AJAX :: TabContainer Display - Tiny Gap & A Border Line Below TabPanel Header
Apr 6, 2010
I'm have a project that uses a TabContainer. When I view the TabContainer from my local IIS it displays fine. When I run this from a production environment I'm getting tiny gap & a border line below my TabPanel Header. My browser is IE 8.0
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Jun 6, 2012
I am using different ajax tab panel and when i move over the ajax panel, it should show the name of the ajax tab panel.
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Dec 17, 2010
I use a border for the TabContainer body which works fine.
also I use three hidden divs and one visible div inside a main div which works as body of Tabcontainer
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Apr 24, 2010
how to change the border color of an ajax tabpanel?
I have already set the CssClass = csspanel
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Jan 8, 2011
How to activate a specific TabPanel in TabContainer from code behind? I tried the following but it doesn't change activate the tab.
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Apr 7, 2010
I have a tabcontainer which has 7 tab panels and on certain conditions i want to make 1 tab either visible false or remove from the TabContainer. Firstly, i had set tab visible false but by doing this my TabContainer1_ActiveTabChanged event fired twice intially when i select the tab panel then it fire and shows my correct ActiveTabIndex number but but at the same moment it fires again with 1 Decrement in ActiveTabIndex number.
I could not understand why it is happening.What thing makes the ActiveTabIndex number decremented by 1. If select Tab 3 then it shows me result of 2 and so on.
Why this event firing twice i set any tab Visible false.
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Jun 21, 2010
I was looking for a javascript that can loop through all tab panel within a tabcontainer. As i wanted to set the height and width for the tabpanel.
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Jan 20, 2011
I am trying to use a tabContainer and two tabPanels inside a ItemTemplate of a Formview.
As soon I put them in the ItemTemplate I receive the following error on the formView control in design view:
"There was an error rendering the control. Could not find any resources appropriate for the specifie culture or the neutral culture. Make sure AjaxControlToolKit.Properties.Resources.NET4.Resources was correctly embedded or linked into assembly AjaxControlToolKit at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
I have a scriptManager tag in the master page and an updatePanel in the content page.
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Jan 6, 2010
i am developing an appilication using ASP.NET with C#. in my application i have used Tabcontainer control.
for that i have to remove the border.
so i had applied the style to the TabContainer control as
<style type="text/css">
.CustomTabStyle .ajax__tab_body{border:0;}</style><cc1:TabContainer ID="ItemTabContainer" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" CssClass="ajax__tab_inner"></cc1:TabContainer>
but when i use this, the border for header of the TabContainer also removed.as per my requirement i have to remove only the left,right and down border of the control and header will remain the same.
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May 28, 2010
i have 9 tabs in TabContainer
i need to apply individual styles for every tabs. but TabContainer theam is working for all tabs
i have created 9 theams and assigned for every tabpanel. but it's not working..
how can i apply themas for individual tabpanel in TabContainer.
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Aug 2, 2010
I am working on an ASP.NET application that has a tab container with 5 tab panels in it. There are 2 'admin' user tabs, 2 'regular' user tabs, and a 'receipt' tab. Now, depending on what kind of user is accessing the page, I am enabling or disabling/hiding 2 of the tabs (regular or admin), but I am always showing the receipt tab. So, in essence, there are only ever 3 tabs visible - either 2 'regular' tabs and a receipt tab, or 2 'admin' tabs and a receipt tab.
Now, when a user logs into the app from the login page, and is directed to the page with the tab container and 5 tab panels on it, I would like to have the receipt tab selected by default, and to have it shown to the user. This tab is the fifth in the container (TabIndex = 4), and so in the OnLoad event for the page, I try setting something like this up
tabContainer.ActiveTabIndex = 4
...but it shows nothing. So I am thinking that maybe, since 2 of the tabs are hidden, I need to set the index to 2 (for the 3rd visible tab, which should be the receipt tab). Well, when I do this, the 3rd tab in the tab panel control at the top is indeed selected - but the actual content in the tab is still the content from the first tab (TabIndex = 0)....? Is there some sort of event I need to call to "flush out" what is being displayed in the actual panel, or am I missing something else?
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May 7, 2015
i'm facing an issue in asp.net application (c#). i want get the name of tabpanel.i searched in forum i found that with java scritp function i can resolve this issue but i couldn't.
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Jul 14, 2012
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Mar 26, 2010
At first time page load the TabContainer and TabPanel is shown where the default tab index is zero. This panel has some user controls and a "Go" button. The "Go" button loads a GridView is a separate panel. So far things ar good.
Now when I either sort or page throught the GridView, the TabContainer disappears. I read somewhere that the current tab index would be preserved during post back. So how can I preserve the index and make sure the TabContainer and the TabPanel is loaded at postback and still have the information originally entered by users in the controls? Could I use a "Session" variable?
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Jan 14, 2011
For this web page, The img is now showing up in print preview and is printing. From FireFox, the shrik-to-fit option works great in preview and print out they look perfect. The problem is with IE 8 (havne't tested other version) The image and other stuff comes out fine. The section that consist of panel and the AjaxCtrl:TabContainerer, the Active Tab with its text content are shrunk to like 60% from the right edge of the paper. The fonts are very small and readable. I tried playing with the scale percentage in the print preview of IE but it increase size on all the content and not just the AjaxCtrl:TabContainerer part.
Is there a way to fix this in IE?
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Mar 11, 2011
I have a gridview with Action button. When this button is clicked Javascript Confirm Popup will Display, after click on OK the Event have to fire GridviewRowCommand but the strange thing is: when the button is clicked, the rowcommand method is NOT fired! When I place the code on a separate page the event is fired, but when placed inside the tabcontainer for some reason it isnt...
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Oct 19, 2010
I am trying to use the TabContainer/TabPanel controls to create 3 tabs. The tabs themselves will always appear, however, only the first tab will ever display. When I look at the source of the page, I find that the 2nd and 3rd panels have style="visibility:hidden;display:none" on them. The only time this is not true, is if the content inside the tables is text that is on the source, nothing generated.
I have tried it using controls, repeaters, adding all my tabs dynamically, setting the properties of visibility=True and enabled=true. I am kind of pulling my hair out here.
ASPX coding:
<asp:TabContainer ID="aeDetails" runat="server">
<asp:TabPanel ID="placeholder" runat ="server" HeaderText ="PlaceHolder" ><ContentTemplate >Place Holder</ContentTemplate></asp:TabPanel>
VB.NET Code:
' Get the content for the home page.
' get the announcements, if any
' get the events, if any
' remove placeholder after adding all three tabs
For i As Integer = 0 To aeDetails.Tabs.Count - 1
If aeDetails.Tabs(i).HeaderText = "PlaceHolder" Then
Exit For
End If
I will only put the code for one tab in here as they are all pretty much the same.
Private Sub getAnnouncements()
Dim nt As TabPanel = New TabPanel()
nt.HeaderText = "Viscardi Announcements"
nt.ID = "tpAnnouncements"
nt.Visible = True
nt.Enabled = True
Dim nl As Label = New Label()
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
Dim anRec As HVS_Announcements_Record = New HVS_Announcements_Record
Dim anList As List(Of HVS_Announcements_Record) = getCurrentAnnouncments()
Select Case anList.Count < 1
Case True
nl.Text = "There are currently no announcments for the Henry Viscardi School"
End Select
For Each anRec In anList
sb.Append("<li><a onclick='MM_openBrWindow")
sb.Append("('announcementDetails.aspx?id=" & anRec.HVS_AR_Id & "','newWindow','status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=500'")
sb.Append("target='_blank' title='Click to view full contents of the announcements'>")
sb.Append(anRec.HVS_AR_AnnouncementTitle & "</a></li>")
nl.Text = sb.ToString()
End Sub
All of the content that is generated by the various routines is in the page source, just hidden.
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Mar 17, 2011
i have a tabcontainer which have 3 tab panels(tbpanel1,tbpanel2,tbpanel3)and i have dropdownlist in each tabpanel to select date(with autopost back=True).so if i select the date from tab panel2 or tabpanel 3 it is automatically going to tabpanel 1.but it should be in the same tabpanel.
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May 5, 2010
In my appliction I have 4 tabs. Ex- HOME,ABOUT US,LAYOUT,CONTACT US. these tabs are in tabcontainer. Using Seadragon I have created the image(LAYOUT).Image is displaying only when I set the Activetabindex to LAYOUT. Otherwise it is not displaying the image.
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Mar 19, 2013
I have ajax tab container i want to align it vertical, i went online at ajaxtoolkit sample website but its not seems to work
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Feb 5, 2010
In my application i used tabcontainer contorl, Here i need to retrive values for the Second Panel that was in First Panel.
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Dec 13, 2010
In SSRS 2005 I could select the header row of a table and in the properties window, expand the BorderStyle property and type Solid in the Bottom property and I would get a border at the bottom of the row containing my column headers. In SSRS 2008 I cannot do this. If I select the header row, the BorderColor, BorderStyle and BorderWidth properties do nothing when you expand them. If you try typing into them you get an error: "Property is not valid." So I selected the header textbox for one column and tried adding the bottom border to it, thinking that I might have to set each column individually, but the border does not appear for that column heading.
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Mar 17, 2014
i seen ajax tab container... got answer also but it working fine in normal page if i add that to aspx page which is attached with master page it is not working properly.. means tab are coming horizontaly instead of vertical
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Sep 24, 2010
I have created a custom gridview that show "Select All | Clear All" hyper links in header to select the checkboxes in the gridview. That means that I have added these two hyperlink controls to the gridview header and am not showing the actual column headers.
Now, I want to remove the border that is displayed on the header row. How can I remove it? I tried th.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; but it didn't work. I need gridlines in the data rows but the header row should not have any border.
View 2 Replies
Oct 21, 2010
I have created a custom gridview that show "Select All | Clear All" hyper links in header to select the checkboxes in the gridview. That means that I have added these two hyperlink controls to the gridview header and am not showing the actual column headers.
Now, I want to remove the border that is displayed on the header row. How can I remove it? I tried th.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; but it didn't work. I need gridlines in the data rows but the header row should not have any border.
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