AJAX :: TabContainer Display - Tiny Gap & A Border Line Below TabPanel Header

Apr 6, 2010

I'm have a project that uses a TabContainer. When I view the TabContainer from my local IIS it displays fine. When I run this from a production environment I'm getting tiny gap & a border line below my TabPanel Header. My browser is IE 8.0

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: Display Tooltip In TabContainer TabPanel?

Jun 6, 2012

I am using different ajax tab panel and when i move over the ajax panel, it should show the name of the ajax tab panel.

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AJAX :: TabContainer Body Border Doesn't Work For Hidden Div Inside Tabcontainer

Dec 17, 2010

I use a border for the TabContainer body which works fine.


also I use three hidden divs and one visible div inside a main div which works as body of Tabcontainer

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AJAX :: How To Change The Border Color Of An Tabpanel

Apr 24, 2010

how to change the border color of an ajax tabpanel?

I have already set the CssClass = csspanel



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AJAX :: Activate TabPanel In TabContainer?

Jan 8, 2011

How to activate a specific TabPanel in TabContainer from code behind? I tried the following but it doesn't change activate the tab.


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AJAX :: Remove Tabpanel From TabContainer?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a tabcontainer which has 7 tab panels and on certain conditions i want to make 1 tab either visible false or remove from the TabContainer. Firstly, i had set tab visible false but by doing this my TabContainer1_ActiveTabChanged event fired twice intially when i select the tab panel then it fire and shows my correct ActiveTabIndex number but but at the same moment it fires again with 1 Decrement in ActiveTabIndex number.

I could not understand why it is happening.What thing makes the ActiveTabIndex number decremented by 1. If select Tab 3 then it shows me result of 2 and so on.

Why this event firing twice i set any tab Visible false.

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AJAX :: Loop All TabPanel In TabContainer?

Jun 21, 2010

I was looking for a javascript that can loop through all tab panel within a tabcontainer. As i wanted to set the height and width for the tabpanel.

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AJAX :: Cannot Use TabContainer And TabPanel Inside A FormView?

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to use a tabContainer and two tabPanels inside a ItemTemplate of a Formview.

As soon I put them in the ItemTemplate I receive the following error on the formView control in design view:

"There was an error rendering the control. Could not find any resources appropriate for the specifie culture or the neutral culture. Make sure AjaxControlToolKit.Properties.Resources.NET4.Resources was correctly embedded or linked into assembly AjaxControlToolKit at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

I have a scriptManager tag in the master page and an updatePanel in the content page.

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AJAX :: Removing Border For TabContainer Control?

Jan 6, 2010

i am developing an appilication using ASP.NET with C#. in my application i have used Tabcontainer control.

for that i have to remove the border.

so i had applied the style to the TabContainer control as

<style type="text/css">
.CustomTabStyle .ajax__tab_body{border:0;}</style><cc1:TabContainer ID="ItemTabContainer" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" CssClass="ajax__tab_inner"></cc1:TabContainer>

but when i use this, the border for header of the TabContainer also removed.as per my requirement i have to remove only the left,right and down border of the control and header will remain the same.

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AJAX :: Apply Themas For Individual Tabpanel In TabContainer?

May 28, 2010

i have 9 tabs in TabContainer

i need to apply individual styles for every tabs. but TabContainer theam is working for all tabs

i have created 9 theams and assigned for every tabpanel. but it's not working..

how can i apply themas for individual tabpanel in TabContainer.

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AJAX :: Can't Select Desired TabPanel In TabContainer On Load

Aug 2, 2010

I am working on an ASP.NET application that has a tab container with 5 tab panels in it. There are 2 'admin' user tabs, 2 'regular' user tabs, and a 'receipt' tab. Now, depending on what kind of user is accessing the page, I am enabling or disabling/hiding 2 of the tabs (regular or admin), but I am always showing the receipt tab. So, in essence, there are only ever 3 tabs visible - either 2 'regular' tabs and a receipt tab, or 2 'admin' tabs and a receipt tab.

Now, when a user logs into the app from the login page, and is directed to the page with the tab container and 5 tab panels on it, I would like to have the receipt tab selected by default, and to have it shown to the user. This tab is the fifth in the container (TabIndex = 4), and so in the OnLoad event for the page, I try setting something like this up

tabContainer.ActiveTabIndex = 4

...but it shows nothing. So I am thinking that maybe, since 2 of the tabs are hidden, I need to set the index to 2 (for the 3rd visible tab, which should be the receipt tab). Well, when I do this, the 3rd tab in the tab panel control at the top is indeed selected - but the actual content in the tab is still the content from the first tab (TabIndex = 0)....? Is there some sort of event I need to call to "flush out" what is being displayed in the actual panel, or am I missing something else?

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AJAX :: Get Name Of Selected (Active) TabPanel Of TabContainer On Client Side Using JavaScript?

May 7, 2015

i'm facing an issue in asp.net application (c#). i want get the name of tabpanel.i searched in forum i found that with java scritp function i can resolve this issue but i couldn't.

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AJAX :: Set Cursor Focus In TextBox Inside TabPanel Of TabContainer Control?

Jul 14, 2012

i want to focus my cursor on the starting position but it can't be possible in ajax how it can be done in ajax control.

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How To Preserve The Index And Make Sure The TabContainer And The TabPanel Is Loaded At Postback

Mar 26, 2010

At first time page load the TabContainer and TabPanel is shown where the default tab index is zero. This panel has some user controls and a "Go" button. The "Go" button loads a GridView is a separate panel. So far things ar good.

Now when I either sort or page throught the GridView, the TabContainer disappears. I read somewhere that the current tab index would be preserved during post back. So how can I preserve the index and make sure the TabContainer and the TabPanel is loaded at postback and still have the information originally entered by users in the controls? Could I use a "Session" variable?

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Web Forms :: The Text In The AjaxCtrl:TabContainer TabPanel Doesn't Print Out Correctly In IE 8

Jan 14, 2011

For this web page, The img is now showing up in print preview and is printing. From FireFox, the shrik-to-fit option works great in preview and print out they look perfect. The problem is with IE 8 (havne't tested other version) The image and other stuff comes out fine. The section that consist of panel and the AjaxCtrl:TabContainerer, the Active Tab with its text content are shrunk to like 60% from the right edge of the paper. The fonts are very small and readable. I tried playing with the scale percentage in the print preview of IE but it increase size on all the content and not just the AjaxCtrl:TabContainerer part.

Is there a way to fix this in IE?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Rowcommand Not Firing In Tabpanel Of Tabcontainer?

Mar 11, 2011

I have a gridview with Action button. When this button is clicked Javascript Confirm Popup will Display, after click on OK the Event have to fire GridviewRowCommand but the strange thing is: when the button is clicked, the rowcommand method is NOT fired! When I place the code on a separate page the event is fired, but when placed inside the tabcontainer for some reason it isnt...

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AJAX :: TabPanel Content Are Always Visibility:hidden, Display: None On All But First Tab

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to use the TabContainer/TabPanel controls to create 3 tabs. The tabs themselves will always appear, however, only the first tab will ever display. When I look at the source of the page, I find that the 2nd and 3rd panels have style="visibility:hidden;display:none" on them. The only time this is not true, is if the content inside the tables is text that is on the source, nothing generated.

I have tried it using controls, repeaters, adding all my tabs dynamically, setting the properties of visibility=True and enabled=true. I am kind of pulling my hair out here.

ASPX coding:

<asp:TabContainer ID="aeDetails" runat="server">
<asp:TabPanel ID="placeholder" runat ="server" HeaderText ="PlaceHolder" ><ContentTemplate >Place Holder</ContentTemplate></asp:TabPanel>
VB.NET Code:
' Get the content for the home page.
' get the announcements, if any
' get the events, if any
' remove placeholder after adding all three tabs
For i As Integer = 0 To aeDetails.Tabs.Count - 1
If aeDetails.Tabs(i).HeaderText = "PlaceHolder" Then
Exit For
End If

I will only put the code for one tab in here as they are all pretty much the same.

Private Sub getAnnouncements()

Dim nt As TabPanel = New TabPanel()
nt.HeaderText = "Viscardi Announcements"
nt.ID = "tpAnnouncements"
nt.Visible = True
nt.Enabled = True
Dim nl As Label = New Label()
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
Dim anRec As HVS_Announcements_Record = New HVS_Announcements_Record
Dim anList As List(Of HVS_Announcements_Record) = getCurrentAnnouncments()
Select Case anList.Count < 1
Case True
nl.Text = "There are currently no announcments for the Henry Viscardi School"
End Select
For Each anRec In anList
sb.Append("<li><a onclick='MM_openBrWindow")
sb.Append("('announcementDetails.aspx?id=" & anRec.HVS_AR_Id & "','newWindow','status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=500'")
sb.Append("target='_blank' title='Click to view full contents of the announcements'>")
sb.Append(anRec.HVS_AR_AnnouncementTitle & "</a></li>")
nl.Text = sb.ToString()
End Sub

All of the content that is generated by the various routines is in the page source, just hidden.

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AJAX :: The Date From Tab Panel2 Or Tabpanel 3 It Is Automatically Going To Tabpanel 1?

Mar 17, 2011

i have a tabcontainer which have 3 tab panels(tbpanel1,tbpanel2,tbpanel3)and i have dropdownlist in each tabpanel to select date(with autopost back=True).so if i select the date from tab panel2 or tabpanel 3 it is automatically going to tabpanel 1.but it should be in the same tabpanel.

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AJAX :: Unable To Display Seadragon In Tabcontainer

May 5, 2010

In my appliction I have 4 tabs. Ex- HOME,ABOUT US,LAYOUT,CONTACT US. these tabs are in tabcontainer. Using Seadragon I have created the image(LAYOUT).Image is displaying only when I set the Activetabindex to LAYOUT. Otherwise it is not displaying the image.

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AJAX :: Display Vertical Tabs In TabContainer?

Mar 19, 2013

I have ajax tab container i want to align it vertical, i went online at ajaxtoolkit sample website but its not seems to work

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AJAX :: How To Retrieve Value From One TabPanel To Another TabPanel

Feb 5, 2010

In my application i used tabcontainer contorl, Here i need to retrive values for the Second Panel that was in First Panel.

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SQL Reporting :: How To Put Bottom Border On Header Row Of A Table In 2008 R2

Dec 13, 2010

In SSRS 2005 I could select the header row of a table and in the properties window, expand the BorderStyle property and type Solid in the Bottom property and I would get a border at the bottom of the row containing my column headers. In SSRS 2008 I cannot do this. If I select the header row, the BorderColor, BorderStyle and BorderWidth properties do nothing when you expand them. If you try typing into them you get an error: "Property is not valid." So I selected the header textbox for one column and tried adding the bottom border to it, thinking that I might have to set each column individually, but the border does not appear for that column heading.

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AJAX :: Display Vertical Tabs In Master Page Using TabContainer?

Mar 17, 2014

i seen ajax tab container... got answer also but it working fine in normal page if i add that to aspx page which is attached with master page it is not working properly.. means tab are coming horizontaly instead of vertical

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Remove The Border From Gridview Header

Sep 24, 2010

I have created a custom gridview that show "Select All | Clear All" hyper links in header to select the checkboxes in the gridview. That means that I have added these two hyperlink controls to the gridview header and am not showing the actual column headers.


Now, I want to remove the border that is displayed on the header row. How can I remove it? I tried th.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; but it didn't work. I need gridlines in the data rows but the header row should not have any border.

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Custom Server Controls :: Remove The Border From Gridview Header?

Oct 21, 2010

I have created a custom gridview that show "Select All | Clear All" hyper links in header to select the checkboxes in the gridview. That means that I have added these two hyperlink controls to the gridview header and am not showing the actual column headers.


Now, I want to remove the border that is displayed on the header row. How can I remove it? I tried th.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; but it didn't work. I need gridlines in the data rows but the header row should not have any border.

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