AJAX :: Run Javascript When A ModalPopupExtender Is Shown Server-side?
Feb 1, 2010
I have a panel extended by the ModalPopupExtender that is sometimes shown using the .Show() method in my code-behind. I have a javascript function that resizes the popup and am able to get it to run when I use the client-side show function but how do I run the same javascript function when using the server-side Show() function?
I recently came across the AsyncFileUpload control in the latest (3.0.40412) release of the ASP.Net Ajax Control Toolkit. There appears to be an issue when using it in a hidden control that is later revealed, such as a tag with
Server-side Code - [Code]....
I have a breakpoint on the UploadedComplete event but it never fires. However, if you take the AsyncFileUpload control out of the , making it visible at initial page render, the control works as expected.
I'm using a ModalPopupExtender in my website, to show "accept/cancel" messages, and catch the user selection at the server side. I put two buttons (ok/cancel) at the panel that will be shown as a modal popup, add them a server side event handler, but it does not fire.
I'm using asp.net and c# to build a web application. I'm trying to display a popup message using the ModalPopup extender. The message displays fine only if it sets in client side or in server side but inside Page_Load. Otherwise, it displays as empty. the popup comes up without the message.
The thing is that i want to change the meesages when i call its show() method.
I just want to find whether the ModalpopupExtender is shown or hidden in Javascript
if($find('ctl00_contentArea_MpInfoError').Show()) // Above line is wrong here i need correct code to find out. { //do something } else { //do something }
I have a gridview that displays items awaiting supervisor approval. The supervisor clicks the Review button and a modal window should popup with the results of a database query on the record. I am using a dataketname param on the grid. Here are the ASPX elements, The gridview and the modalpopup code
I am using mpeApproval.Show() in the codebehind but it isn't firing. I've been at this literally all day and am feeling pretty stupid at the moment. Have I provided enough for you to make a determination?
I know that I can receive an javascript object from the server via ASP.NET AJAX using Json. But I am not sure how can I send an javascript object from my client-side javascript to my server-side code. And if I can, how can I extract this object in my server-side code and access its members?
I recently came across the AsyncFileUpload control in the latest (3.0.40412) release of the ASP.Net Ajax Control Toolkit. There appears to be an issue when using it in a hidden control that is later revealed, such as a <div> tag with visible=false.
I have a tricky problem. I am in a situation where I need to use a method defined in a .cs file from a javascript function. The problem is we are using .NET 1.1 and AJAX cannot be used for the application.
Also, I will need to pass a string from the javascript to the server side method. The page where I am implementing the javascript is a .as
I have tried doing a post back and creating a RaisePostBack event handler method (both in the .aspx page and the .ascx user control) but no luck.
The javascript is called from a span's onclick event. The javascript function's input parameter would be a string which I will need to use to instantiate an Attachment.
I created a method which instantiates an Attachment using a string and calls the corresponding Delete() method for the Attachment object.
Now, I will need to pass the string from javascript function to the method I have created. I cannot use PageMethods.
Initially, ModalPopup Content Container is an empty control.After user clicks on the Button, a async postback will be triggered. During the postback, the server generates the content and appends to ModalPopup Content Container.Also sets the properties of ModalPopupExtender. Finally, calls ModalPopupExtender.Show() method and UpdatePanel.Update() method to show the modal popup.
This method works fine if all controls in ModalPopup Content Container contains simple control. If a control is a button that needs to postback to server side, that is a problem.Since the controls in ModalPopup Content Container is dynamically created. If a control in ModalPopup Content Container triggers a postback event, the control must be created before RaisePostBackEvent is called in server side.
My idea is to determine whether the ModalPopupExtender is hidden or shown in client side in order to re-generate the dynamic control in ModalPopup Content Container.So my question is how to determine a ModalPopupExtender is hidden or shown.
i have used PageMethods to access the server side functions in javascript , but now my problem is that with pagemethods your controls will not go throught the full page lifecyle and these leads me to have "Object not set for an instance of an object" error. Now can someone come with a differnt approach without using pagemethods. What i want is to call a server side function , i dont want to pass any parameters to it
ASP.NET server controls has a few categories, for example, normal ones e.g. TextBox, Button which can be done in HTML/JS; Validation controls: can be done in JS; Login controls: I have seen them implemented in JS. Data bound controls: not sure, but maybe JS can work directly with databases, implementing controls like photo slider. So in the time span of next 5-10 years, will server-side web programming model fall out of mainstream and be replaced by JS/Ajax that interacts directly with databases?
What I want to do: dispose of a session upon detecting an "OnBeforeUnload" event in the client. I know it doesn't fire 100% of times (90% accuracy works fine for me)
Here I saw how to do it with ajax, this system, however, breaks down with ajax: I can't use it at all.
i want to build a custom control using javascript on client side and ashx on server side.
I know about SWFUpload, how can i configure it with ashx on server side.
any tutorial how i can use FLASH objects to transfer files from client to server. i been looking for such tutorial for a while that uses flash object on client side and sends file info using bytes array to the server. also i want to reduce the size of the file on the client side before sending to safe bandwidth.
basically my client side is pure HTML/CSS/Jquery and Javascript using Ajax and my server side is ASP.NET with C# and most ASHX
Using ASP.NET 2.0, VB code behind, I am using a ModalPopupExtender to show some dynamic content on my site inside an update panel. The problem I am having is that sometimes the content stretches the modal pop-up panel (div) so that it flows off the screen. In cases where the height of the popup panel exceeds some defined height I would like to limit the height and add a vertical scroll bar (otherwise the panel should have no height minimum).
I have written a JavaScript to perform this task (see below). I use my code behind to display the modal popup... so now my problem is how (when) do I kick-off my javascript to limit the height of my modal popup. Kicking off the script on pageLoaded finds that the popup container's display setting has not been set yet, therefore ConstrainPanelHeight is never executed... how can I kick off my javascript after the model popup is shown?
I have a print button and I want to trigger the modalpopupextender and trigger the server side Button1_Click Sub.The print button calls a function that constructs a html table with the values of the gridview selected row.How can I open the modalpopupextender and trigger the server side function at the same time with the same button?
I'm using what I believe is a pretty common/boring/generic implementation of a ModalPopupExtender. I'm using client-side JS to show the dialog when the user clicks a link, and hide it if they click "cancel". I only do a postback if they truly want to save the data.
I can click the link to show the dialog, then click the cancel button to hide it, then click the link to show it... ad infinitum. If I decide to save the data via a postback, everything works well, and the dialog is hidden as a result of the postback, all as expected.
However, once the postback completes, my client-side JS show() never works again. Any attempts to click the link fail quietly; no error messages, the dialog just never shows again.
I have developed a web application which contains aspdotnet treeview control. In this treeview control has binded with some database value.. that controls has one parent node and more than one child nodes for each parent node.
my problem is here, when the user clicks the parent node, I need to fire a javascript onclick function before the server side event(SelectedNodeChanged) called..
If I provide javascript to the parnet node when it is binding, then I could not fire the server side event(SelectedNodeChanged).
How to provide onclick javascript event for parent node in treeview control even the parent node has SelectedNodeChanged event.
I have a requirement of adding server side variables in client side and other way round. Because I need to set a value from client side using javascript and access the same in code behind page.
I have a list of items on an ASP.net page. That list is selectable in that whenever the user clicks on one, the page does a postback and the server code stores the index or some unique identifier of the picture in a ViewState property indicating that it is currently selected.
I would like to minimize the load on the server and therefore I would like to store the index or unique identifier representing the image in some way on the client side. The best way I can think to do this is to store said information in a hidden field ), however I had two questions about this before I go crazy:
Is this a security risk in any way, shape or form (i.e., exposing implementation details of the page)? Is there a better/best way to do this that is more industry-standard? Does ASP.net provide a framework to do this that is cleaner than my idea? Seems like this would be a fairly common requirement to me...
I have a ModalPopupExtender in markup. When I try to attach to it in javascript using getElementById('ModalPopupExtender1') it doesnt work. So when I viewsource code it on shows up as a function. Why?
Possible Duplicates: how to call server side function from client side - asp.net Calling ASP.NET Code Behind function from Javascript Calling ASP.NET server side method via JQuery While loading an aspx page, how is it possible to call a server side method with the client side code?Can u show one example?
I have two comboboxes and would like pass selected value and text to the server method (RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs) when the first combobox selected index changed.
Here is my code. But I am getting Javascript error message at this line. RadComboBox2.requestItems(item, false).