Forms Data Controls :: Strategies For Removing Empty List Items From A Listview Upon Render?
Sep 29, 2010
using 4 and vs 2010 I have a listview that displays data from a database. I have to configure it to display all column data where present, however, not all columns have data, with the result that blank spaces get rendered where this data would normally be displayed.
The code:
So, for example, some of the individuals that exist in this table might no longer be associated with a specific department, institution or have data in the "Address2" column.
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I have tried.
listview1.datasource = null;
But none of these have worked. I have also tried removing the item via it's index.
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Second one:
Third one:
and so on.
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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
ViewState["CurrentAlphabet"] = "ALL";
View 1 Replies
Aug 5, 2010
using .NET 4, SQL 2008 R2 and VS2010:
My issue is that the first row of data in my db table does not seem to be output to my ListView control when I run the page. The first item in the ListView control is the 2nd row of my db table.
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The ListView control is defined as follows:
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May 27, 2010
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2) Now I want to check the selected items for a particular record in this list
3) For this purpose I have another list of <List> selected items returned by data access layer (For selected items for that employee )
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5) In spaghetti coding model it was all too easy just by binding the checkbox list with a sql data source and running a for each on form load
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I have read the FAQ of this forum. This issue is not there.
View 2 Replies
Nov 14, 2010
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title if the datafield is empty. Here is what I have done so far.
<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# "Tel. "+Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />
Or This:Tel.
<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />
Business is a phone number. If the data field contains a number I get: Tel. 1234 123456. If the field is empty I get Tel. If Business is null I want nothing dsplayed, how do I do this?
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Feb 1, 2010
I am using 2 listview. One is attached to the datasource and other is not. So in order to show the headers, I filled in the emptydatatemplate.I have a command on the 1st listview "Add", on clicking of which I should remove the item from that listview and add it to the 2nd listview.the datasource of the 1st listview is a stronglytyped list.Kindly help me, how to achive the moving of items from one listview to another and what should be the setting of the 2nd listview to show the headers.
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Feb 2, 2010
There is a page in my project named Messages.aspx that shows the messages received [but obviously], using the ListView control.
I want that the user should be able to see the body of the message on the same page [Messages.aspx] just by clicking the subject of the message, which is ofcourse a link.[Messages.aspx?msg_id=some_id]. Hence the user would actually reload the same page to read the contents of the message.
Now what I want is that I should be able to write some code that would change the <LayoutTemplate> and the <ItemTemplate> of the listview during the runtime. [in the page_load event of course]
Previously the listview would look like this:
After the clicks any message to read it and the page gets loaded, I want the layout of the listview to look like this.
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Jul 18, 2010
i have the following problem. i'd like to use a listview with paging for mulitple selection of items in a list. The selection is no problem. I do have f.i. a list which holds the key values.
List<Int64> selectedList =
As soons as the user makes a selection or removes a selection the list will be updated accordingly. Also hold this list info when changing pages of the listview.
This list can be stored either in a session or a viewstate.
My question is how can i retrieve the information of the list back into my listview and thus displaying the selection the user has made when he jumps from page to page.
Below my listview.
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May 24, 2010
In my project I have a listview which I am binding from code behind. Now I would like to add a droppdownlist for each item in listview. So my question would be:
Is there a way to populate my dropdownlist whit data which I have in a List?
Here is a bit of code to show how my listview looks like:
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Dec 11, 2010
I have a listview which has a complicated Item template that contains a repeater, an objectdatasource and some other controls. On the first run I am only showing 10 Items of the listview. The user has an option to show 10 more ListView Items. If user clicks on show older items; the listview shall add another 10 items. how to go around this since my list view already has a datasource and I don't want to rebind the whole listview all over again. Instead; I just want to add another 10 items.
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Feb 10, 2011
i'm currently learning .Net and i can get data out of a database and display in a listview. But how can i access data items in the code behind and format, change, whatever i want to them then display in the list view? Is it even possible?
Maybe an example of what i'm trying to do would be to concatenate a address from the dataset and in a variable sAddress and then attach sAddress to a label in the list view, or add to colums of the dataset together and then show in a label in the listview.
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Mar 14, 2011
have an annoying problem. i'm trying to update single items in a databound listview. but when i click the update button it gives me the cannot insert NULL value. it doesnt seem to read anything from the textboxes which i have databound from the database. even though text is clearly shown...
i have setup my update statement and parameters, it uses the Update command name and ItemUpdating event. i catch the data from the textboxes by using e.ItemIndex and use the text assigned to the parameters in a SqlCommand.
The thing i'm aiming for too is that when an item is updated it stays on the page where the item was updated, (i was using response.redirect before but it went against my aim since the whole page reloaded)
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May 27, 2010
Highlight color on duplicate items in listview in vb2005
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Feb 28, 2011
I have al list that I would like to populate with new items from a textbox. But when I add a new Item it overwrites the old list with te "new" list. I declared the list outside the method so I don't know what the problem is.
here is my code:
ASPX file
ASPX.CS file
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