AJAX :: Validating Textbox Value Against Autocompleteextender?
Aug 24, 2010
I am retrieving list of projects and project IDs using autocompleteextender.I want a kind of functionality that doesn't allow user to input any characters (or)will change the text box color if the input doesn't retrieve any value from database.Though, I have found a solution by calling function through OnClientPopulated. But this function calls back the webservice "GetCompletionList" method.I don't want to recall one method two times..
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Nov 13, 2010
I have implemented autocompleteextender on textbox, everything works fine, however please help me with this minor thing.In textbox whenever I enter a value it get stored in memory
e.g I have typed 'hello' & press enter. The next time I press 'h', 'hello' appears below it, & hides the autocompleteextender. Is there a way to switch this function of text box
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Jan 19, 2010
>I am trying to add a Ajax AutoCompleteExtender to a Textbox (template) in a Gridview.
>In a different projects I have used a A.C.E with a Texbox on a form and it works In a different project I have used the gridview >RowDatabound event to locate and added attributes that monitor keys stroke and the like (via java)
>BUT :(
>I am having a problem getting my head around how I connect the Ajax A.C.E to the Textbox in the gridview.
>My guess is, it is probably by adding an attribute to the textbox of the gridview but how do I reference / link the Ajax A.C.E.
>My aim is to add a combobox to a gridview ie a dropdownlist that the user can also type into.
>PS I am using VS 2005 - .Net 2. - c#
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Jun 28, 2010
I'm using the AutoCompleteExtender control with a textbox. The control functions the way I want it to but I have one issue with it. When the page first loads I type something in the textbox and I get a list of suggestions from my database. When the list is quite big the vertical scroll bar appears on the right side of the browser window and the textbox is repositioned to the center of the page (I want the textbox to be centrally positioned and I'm using <center> tags). Unfortunately the AutoCompleteExtender list doesn't reposition and is misaligned. The same thing happens when the browser window is resized.
I've played around with CSS and OnClientShown and haven't managed to fix this. I'm currently using IE8.
View 4 Replies
Sep 23, 2010
I am using the autocompleteextender control in a project I am working on for a client, but I would like to be able to match words in the middle of the data I am searching. Controls such as the search textbox on sites like Netflix do this. For example, if I go to Netflix and search for 'wolfman' I get results like:
The Wolfman
The Real Wolfman
House of the Wolfman
With the extender I would only get results beginning with 'wolfman'. If my stored procedure in my webservice is written to do search the text as I want, nothing shows in the extender (I'm guessing because so many top results don't begin with the entered text). Is there a way to get the autocompleteextender to behave more like this?
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Feb 8, 2010
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Jan 19, 2010
I am trying to add a Ajax AutoCompleteExtender to a Textbox (template) in a Gridview.In a different projects I have used a A.C.E with a Texbox on a form and it worksIn a different project I have used the gridview RowDatabound event to locate and added attributes that monitor keys stroke and the like (via java)BUT :(I am having a problem getting my head around how I connect the Ajax A.C.E to the Textbox in the gridview.My guess is, it is probably by adding an attribute to the textbox of the gridview but how do I reference / link the Ajax A.C.E.ORHave I just got in complete wrong?My aim is to add a combobox to a gridview ie a dropdownlist that the user can also type into.
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Sep 17, 2010
I am using javascript for customValidator to validate textboxes in ASP.Net. The code works perfectly when I am using a normal page, but as soon as I put that inside a MasterPage, the code doesn't work. Below is the code for my aspx page. If I put this code inside a MasterPage it doesn't work.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function validateOrFields(source, args){
var sUser = document.getElementById('TextBox1');
if (sUser.value == "")
args.IsValid = false;
args.IsValid = true;
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1"
<asp:CustomValidator ID="FieldValidator"
Text="Enter either a user name"
ClientValidationFunction="validateOrFields" onservervalidate="FieldValidator_ServerValidate"/>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
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Oct 25, 2010
I have a textbox that is set to readonly so users won't try to type something in it. It is then populated when a treenode is clicked. I want to validate what is in the box after it's populated from the treenode click but if i have it set to readonly, in the codebehind it shows up as an empty string. if i take the readonly off it shows up populated. what would you do about this?
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Sep 2, 2010
I want to validate a textbox that only a numeric currency value can be put into it, for example 0.00. I thought the following code was correct but it doesnt seem to wrk, its causing an error on my page and when I remove it the page is fine, it doesn't actually give exact details of the error on the page just says "syntax error" in the browser that is all.
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Jul 2, 2010
multiple email address are enetered in the textbox at present i have used SPLIT function to split the emails based on a delimiter on server side wht i need is , suppose i have 10 email addrees in the textbox and suppose 3rd one is not valid i dont want the processing to be stopped at 3rd , if 3rd is invalid it shld be skipped and the 4th one shld be processed.
View 10 Replies
Oct 29, 2010
the text box should validate in such a manner that the special characters like <,>,%,!,? should not appear in the text box.if appears an erroe msg should be displayed representing invalid name.or else it sholud be processen....
can any one tell the code(regular expression) for the above mentioned.
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Feb 17, 2010
is it posseble to send some extra information to AutoCompleteExtender from another textbox to get filterd list to target textbox
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May 15, 2012
Which is best one to autocomplete textbox whether ajax autocomplete or jquery autocomplete ....
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Mar 22, 2010
i have textboxes(edititemtemplate and footertemplate) inside a gridview.
i want to prevent the user from entering hyphen(-) in the textboxes.
View 2 Replies
Oct 21, 2010
I have a textbox in one grid-view column where upon entering a particular value and losing focus of the textbox, should post to the server to get the text validated through a server-side method. If the entry is valid, a result set to fill rest of row cells would be returned, else the bgcolor of the textbox needs to be changed to Red.
I tried posting back through the obvious way, i.e. making the textbox's autopostback as true and wiring up a server-side OnTextChanged event handler to validate the entered value.
It is working with this setup, but is also affecting the remaining page controls behaviour. For example, if I click a button in some other grid after entering some text in the textbox, the OnTextChanged handler gets called thus preventing the button's click event, which I also wish to call to execute its functionality.
View 2 Replies
Sep 2, 2010
In the tutorial for autocomplete text box for static page method in c# the following lines of code is given. When i use it my website using c# it gives error 'invalid term "in" showing in line 7.
[System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute(), System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()]
public static string[] GetCompletionList(string prefixText, int count, string contextKey) {
// Create array of movies string[] movies = {"Star Wars", "Star Trek", "Superman", "Memento", "Shrek", "Shrek II"};
// Return matching movies return (from m in movies where m.StartsWith(prefixText,StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) select m).Take(count).ToArray();
View 2 Replies
Aug 20, 2010
I am using autocompleteextender to receive list of projects. Is there any way that, given list of projects can hold a hidden values like a dropdownlist? I need project ID as hidden value...so that when I select a project from the list, I can retrieve the ID using C#/ASP.Net.
View 2 Replies
Nov 16, 2010
i have used fallowing code
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<cc1:AutoCompleteExtender ID="AutoCompleteExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="TextBox1"
MinimumPrefixLength="1" ServiceMethod="GetNameInfo" ServicePath="WebService.asmx">
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Mar 11, 2010
i'm using visual web developer 2008 express edition, i added the ajax toolkit to the tools without issue. SOME tools, like the accordian (and others) allow me to drag and drop them onto my forms. but others, such as the autocompleteextender wil not allow me to drag and drop them onto a form. i just get a circle with a line through it (as if to say - this is not allowed) - why is that?
i tried coding the extender in manually like many examples i've seen online:
<cc1:AutoCompleteExtender TargetControlID="txtName" ServiceMethod="GetCustomers" ServicePath="AjaxService.asmx"
MinimumPrefixLength="1" ID="AutoCompleteExtender1" runat="server">
but it underlines "cc1" and gives me the error: "unrecognized tag prefix"
what am i doing wrong?
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