AJAX :: Set Cursor Focus In TextBox Inside TabPanel Of TabContainer Control?

Jul 14, 2012

i want to focus my cursor on the starting position but it can't be possible in ajax how it can be done in ajax control.

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Web Forms :: Get Focus Inside Textbox / Put A Cursor Inside Textbox In Button_click Event?

Apr 30, 2010

I have gridview like this:

<gridview id="gv1">
<asp:textbox id="txt1"/>
<asp:Button ID="btn1" />

How do i put a cursor inside textbox in Button_click event?

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AJAX :: Cannot Use TabContainer And TabPanel Inside A FormView?

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to use a tabContainer and two tabPanels inside a ItemTemplate of a Formview.

As soon I put them in the ItemTemplate I receive the following error on the formView control in design view:

"There was an error rendering the control. Could not find any resources appropriate for the specifie culture or the neutral culture. Make sure AjaxControlToolKit.Properties.Resources.NET4.Resources was correctly embedded or linked into assembly AjaxControlToolKit at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

I have a scriptManager tag in the master page and an updatePanel in the content page.

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AJAX :: How To Put Cursor When Change Tab Control In Tabcontainer

Feb 9, 2010

I am using TabContainer in my aspx page ,i am using 5 tabs and i want to put the cursor in every first textbox when i change tabs .

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How To Set The Tooltip For A Texbox When Cursor Focus On The Textbox

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Web Forms :: Placing The Cursor (focus) In Textbox In IE 7

Apr 11, 2012

I am having 4 text box in a page. Among that 4 text box, 2nd and 3rd text box are date and it is the control to ajax calendar.

In edit mode, I used to get the value from the data base and assign to these 4 text box and i place the cursor to the first text box.

It is working fine in all the other browser but in IE7, the cursor gets shifted from first to the 3rd text box automatically.

Here, the 2nd and 3rd textbox is for date.

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AJAX :: User Control Inside A Tabpanel?

May 11, 2010

I have this code:

TabSecciones.Tabs.Clear(); //the panel container
TabPanel nuevoTab =
encabezadoSeccion encabezadoSec =
//A user control, a couple of labels and a table

For some strange reason, the user control is "outside" of the panels, thus visible no matter what panel is selected... if I programatically insert another control (ie: a texbox) inside another panel, it works fine...

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AJAX :: Activate TabPanel In TabContainer?

Jan 8, 2011

How to activate a specific TabPanel in TabContainer from code behind? I tried the following but it doesn't change activate the tab.


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AJAX :: Remove Tabpanel From TabContainer?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a tabcontainer which has 7 tab panels and on certain conditions i want to make 1 tab either visible false or remove from the TabContainer. Firstly, i had set tab visible false but by doing this my TabContainer1_ActiveTabChanged event fired twice intially when i select the tab panel then it fire and shows my correct ActiveTabIndex number but but at the same moment it fires again with 1 Decrement in ActiveTabIndex number.

I could not understand why it is happening.What thing makes the ActiveTabIndex number decremented by 1. If select Tab 3 then it shows me result of 2 and so on.

Why this event firing twice i set any tab Visible false.

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AJAX :: Loop All TabPanel In TabContainer?

Jun 21, 2010

I was looking for a javascript that can loop through all tab panel within a tabcontainer. As i wanted to set the height and width for the tabpanel.

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AJAX :: Display Tooltip In TabContainer TabPanel?

Jun 6, 2012

I am using different ajax tab panel and when i move over the ajax panel, it should show the name of the ajax tab panel.

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AJAX :: Apply Themas For Individual Tabpanel In TabContainer?

May 28, 2010

i have 9 tabs in TabContainer

i need to apply individual styles for every tabs. but TabContainer theam is working for all tabs

i have created 9 theams and assigned for every tabpanel. but it's not working..

how can i apply themas for individual tabpanel in TabContainer.

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AJAX :: Can't Select Desired TabPanel In TabContainer On Load

Aug 2, 2010

I am working on an ASP.NET application that has a tab container with 5 tab panels in it. There are 2 'admin' user tabs, 2 'regular' user tabs, and a 'receipt' tab. Now, depending on what kind of user is accessing the page, I am enabling or disabling/hiding 2 of the tabs (regular or admin), but I am always showing the receipt tab. So, in essence, there are only ever 3 tabs visible - either 2 'regular' tabs and a receipt tab, or 2 'admin' tabs and a receipt tab.

Now, when a user logs into the app from the login page, and is directed to the page with the tab container and 5 tab panels on it, I would like to have the receipt tab selected by default, and to have it shown to the user. This tab is the fifth in the container (TabIndex = 4), and so in the OnLoad event for the page, I try setting something like this up

tabContainer.ActiveTabIndex = 4

...but it shows nothing. So I am thinking that maybe, since 2 of the tabs are hidden, I need to set the index to 2 (for the 3rd visible tab, which should be the receipt tab). Well, when I do this, the 3rd tab in the tab panel control at the top is indeed selected - but the actual content in the tab is still the content from the first tab (TabIndex = 0)....? Is there some sort of event I need to call to "flush out" what is being displayed in the actual panel, or am I missing something else?

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AJAX :: Set Focus A Textbox Inside The Model Pop Up Extender

Apr 6, 2010

How to focus the textbox which is inside the model pop up extender using vb

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AJAX :: TabContainer Display - Tiny Gap & A Border Line Below TabPanel Header

Apr 6, 2010

I'm have a project that uses a TabContainer. When I view the TabContainer from my local IIS it displays fine. When I run this from a production environment I'm getting tiny gap & a border line below my TabPanel Header. My browser is IE 8.0

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AJAX :: Get Name Of Selected (Active) TabPanel Of TabContainer On Client Side Using JavaScript?

May 7, 2015

i'm facing an issue in asp.net application (c#). i want get the name of tabpanel.i searched in forum i found that with java scritp function i can resolve this issue but i couldn't.

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AJAX :: Run Javascript Control Inside Tabcontainer?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm working on a web where i have a Tabcontainer in which I only use two tabs, and what i do there is that I added a control to show virtual keyboard (VK) for use with tablet PC or mouse, it will appear when a textbox is onFocus.

The problem is that when I add the control VK inside a Tabpanel, run the page, and when I focus the textbox inside the Tabpanel, it doesn't appear the VK, but i try using outside the tabpanel and it work. I also added an updatepanel inside the Tabpanel, and moved the textbox and VK control there, but is the same, it doesn't appear the VK.

i will show my web code and a link to the VK control web, cause I think it have to be a way to call the keyboard in client-side mode, but i tryed all i know and nope, isn't showing the VK.


The web VK control: [URL]

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AJAX :: TabContainer Body Border Doesn't Work For Hidden Div Inside Tabcontainer

Dec 17, 2010

I use a border for the TabContainer body which works fine.


also I use three hidden divs and one visible div inside a main div which works as body of Tabcontainer

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AJAX :: TabContainer With User Control Inside Not Displaying?

Mar 5, 2011

I have an ajax tabcontainer on a master page that has a user control inside one of its tabs.The user control is just a gridview that gets a list populated from a DB table.The strange thing is that the gridview is displaying in VS, but when I build the site the tab is empty; no error message just nothing.Below is the code for the tab in my master page:



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AJAX :: Set Focus On Erroneous Control On Validation Inside Ajax Tabcontrol Having 5 Tab

Oct 9, 2010

How to set the focus on textbox when requiredfield validator error mesage comes to action inside the ajax tabcontrol.The ajax tabcontrol is having 5 tabs.The submit button is in 5th tab .I have reqiredfield validator for textbox in 1st tab.I want to set the focus on textbox if validation fails.Is it possible to get without postback?

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AJAX :: Focus Textbox Control In The Tab?

Jan 12, 2010

I am not able to figure out why it is not working. IS IT A BUG.

I want to focus textbox in 2nd tab on click but no luck with the following.




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AJAX :: Set Focus And Next Tab When Form Is Submitted In TabContainer

Aug 18, 2015

im trying to set focus in my textbox with validation request but its not working.

 <asp:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" OnClientActiveTabChanged = "clientActiveTabChanged">
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="Personal" ID="TabPanel1">


when im in next tab its not return me where is the validation is.

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AJAX :: Finding Control From Master Page Inside Tabcontainer In Content Page?

Oct 16, 2010

I have a codebehind.vb for a master page from which I'm trying to find a hiddenfield in the content page. I was finding it like this without a hitch...


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AJAX :: Calling JavaScript From Inside TabPanel?

Nov 1, 2010

I had a standard ASP.NET page where I had a some client side Java script make some controls visible/enabled if a checkbox was clicked or not.


Now I would like to move this same WebForm functionality into a AJAX Control Kit TabControlPanel


Here is what I have tried, but it won't compile. I get the following error. Where do I put the script and how do I reference controls in the AJAX TabControlContainer?

Error 10 'ASP.default_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'Email2Checkbox' and no extension method 'Email2Checkbox' accepting a first argument of type 'ASP.default_aspx' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:InetpubwwwRootAjaxTestSiteDefault.aspx 458

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