AJAX :: Show Alert Message Notification On Specific Dates From Database

May 7, 2015

In my table me save data like this

name date place

celv 01/07/2014 Karaikudi

 me fetch the data from sql and show it in a new window   

but today date is 25/06/2014 i need to show the msg on 01/07/2014 after login in our application.

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This script is not working with the update panel.

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Feb 26, 2014

Here am exporting the data in pdf using itextsharp which is having one image and image data.

and am using updatepanel also in that page.

here am using the response.clear() and response.end()

after this i want to show message like 'DATA EXPORTED'

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Web Forms :: Show Particular Events On The Specific Dates?

Jan 24, 2010

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these scripts work fine if the button is outside the update panel. I want scripts for displaying on a click of button which is inside update panel.

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"<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="3600"/>"

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Forms Data Controls :: Show An Alert Message When Listview Edited From Pop-up Window?

Dec 7, 2010

I am able to show an alert when the list view is edited in parent window like this...

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "MyScript", "<script language='javascript'>alert('Hello');</script>");

but not able to show an alert when this listview is edited in Pop-up window.it shows "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Error .any idea how to show an alert here!!

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Data Controls :: Show Alert Message When TextBox Inside GridView Looses Focus

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function calc(row)
var grdID=document.getElementById('<%=grid1.ClientId%>');
var Rate;
var excise;
var Tax;

[Code] ....

I have a javascript for amout calculation and validation for grid controlsi have called this function on grid rowdataboundfor few gridtext controls i have set onblur event & for few i have onchnage event the problem is for few grid textbox where i have validated i get the mesaage even before the control get focusi want the alert message only when that particular control has lost focus not other wise.

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Web Forms :: Alert Notification Functionality Like Outlook's In .NET?

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How To Make A Messagebox At The Same Time With A Notification Sound/alert

Oct 26, 2010

-continuation of my question:

example for HumanResource. if an employee's contract is about to be expired, the system will notify the HR system with a messagebox and at the same time with a sound/alert, like a "buzz" or "beep" to notify the HR that the employee should renew their contract.

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AJAX :: CalendarExtender - Disable Specific Dates

Dec 15, 2013

This question is regarding one of your article on disabling future dates in [URL] ....

Your code in the above link disables(prevents for selection) dates for selection greater than today.

But I want to prevent users from selecting dates after a particular date say for example-after 13th October 2013, all the dates should be disabled.

I replaced this line

 var c = (new Date).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var c = (new Date("October 13, 2013 11:00:00")).setHours(0,0,0,0);

in the javascript file(Extension.min.js).

But still it was disabling dates other than today.

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Mar 26, 2013

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AJAX :: Avoid Alert Error Message Of AsyncFileUpload?

May 18, 2010

I think the popup message is a poor idea because OnClientUploadError has already provided developers a good option to handle the error easily in whichever way they prefer. The worst is that if a user clicks OK, he will see a window that should be seen only by software developers. Is there any trick to stop the error alert?

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Data Controls :: How To Show Alert Message When Matching Data In SQL With C#

Dec 30, 2013

How to show the alert message when matching the data is not accurate in SQL with C#?

Based on below SQL script show that if recordcount is true then update the QTY - @QTY else insert the data.

How to write the statement is the input @QTY is more that existing QTY, then pop up alert message show that "QTY is not available, there is more than existing QTY" else if the input @qty is 0, then show alert message "NOt able to key in 0 QTY". 

Then  redirect Or return to main form(NOt able to do transaction).  

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[MMSIssue_InsertOrUpdate] Script Date: 12/30/2013 16:30:22 ******/

[Code] ....

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AJAX :: Display Alert Message And Redirect When Using Update Panel

May 7, 2015

My Alert message doesn't work with Update Panel.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">

[Code] ....

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May 7, 2015

I haveto use a calendar control to block the schedules of a trainer and have to mark the days in red color if it is confirmed otherwise yellow..So i was wondering which calendar control would be the best for this.. Should i go for Jquery calendar control or asp.net calendar control.

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AJAX :: Give Alert Message When Update Panel Is Updating By Timer_tick

Jul 28, 2010

I am a new developer and working on a ASP.Net Site, I am using an Update panel which is updateing the data from SQL database after every few seconds, there is some records in the table for the login user. Now I want to generate a Popup, or Alret Message autometically, every time when update panel is updated, My Update panel has SQLDatasource and gridview its working correctly with timer after every 15 seconds.

But When I am Coding under the Timer Tick the Alret massege is not showing. While I need a notification alret also with every trip of update panel if there is something avilable in the data tabel. I am using Code in Timer Tick: ra is getting from function return value if the table has some records. if(ra>1) response.write("<Script> alert ('something')<Script>); but its not working

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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload / Display Success Message Using JavaScript Alert After File Upload

Oct 22, 2012

i m Uploading File using  Ajax AsyncFileUpload control.. after successful upload i am trying to display success message through Label and Also through Alert but its not working..below is i used code

<asp:Panel ID="pnlupload" runat="server" BackColor="LightBlue"
CssClass="pnlBackGround" Height="100px" style="display:none" Width="600px">
<asp:Label ID="lblmsg" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Text="" ForeColor="Red"></asp:Label>
<table ID="tabid" runat="server" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="border:Solid 2px #D46900; width:100%; height:100%" width="100%">


how can i display the message and  AsyncFileUpload1

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AJAX :: Alert Doesn't Show Using UpdateProgress

Sep 17, 2010

I Have a UpdateProgress in my page. I have a button that save and show a alert message if a condition is true.

The problem is that If I use the UpdatePanel+UpdateProgress my alert does not show, if I remove the UpdatePanel+UpdateProgress from my page, the alert is display!






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AJAX :: Show Messagebox From The Code Behind (other Than Javascript Alert)?

Jul 30, 2010

button click i get the result from the sql server table and fill it to DataTable

if the DataTable in empty means if the query doesn't return any results

i need to show the user "No Records" Message and fade backgrounds stop user to access the control in the background like javascript alert once i click ok button then oni i can access further (like ajax modal popup)

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Send Notification Emails To Specific Users

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I need to send notification emails to specific users at different times, Can this be done in the Global.asax page using vb? Also will i have to upgrade my Database from sql express to standard?

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Textbox On Defocus Validate From Database And Show Message Is Exists In Database?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a aspxtextbox and its validated from database.If text exists in database then it shows message Username exist.Now this is all happens on click of a aspxbutton after typing some text into aspxtextbox.I just want that when user defocus the textbox then it will automatically check from database and shows the message if exists.

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AJAX :: Calender Extender Customization - Disable Dates And Show Only Four Months

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to customize Ajax Calender Extender control ?. I want it to disable some dates and show only four month (Jan,Feb,Nov,Dec) while it load.

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Web Forms :: Show User Specific Data From Database After Login?

Jun 19, 2010

in my project admin will create user and insert users data into database user can just view it by his login id.only logedin iser related data will be displayed on his page.

here admin has to fill fields as below for each user and create uid and password for that user and wen user will log in only data related to him will be displayed.



name ,address,city,salary of his own not othr persons.

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