AJAX :: Avoid Password Reset Problem On Webforms During Postback?

Feb 19, 2011

I have a Username and Password field on webform and a Submit button.Username ia validated through database on button click.Each time when i click on submit button and if Username already exist then my password gets to be removed due to postback.Please give me some solution so that when i just defocus my username field it will automatically check and display message if it exists.Please donot give Textbox ontextchanged event with update panel in conditional update mode because it will not work for me because i am using devexpress tools on my webforms.

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State Management :: Avoid Password Field To Reset?

Aug 1, 2010

ive a simple webform where a checkbox enable the send button, this check is used for disclaimer agreement and has autopostback set to true; when a user insert all the required data to register, including his password and the check is clicked the password fields are reset to null because of the postback, i need to leave the check at the bottom of my module and consecuently the users most likely select it as last control.

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Javascript - Add Reset To Defaults Button To Asp Form But Avoid Postback

Sep 6, 2010

I have a couple of fields on a form that will be populated with default values. I would like to put a button that will allow me to reset those fields to their default values if they have been modified. However I would like to avoid the postback so that I don't have data being sent to the database. Is it possible to add a javascript hook such that when that button is pressed I can pull the default values and populate those fields in javascript?

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C# - Membership Controls Reset Password Postback Error?

Mar 11, 2011

I have written a simple jQuery dialog box that will appear in an asp panel if the logged in user has not reset their password in the last 90 days. This is working great, however when the user types in their password and presses submit to insert the new password into the database, the parent page is posting back before the click event is fired on the user control.

Here is how it is set up:

<asp:Panel ID="pnlTest" runat="server" Visible="false">
<div id="dialog" title="Password must be reset">
<cms:ResetPassword runat="server" ID="reset" />


Whenever I click the button to change the password, the default page is calling a postback and it is blanking out the text that was input to change the password, so when the click function gets called the strings come through as "" and it throws an error.

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C# Membership Provider - Reset Password Features - Email Confirmation And Password Change?

Jun 28, 2010

Does anyone has a solution (sample code) for the following features:

Create a randomGuid/Cryptographically strong random number Send a unique URL containing the random number to the user's email address When confirmed, the user is asked to change password

My provider is currently parametrized this way:


The security issues with this type of procedure have been discussed here before.

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AJAX :: Scrollbar Is Reset By Updatepanel Postback - How To Fix It

Jul 20, 2010

I have an Usercontrol which has a update panel that being postback by a timer, and it is nested in a parent page which has its own update panel. Every time that the update panel in UserControl cause a postback to server my main page's scrollbar being reset to top or buttom of the page. I enabled viewstate of parent page but nothing, and when enable parent page's MaintainScrollPOsitionOnPOstback it cause a problem for Usercontrol updatepanel postback !

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AJAX :: Postback Does Not Reset Meta Refresh Tag?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a kiosk application that uses master pages. There is a refresh meta-tag on the master page (or I can add it programmatically using Page.Header.Controls.add(metaTag), it makes no difference for my problem). When the user does not interact with the aplication it should return to the default page. But when the user does react using async postbacks only a partial postback is performed which does not reset the html meta refresh header, so it just keeps on ticking and after x seconds the page redirects to the default page. How can I avoid this from happening. The meta-tag can not be in the updatepanel so even though I can manipulate it from the code-behind when the async postback happens, any changes I make (for example sometimes when the user makes a mistake he should be redirected to a clean version of the page he is currently on after showing a modal message, so I have to change the url of the meta-tag content to no longer use the default page, but the current page) are not implemented.So the main question is, how can I manipulate (or reset in case of refresh meta tag) meta-tags in an async postback ?

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Web Forms :: Reset Password" Form, The First Text Box Set With TextMode Set To "Password" Is Populated With The Users Saved Password?

Mar 11, 2011

When a user that has their IE set to save passwords hits my "Reset Password" form, the first text box set with TextMode set to "Password" is populated with the users saved password. Understandable, this is not the affect I would like as this is their "old" password. I cannot set the text of a text box with mode set to "Password" (naturally). Does someone know how to suppress or clear this value when IE is saving passwords?

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Do AJAX Callback Before Each Postback For Webforms?

Oct 6, 2010

Whenever a postback would occur (AJAX'ed by an UpdatePanel) I want to do a callback beforehand and only after the callback has completed (either successfully or not) should the postback occur. How can I do this?

Elaborate explanation: We use ASP.NET AJAX (UpdatePanel 'n stuff) together with DevExpress controls. Among those controls is the ubiquitous GridView. As is typical with ASP.NET gridviews, you can edit rows one-by-one, and to save your changes you have to hit the "update" button at the end of the row. However if you make some changes to the row, then forget to press the "update" button, and hit something else in the page (say the big red SAVE button that causes a postback and saves the whole form to the DB), your changes will be lost. The row will still be in edit mode, but it will have reset to the data it had initially when you started the edit.

Our clients are not happy with this and want the row to be saved automatically if the user forgets to do so himself. Luckily the DevExpress gridview is smart enough to have an "Update()" method which I can call from JavaScript. Unluckily that causes a callback and returns immediately. If I allow the postback to continue as normally, the callback will get aborted. Well, technically it's a race condition I guess, but so far it seems that the postback wins. There are events to which I could attach for success/failure of the callback, but I don't know how to "resume" the postback that started it all. We could turn off callbacks for all the grids, but that would be a performance disaster.

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AJAX :: How To Avoid Having The Page Jump To The Top And Then Back Down Again On The Postback

Feb 13, 2011

I have an AsyncFileUpload with an image control to show a preview of the pic that is uploaded. Everything works fine, however on the postback from the asynchFileUpload the page jumps to the top of the page and then after a second or two it goes down to the proper scroll position. What can I do to avoid having the page jump to the top and then back down again on the postback ?


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AJAX :: Avoid Postback In Multiple Dropdown List

Oct 9, 2010

i have 4 dropdownlist..state,district,place,product..where we have to select the product depend on state ,district ,place and product and there is search button for search particular product where iam using gridview to dipslay particular product deatails. i do not want to do auto past back eventfor page when i select dropdownlist...i tried using ajax but still i cant get through..i tried this code. how to use ajax for 4 dropdownlist & 1 button so that i can dispaly product deatails.

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AJAX :: Avoid Model Popup Disabled On Postback?

Jan 6, 2011

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AJAX :: Masked Edit Extender - Date 01/01/0001 Reset To 01/01/1910 On Postback

Jul 28, 2010

I have a masked edit extender extending a text box. I enter the date 01/01/0001 then change a selection on a drop down list inside the same update panel with the autopostback property set to true. The date is changed to 01/01/1910.


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AJAX :: Webforms And Master Page Asynchronous Postback?

May 18, 2010

I am building a website in which all of the site layout is in Master page and the content of the site is in the inherited pages. I have various links for navigation in which i simple use Response.Redirect to transfer to different pages. Now the problem is that I want to put the content place holder inside Ajax Update panel so that the postbacks are Asynchronous and I want to show the postback by an animated image inside Update Panel progress control. The problem is that I am unable to achieve this result and the entire page is posted back and rendered again. I have placed the content place holder inside the Ajax control toolkit's Update panel but it does not work. Is there any way that I can change the content of the content place holder to a new page with asynchronous postback.


I have same problem, can anyone write a code project exemple

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AJAX :: How To Avoid Postback Of Page When Modalpopup Extender Is Shown

Apr 15, 2010

I am using ModalPopupExtender of Ajax Control Toolkit(v2.0.50727) as shown in the following way.

The problem iam facing is whenver i try to show the Popup ,Postback of entire page is happening which is cauisng lot of performance issues.

how to avoid the post backs when using ModalPopupExtender ..


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AJAX :: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Invalid Postback Or Callback Argument?

May 3, 2010

But I have another problem, my gridview is inside UpdatePanel and when I click on prev or next button I get exception: "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages
enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation."

Do you know what should I do to make it work?I don't think that I should change enableEventValidation to "false" maybe I should use ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation? But I don't know how to use it.

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AJAX :: Avoid Page Flicker On Postback And Update Only Specific Controls?

Nov 10, 2010

From one of my webpage, I am opening up another form as ModalDialog, and on this form, I have a Grid, Treeview and some other controls.


I have some code on click of Treeview Node, I fill out other data in Grid on click of Treeview Node.

Now the problem is when page posts back ( on click of Treeview Node ) , page flickers once during filling up data in Grid.

Basically whenever page.ispostback is true, page flickers, Now I want to avoid this.

I have to keep "SmartNavigation="false"" on this page because of some of the Treeview Problems.

Specifically on Node click of Treeview and on Update button press.

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AJAX :: Use FileUpload Control With Partial PostBack To Avoid Page Refresh

May 7, 2015

Here is the sample code am trying.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="conditional">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="Button1" />

[Code] ....

This upload is working. But why the page is getting refreshed? this is not partial post back and instead it 's full post back. i have read the articles for the fileuplaod with issue inside the update panel. is there any way to achieve this asynchronous upload on button click?

I don't want to use the Ajaxtoolkit  Asyncupload because that will upload (Ref : [URL] ....] the moment when we seelct the file itself which i don't want to do that. i need to do on the button click event. 

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AJAX :: How To Avoid Cascading Dropdowns To Call Their Service Methods On Every Postback Of The Page

Feb 24, 2011

I have three cascading dropdowns on my web page and they work fine. The issue I am facing is that there are other controls on the page which cause a postback and with each postback the cascading drop downs are being re-populated (service methods are called) which is becoming a performnace issue.

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Membership Reset Password?

May 1, 2010

I am using membership control in my webapplication.On reseting password, i want control should generate password such that i can define the length of the password.

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C# - Timespan Since Last Password Reset?

Feb 3, 2011

I have created a small asp.net application that allows users to reset their passwords. I am able to retrieve that last time the password was reset from the Directory Searcher object, but I'm having trouble with checking the timespan since the last password reset. The users can reset their passwords again after 24 hours have passed, otherwise they well get an error stating that they are not able to update their password at this time. Any recommendations on how to best go about doing this?

string passwordLastSet = string.Empty;
passwordLastSet = DateTime.FromFileTime((Int64)(result.Properties["PwdLastSet"][0])).ToString();

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MVC :: Allow The User To Reset Their Password?

Mar 23, 2010

How do you allow the user to reset their password if they have forgotten it and have the new password sent to their email address?

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Web Forms :: Reset Password From Xml?

Jun 13, 2012

I have an xml file stored in local folder which has login credentials.

Now in Login page..There's a Forget Password button. So when user clicks forget password he gets redirected  to Resetpassword.aspx page. Here I have to reset the password based on username, email and security question. May I know how to reset the password from xml file. I am a new to xml.

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How To Reset And Get Password Of Membership User

Jun 21, 2010

i am working on membership concepts in asp.net. Now i want to reset new password and getpassword for specific user.

this is my web.config code:


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Security :: Reset Password By Admin?

Jul 31, 2010

I have a small requirement i.e if any user forgot the passwordhe would like to reset the password by contacting an admin or mailing. Now if the admin logged in he will check for the user name if the user name matches i would like to send a mail to that user by resetting the password

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