AJAX :: UpdatePanel Into Datalist?

Jul 12, 2010

am newone on this forum and I've a few question about updatepanel inside datalist;I've made a survey and code below:


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AJAX :: With Datalist In Updatepanel?

Sep 24, 2010

i try to make a search part. there is a textbox which will be used for search context. also, i need to list category names. i don't use dropdownlist because its styles(for example border-style)doesn't change. So i tyr to do like this:i use a label and datalist. when clicking the label, datalist is showing. when i click the category name on datalist, it will be shown on label.(label is not in datalist.)my problem starts at that point. when i click category name on datalist , page is being postback. so i put datalist into updatepanel. but this time , i click category name on datlist,nothing occurs.(category name doesn't shown on label).my code is below:


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Ajax Nested Datalist In Updatepanel

Oct 27, 2010

I need to input nested data (data entry) and i am using datalists for the same. The details include many details and I am managing the same using controls for each in information.The parent datalist can have max 20 rows with 7 rows in each child datalist. I tried to bind the datalists with max rows, due to which the rendered page size was almost 12MB and it took more than 2 mins to load.Alternative to this, I put the parent datalist in updatepanel and bound it to one row initially. Onclick of add button, i implemented an asynchronous postback to add new row to the parent datalist datasource and update the updatepanel to display the datalist. The new row is displayed properly in datalist, however it gets reset to original datalist after some seconds.

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AJAX :: Handling SelectedIndexChanged From DataList Inside UpdatePanel...

Feb 26, 2010

i ahve a DataList inside an UpdatePanel like this


Nothing is fired?Is this Possible

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AJAX :: How To Update Datalist In Updatepanel After Asyncfileupload Has Uploaded A New File

Sep 30, 2010

I want to update an updatepanel after the user has uploaded a photo via the asynfileupload control.

Below is my current code. I also tried setting updatemode="conditional" to "false" and then in code-behind call upnlPhotos.update, but without luck...

Upload photo: <cc1:AsyncFileUpload ID="afuPhoto" runat="server" /><br />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upnlPhotos" runat="server">
<asp:DataList ID="dlPhotos" DataSourceID="dsPhotos" DataKeyField="id" RepeatColumns="5" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" GridLines="None" runat="server" >
<img alt="" src='/images/trouwlocatiefotos/thumbs/<%# Eval("locpath")%>' /><br />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsPhotos" SelectCommand="SELECT id,locationid,locpath from location_photos lp where locationid=@locationid" ConnectionString="<%$ConnectionStrings:conn1 %>" runat="server">
<asp:QueryStringParameter QueryStringField="id" Type="Int32" Name="locationid" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="afuPhoto" EventName="UploadedComplete" />

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AJAX :: Pass Context Key To AutoCompleteExtender In GridView / DataList Inside UpdatePanel

May 7, 2015

[URL] .... This is my older post on this question .

Now my datalist is under update panel hence on changing dropdownlist my textbox for city won't cascade. How can I update the context key on dropdownlist selection change ?

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AJAX :: Click Event Of Image Button Inside DataList Placed Within UpdatePanel Not Working

May 7, 2015

ImageButton inside Datalist inside update panel is not firing in my asp.net web page. what should i proceed??

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AJAX :: Assign PostBack Trigger For LinkButton And DropDownList Inside DataList Within UpdatePanel?

May 7, 2015

I have a UpdatePanel which is having a Datalist inside it , and in datalist i have a country dropdownlist whose autopostback = true , now it is causing postback which i want to trigger , but i am unable to set it as AsyncPostBackTrigger inside update panel because update panel won't find the dropdownlist as it is in datalist.

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Forms Data Controls :: Refreshing Datalist In Updatepanel?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a datalist. When a user clicks a button in the datalist I change some properties and then want to refresh the datalist. However, the code below doesnt seem to refresh the datalist. Once I reload the entire page (which I dont want) the changes are visible in the datalist. I also tried setting the updatemode of the updatepanel to "Conditional" and update manually in the dlPhotos_ItemCommand, but that doesnt work either.

In bold I've marked where I want to refresh the datalist

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upnlPhotos" runat="server">
<cc1:AsyncFileUpload ID="afuPhoto" runat="server" />
<asp:DataList ID="dlPhotos" DataSourceID="dsPhotos" DataKeyField="id" RepeatColumns="5" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" GridLines="None" runat="server" >


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AJAX :: Updatepanel Control / Drag Updatepanel On Asp Page It Is Not Resizable?

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently using a asp.net 2.0 with visual studio 2005.

I am trying to build a web application using ajax.

but when I drag the ajax updatepanel on asp.net page it is not resizable,so how should i put other controls on it?

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AJAX :: TabContainer And UpdatePanel - Embed An UpdatePanel In Order To Update Each Tab?

Oct 14, 2010

i am using a TabContainer and at each TabPanel i have embed an UpdatePanel in order to update each tab alone.

this is my code:


the problem is that it makes several seconds to update each tab (the same time for every tab) and i asume that this is happening because it updates all the TabContainer and not the selected Tab.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using An UpdatePanel With Triggers On Imagebutton Inside A Datalist

Feb 22, 2010

I have a datalist that has an imagebutton, I want the updatepanel to trigger each click of the imagebutton of each result. How Can I do that?

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Doesn't Update Another UpdatePanel?

Jan 20, 2011

I have two updatepanels on my site (upanProfileSearch and upanMemberList). When I hit the button in the upanProfileSearch it should bind the Data Items in the gridview in upanMemberList and here make a RowFilter on the text in upanProfileSearch. When I make a run to curser, I can see, it happens. It makes a RowFilter. but it doesn't update the gridview. Can anyone tell me why it doesn't update? I have UpdateMode="Always" and RenderMode="inline" on both UpdatePanels.



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AJAX :: How To Change UpdatePanel Content From Another UpdatePanel

Jun 23, 2010

I have a dropdownlist, that causes a postback. On the SelectedIndexChanged event, is it possible to force a placeholder that is within a different UpdatePanel to change it's visibility?

For example, when the SelectedItem.Value of DropDownList1 is "1" then show Placeholder1, otherwise hide it.

What I am most interested in is how to configure the UpdatePanels to allow this.

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AJAX :: How To Implement Updatepanel Functionality Without Updatepanel

Nov 11, 2010

How to implement updatepanel functionality without updatepanel?

I am tring to use XMLHttpRequest but I am getting problem while redering a usercontrol containing postback controls in response of an Ajax request.

Here is my code




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AJAX :: How To Trigger Updatepanel Postback From Another Updatepanel

Mar 4, 2011

I have a web user control with one updatepanel (pnlUpdate_2), some controls and one apply button. I display the web user control as a modalpopup in my default page. In my default page i have an updatepanel (pnlUpdate_1) with a gridview and I modify that gridview with the apply button of the web user control. The web user control is for made a custom search of the gridview data. I have a problem with both updatepanels. If I set the updatemode as always in one of them (pnlUpdate_1) and the other as conditional (pnlUpdate_2), the pnlUpdate_1 make a postback in the pnlUpdate_2; I'm not an expert on this but I think that's why the pnlUpdate_2 disappear and reappear after postback of some controls in that updatepanel (not the apply button, it close the modal after postback). I try all the combinations and the problem persists. So I put both updatepanels as conditional and in some way it works; now the problem is that when I click the apply button in pnlUpdate_2 to modify the gridview in pnlUpdate_1 the pnlUpdate_1 not made the postback I get the pnlUpdate_2 postback when I use some control inside the pnlUpdate_1.

How can I postback the pnlUpdate1 from pnlUpdate_2 with the apply button?

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Conditional Update OnLoad Event / Updatepanel To Update On Queue?

Aug 25, 2010

i have a website with three UpdatePanel Control and inside of each UpdatePanels has ONE Gridview and a SqlDataSource Control.

all gridviews are connected to its own SqlDataSource Control. so technically when i run my website all gridviews automatically get their data from their respective SqlDataSource Control and display them accordingly.

but what i need to do is instead of letting all the update panels to load each gridview their data upon Onload event, i need the updatepanel to update on queue, (Technically changing the UpdateMode to Conditional does not solve my problem.) there will be an event which will trigger the updatepanel to update later.

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AJAX :: How Another Updatepanel Can Be Refreshed Everytime When A Particular Updatepanel Is Refreshed

Aug 13, 2010

I am using two Updatepanels in ASP.NET AJAX and as soon as there is some event in first updatepanel, it will get refreshed at that time I want my second Updatepanel getting refreshed too. How can I do that ?

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AJAX :: Gridview Within Updatepanel Not Triggering Gridview Outside Of Updatepanel

Jan 14, 2011

I have a page that has a updatepanel around a gridview control that is within my modalpopup. So you land on the page, there is a link that when clicked will open the model popup. Initially the gridview merely displayed saved records you personally choseto save, well when you selected one, the popup would close and the data from that row would be passed to the gridview within the page to display details.. no issue when it was setup that way.. well eventually it was decided to add a delete option within themodal popup gridview so now when viewing the records you can delete it if not needed. works well.. but now with the updatepanel surrounding the gridview when i click on my "select" link it doesnt execute my

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UrlRewritting Affect AJAX / Cant Use The Asp Ajax Like UpdatePanel?

Mar 24, 2011

I am using UrlRewritting in my project. all functionality is working proper but I cant use the ASP.NET Ajax like updatePanel etc. the problem is ScriptResource.axd file is missing (404 Error). I used lot of ASP.net Ajax control before using UrlRewritting so I cant change the whole code.....

how can I enable ASP.NET Ajax? have any Alternative to replace ASP.NET Ajax without changing in codebehind.

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Asp.net - AJAX Without UpdatePanel?

Apr 25, 2010

Say you have a Grid which is having paging, editing and extra, I usually put the whole grid in UpdatePanel to make the page partially render with AJAX, but I hear that u can do AJAX without UpdatePanel, how is that?

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AJAX :: How To Use ModalPopupExtender In UpdatePanel

Feb 5, 2010

I try I cannot seem to find a satisfactory solution. As far as I can tell from the documentation a ModalPopupExtender should be able to reside inside an UpdatePanel. However, I simply cannot get it to work.After the first refresh of the UpdatePanel I get errors of various kinds depending on what I've tried.

What I'm trying to accomplish is having a button inside an UpdatePanel which launches a popup. Another button inside the UpdatePanel causes a partial postback. And finally a button within the popup has to cause a partial postback. I have tried at least five different approaches to this problem and finally I gave up and went with a very inelegant solution. I don't think my requirements are all that strange, am I doing something wrong?

First I tried this:


This works fine until after the first postback when the Cancel-button (Button4) starts causing synchronous postbacks and the textbox starts to fill up with commas. I also tried the same as above but placing an UpdatePanel within Panel4 (the popup) - no go. Then I tried causing the postbacks in javascript launched from the ModalPopupExtender's OnOkScript - still it starts failing. I tried another couple of attempts
all of which failed. Finally I decided to move the ModalPopupExtender outside the UpdatePanel, add dummy buttons and a bit of javascript to launch and hide the popup. Although this satisfies my UI requirements it just plain wrong from a design perspective and it annoys me that I could not get the extender to work inside an UpdatePanel. Has anyone succeded with placing a ModalPopupExtender in an UpdatePanel with the requirements I stated above? Or should it be added to the list of controls that's just not compatible with the UpdatePanel?

this is my final solution:


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Using IE 7.0 And Updatepanel Control For AJAX ?

Jan 19, 2010

I get following error when I click on the button.I am Using IE 7.0 and Updatepanel control for AJAX in the aspx page (Not in master Page).This error goes After I clear cache.

"Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled. Details: Error parsing near ' <!DOCTYPE html PUB'."

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AJAX :: PopupControlExtender And UpdatePanel?

Apr 20, 2010

I know this may be easy, but I have looked at it for a bit of time and maybe my brain is going in circle.OK, I am learing PopupControlExtender. Looks like it is a good thing to have. One (style of) example is to have a TextBox. Click on it and the PopupControlExtender will come up. Sample code may be like the Example 1 in this



Why there is a need to put UpdatePanel inside the Panel? It is the TextBox which needs to be updated. Why the TextBox is not put into an UpdatePanel? (I try Example 1 and it works without having to put the TextBox inside an UpdatePanel.)

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel + UserControl?

Nov 4, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page with the following controls on it.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel3" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">

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