AJAX :: TabContainer Body Border Doesn't Work For Hidden Div Inside Tabcontainer
Dec 17, 2010
I use a border for the TabContainer body which works fine.
also I use three hidden divs and one visible div inside a main div which works as body of Tabcontainer
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Similar Messages:
Jan 6, 2010
i am developing an appilication using ASP.NET with C#. in my application i have used Tabcontainer control.
for that i have to remove the border.
so i had applied the style to the TabContainer control as
<style type="text/css">
.CustomTabStyle .ajax__tab_body{border:0;}</style><cc1:TabContainer ID="ItemTabContainer" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" CssClass="ajax__tab_inner"></cc1:TabContainer>
but when i use this, the border for header of the TabContainer also removed.as per my requirement i have to remove only the left,right and down border of the control and header will remain the same.
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Apr 6, 2010
I'm have a project that uses a TabContainer. When I view the TabContainer from my local IIS it displays fine. When I run this from a production environment I'm getting tiny gap & a border line below my TabPanel Header. My browser is IE 8.0
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Feb 10, 2011
how to set a TabContainer to hidden/visible. I have tried placing it in a div and in a panel, but when I hide these (style="visibility: hidden;"), the Tabcontainer stays visible! Setting the style of the TabContainer itself doesn't work.
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Mar 28, 2011
I used the following code to add TabContainer to page
<asp:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server">
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="tab one" ID="TabPanel0">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="tab two" ID="TabPanel1">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
but when the page is rendered TabPanel is always Hidden,I wateched the html code by Firebug and found visibility is hidden... what is the problem? http://i.imgur.com/m1eSW.jpg
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Feb 22, 2010
I wrote a page using a tabcontainer to display different functionality. On the main page I have a modal popup used for login. In ie8 everything works fine, but in IE7 the modal popup is hidden behind the tabcontainer and the controls on the tab stay active.
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Nov 17, 2010
I am using Master/Content pages. Master page has <asp:ScripManager .... />. Here is how things are set up
1st Issue
When validation fails, button still postback (why ? ).
2nd issue
When validation fails, button still postback but then TabContainer doesn't appear (empty page is displayed, what happened to the tabs ?)
When the page has no errors, button postback the page and then every tab appears as supposed to be.
I am using VS2010 .NET 4.0.
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Jan 11, 2010
I have a Tabcontainer which contains formview1 in first tab and formview2 in second tab. I am not able to give Control based where Selectedvalue condition for formview2 datasource. I mean VS2008 is not picking it up automatically when I try to configure where condition. What should I have to do to make formview2 to make it working.
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Jan 12, 2011
I used ajax tabcontainer and 7 tabs in it.It works fine on my locahost but when i deployed it on server it doesn't show tabs background..it shows only labels as tab names.
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Jan 11, 2011
I have a page with a AJAX Tabcontainer. In that page/tab is a link to another page. On the other page (no AJAX Tabcontainer there) a user can fill in some information and a button there triggers a WebMethod. When the WebMethod is successfully executed my javascript method (The one then gets triggered after the WebMethod is finished) redirects (window.location = ..aspx) back to the aspx page that contains the AJAX Tabcontainer.
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Feb 18, 2011
When I try to set the .ajax__tab_body height to a percentage, it doesn't work. It shrinks it down to the size set by TabContainer inline height value. But when I do width as a percentage, it works perfectly. tab_body css is below:
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Jan 20, 2011
I am trying to use a tabContainer and two tabPanels inside a ItemTemplate of a Formview.
As soon I put them in the ItemTemplate I receive the following error on the formView control in design view:
"There was an error rendering the control. Could not find any resources appropriate for the specifie culture or the neutral culture. Make sure AjaxControlToolKit.Properties.Resources.NET4.Resources was correctly embedded or linked into assembly AjaxControlToolKit at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
I have a scriptManager tag in the master page and an updatePanel in the content page.
View 7 Replies
Apr 29, 2010
I'm working on a web where i have a Tabcontainer in which I only use two tabs, and what i do there is that I added a control to show virtual keyboard (VK) for use with tablet PC or mouse, it will appear when a textbox is onFocus.
The problem is that when I add the control VK inside a Tabpanel, run the page, and when I focus the textbox inside the Tabpanel, it doesn't appear the VK, but i try using outside the tabpanel and it work. I also added an updatepanel inside the Tabpanel, and moved the textbox and VK control there, but is the same, it doesn't appear the VK.
i will show my web code and a link to the VK control web, cause I think it have to be a way to call the keyboard in client-side mode, but i tryed all i know and nope, isn't showing the VK.
The web VK control: [URL]
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Aug 15, 2010
I have a page that has a TabContainer to present and edit various pieces of information. On one of the tabs, there is a ListView control that allows in-place editing. The ListView works great when it is not contained in the tab. When it is in the tab, the Edit button works, but once it is in edit mode, none of the buttons will fire (update or cancel). Does anyone know of a conflict between the TabContainer and the ListView controls? I am thinking that I might try out jQuery UI to see if the tabs work any better.
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Feb 12, 2010
I got the 3.5 asp2008 + latest ajax
Problem with TabContainer containing an Iframe inside of a UpdatePanel
I did tried to load the iframe with js with setTimeout("LoadFrameImg();", 3000);
Or from inner html from server side...
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Oct 13, 2010
I have put a TabContainer inside an UpdatePanel. The TabContainer's TabPanels get populated with the content dynamically. Whenever the browser is refreshed (F5), the TabContainer does not display I get a javascript error
Message: 'undefined' is null or not an object
This only happens in Internet Explorer. If I put the cursor in the address bar and press the 'Enter' key, the TabContainer shows up again and the javascript error goes away.
A live sample can be see at [URL] on any of my product pages.
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Feb 16, 2011
I have a TabContainer with multiple Tabs. For some of the Tab's Button OnClick events work and on others they do not. I have dropdowns etc in each of these tabs and their SelectedIndex events fire. Just some of the button events don't fire. If I move the HTML and codebehind to a blank page for any of the Panels that don't work, the buttons work as expected.
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Jan 11, 2011
Since upgrading to VS2010, I've been having issuse up on issues with my apps. Some are pure asp.net web sites, other are webpats that are eventually be converted to a Sharepoint web part.
In one of these webparts, I'm building a tab control on the fly. It fetches data from the table via bll/dal. On my dev box I build this in the code file of the default.aspx file and rendering it in a panel, except that it get the said error. I'm quite sure this is how I've done it in VS2008, so I don't know what is going on here - see my code below.
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Jan 6, 2011
I'm using a TabContainer, having several tabs and inside each there're several textboxes and a button.
Now I have input all the info. through the textboxes and want to insert/update into database.
But values doesn't inset into db.
What's the procedure to have the update?
I've also use the update panel.... but still doesnt work.
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Mar 5, 2011
I have an ajax tabcontainer on a master page that has a user control inside one of its tabs.The user control is just a gridview that gets a list populated from a DB table.The strange thing is that the gridview is displaying in VS, but when I build the site the tab is empty; no error message just nothing.Below is the code for the tab in my master page:
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Aug 13, 2010
while creating cascadded dropdown inside the tab container.if i create two these control separately in a page then its work but whenever i plced the cascadded combo inside the tab container it is not worked.
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Jan 21, 2014
I am using a gridview in my asp.net web form.i have an Ajax Tab container with 4 tabs in each tab i have a Gridview and Each gridview have a Button to Add New Row to gridview. I need to write a function or method to add new Row in gridview.
I don't want to write code for each griview add new row button.i need to write a Common function to Add new rows and call the function while Button click.
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Jun 2, 2010
I'm trying to implement Google Interactive chart inside an updatepanel.
The regular Google Charts do work (I think because there I'm just calling an URL).
But now I want the interactive chart inside an updatepanel within a tabcontainer etc. But now the request to Google is made, resulting in an infinitely loading white page to Google.
How can I get this to work?
See my FULL code below.
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Dec 2, 2010
When I want to optimize my tab container for network traffic, I faced a rare problem.
When first time the page is requested the content in the first panel is visible. the other panel content are invisible. When user switches the tab i am setting the panel visible and update the updatepanel. this works fine after i have put the tab container inside a update panel and set the update mode conditional and children as trigger as false. But when i include the tab container inside an update panel and change the tab in the browser, i see two postback from the browser in firebug net traffic window. THe first postback status is displayed as aborted. Eventhough the functionality is working correct.
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Feb 28, 2011
I am trying to use a HverMenuExtender to display a panel as a tooltip inside of a TabContainer's TabPanel. The first time I view the tab, the HoverMenuExtender's popup panel control shows even though I haven't hovered over the target control. This behavior does not happen when outside of the tab's content or after the first display of the tab. Any way to make the HoverMenuExtender act as it should on 1st display of the tab?
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