database

ID Name Year Start Year End

1 Yourname 2010 2015

In Gridview:

ID Name Year

1 Yourname 2010 2015

in a year column i want it to two row..

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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Columns In Multiple Lines In Single TemplateField Column In GridView?

Aug 18, 2015

I want to bind three column with one row in gridview in asp.net with c#,

i want like this, 

Name | Info
name | lastname

        | phone number

        | address

I get this by default

name | last name | phone number | address 

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AJAX :: Multiple HTML Editor Controls In A Webpage?

Jun 21, 2010

I have created nine custom HTML Editors in a web application using AjaxControlToolKit.

I am able to connect to SQL database and get the information displayed on all nine Editors. I am also able to update and insert data into database using the Editors. When i am trying to modify the text displayed in the some of the Editors, certian child controls in the Editors are not working.

For example if i try to add hyperlink to the text in the first Editor it works fine, i mean all controls infirst Editor works fine. But in the second Editor the hyperlink control doesn't work. The same thing happens forthird, fourth, fifth Editor, but the sixth, seventh, eigth and ninth Editor the Hyperlink works but destination url popup dialog box is displayed at the bottom of the page. this is happening only for hyperlink control in these Editors.

The following code i have used to create the custom editor class


to register the custom editor in .aspx


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AJAX :: Using Multiple TinyMCE Rich TextBox Editor Inside UpdatePanel Across Partial PostBack

May 7, 2015

I saw article [URL] .... that is working fine 

I have a page with multiple textbox multiline 

When I apply your code for three textbox then it show only one editor and remain same as simple textbox and if i click on button it flickering ...
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField1" runat="server" />

[Code] ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Strategies For Removing Empty List Items From A Listview Upon Render?

Sep 29, 2010

using asp.net 4 and vs 2010 I have a listview that displays data from a database. I have to configure it to display all column data where present, however, not all columns have data, with the result that blank spaces get rendered where this data would normally be displayed.

The code:


So, for example, some of the individuals that exist in this table might no longer be associated with a specific department, institution or have data in the "Address2" column.

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Web Forms :: TinyMCE Editor Is Empty?

Jun 22, 2010

I have tinymce .net control on my .net webform and the basic setup works a treat. My code behind can see the html generated my tinymce via the TextArea1.Value property. However as soon as I set the mode to textareas the value is suddenly always empty! The problem is that if the mode is not set to textareas the tinymce editor is only in simple mode and does not offer all the features.

How do I get this to work?

View 10 Replies

AJAX :: Display HTML Editor Created Text Outside Of The Editor?

Jan 26, 2010

I have an Editor control on my page and the user can go in use it hit save and that all works.

In another part of the page I have a simple dropdown to select a note and view it. When you push view it loads the text which was entered in via the editor control.

If the user used an order or unordered list. The text shows up but not the list part.

So if they did this:

ThisAnd this

What is displaying is

And This

Without the bullets. Same for the numbers.

I have it going to a literal control which should render the html, but it doesn't.

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Cell Of A Datagridview To Support Multiple Lines Using C#

Mar 30, 2010

i have a datagrid view with two columns. the first column is readonly and the other is editable. now i want every cell of the second column to support for mulitilines in each cell. i want to press enter key and come to the next line in the same cell. im using c#.

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How To Display Multiple Lines In Label And Save It Into SQL Server

Oct 8, 2010

I used code to display multiple lines in label and save it into SQL server as Varchar(max). It works fine in label.text but in SQL table, it do not work.

dim s as string
s &="Good day" & "<br/>"
s &="aspfun"

In label, it displays like below which I want:

Good day

but in SQL table, it displays like below which I do not want:
Good day <br/> aspfun

How to code for carriage return/line feed to works in both way?

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Forms Data Controls :: Two Lines In The Header To Get An Output Of Two Lines?

Jan 21, 2010

In the header text I need to get an output of two lines. The top one in Spanish an the lower one in english. Is there a way to break a line?


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Web Forms :: Display Multiple Lines In Label And Save It Into SQL Server?

Oct 8, 2010

I used code to display multiple lines in label and save it into SQL server as Varchar(max). It works fine in label.text but in SQL table, it do not work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Delete Multiple Lines In ListView With StoreProcedure?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a Listview which uses a StoredProcedure to display the data. That part works fine. What I'm trying to do is delete multiple lines using a different store procedure. So I did this code:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDS_BasketDetails" runat="server"

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Web Forms :: Removing Multiple Items From Arraylist?

Mar 24, 2010

How do you go about removing multiple items from a array list?

I'm using the RemoveAt() method to remove but doing that resets the ArrayList's index which cause me problems if the user selects to remove 1 & 3 out of a 3 list array since once it removes 0 the array list now just has 0 & 1.

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WebMatrix :: Rich Text Editor / Use the AjaxToolkit Html Editor or Another 3rd Party Editor?

Jul 16, 2010

I went through the documentation and looked at the asp.net/webmatrix pages but could not find a RichTextEditor.

Is there one built into WebMatrix or can I just use the AjaxToolkit Html Editor or another 3rd party editor?

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SQL Server :: Removing Matching String In Multiple Rows?

Dec 8, 2010

I am looking for a better way to update a list of records. I have a string column in my table that contains an array of strings like so:"11112,AAAA1,AAAA2,99998" etc. It is possible that the column could contain one of those values at any position, for instance, these are ALL valid values for the column:


I want to write a SQL statement that will remove "11112" from all of the columns when needed. This MUST also remove any leading, trailing, or double comma values that may be left from simply replacing the "11112" with an empty string.As of now, I simply load a SqlDataReader with any records that contain "11112", I replace it with nothing, "", then I fix the string if need be and update it.

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AJAX :: HTML Editor - Change The Output Generation Properties Of The HTML Editor?

Jun 22, 2010

I was wondering if there was an easy way to change the output generation properties of the HTML editor.

I need to change it from the current XHTML standard (spans, etc) to legacy styles; <b>, <u>, <i>, etc.

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Configuration :: Removing Login Account Without Removing User?

May 31, 2010

Long ago, I created an ASPNET user for development use.However, every time I boot up my dev system, I'm presented with a user login for ASPNET, among others.I don't want to remove ASPNET; I need it for dev work.But how do I keep it from appearing among the list of User Logins available at boot-up?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Multiple Controls In Different Lines In A Gridview Cell

Mar 2, 2010

I want to have a list of sets of controls in a gridview cell.

Such as:


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Data Controls :: Display Data From Database In Multiple Lines In TextBox

Sep 20, 2015

Using code found here : [URL] .... I was wondering if the text could be formatted as in maintaining line feeds. I'm reading from an SQL 2008 database which has a text field. When I call it up the text format is gone. as an example I get :

what colour is the sun A:Green B:Red c:Yellow

instead of :

what colour is the sunA:Green B:Red c:Yellow

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Web Forms :: Use Multiple TinyMCE Editor Instances On A Single Webpage

Oct 12, 2013

How we can use multiple tiny mce on a single webpage i.e..aspx page?

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