AJAX :: Button In Accordion Doesn't Work After Adding Validation?
Nov 8, 2010
i'm experiencing some weird problem and cannot find any solution on how to fix it.... i have this function where user can update their email address, password etc. i put all this into an accordion. all works perfectly fine until i added in some validation. the validation works fine to. the problem is, now none of my button works. as in it does not trigger any action..
I am having quite a bit of trouble getting an accordion control to work. I downloaded the AJAX Control Toolkit (v 3.5), added the dll to my toolbox, and added an accordion control with the following code:
The problem is accordion's showed on the page, but doesn't works. I try use code of all examples, but the problem is the same for all of them. I don't understand what to do, because the code is the same as in the tutorials. When I click on the pane it doesn't changing/closing/opening. What can it be?
to explain my problem as simple as i can i have made the following page each textbox is a required field. when i enter valid data in the text box and click the button everything is fine. the problem i am having is that after this button click > i empty out the last 2 textboxes > click the button > the required field validation is not thrown.
the autopostback property being set to true is a must in this case.
As per my need I want to dynamically load accordion pane and inside that I want to load an ascx control. I am attaching my code for reference. But when I run my code it does not create separate pane.
I've added routes to my asp.net 4 website so that, for example the page: "~/Main/About/Careers.aspx" is mapped to the url: [URL] I'm using jquery to make an ajax call and it simply does not work after I've added the routing, I used the following code, and it remains stuck on the spinner image:
I would like to make a custom accordion, in which I have 2 panes, but where you couldn't open the second one until you clicked a validation button in the first one that would open the second...
I tried to just make a button that would hide the first pane but I cant get to make it work.
I'm currently developping an application using MVC2 and Globalization (fr and de). I'm creating a form who use DataAnnotation on the model for validation, with localized error messages in my dataAnnotations.
Here is the trick :
I have two <input /> :
One for a required date (example : 12/05/2001) wich is a DateTime field in the model :
One for an optionnal hour (example : 22:30) wich is a DateTime? :
Erreur and LibellesSinistre are my ressources files.
I got two problems :
I can enter a date in my hour field and an hour in my date field.My error messages aren't localized. Do I need a trick or something to make it work ?
well the thing i am doing is that and returning a formviewdal ,there is a page refresh while performing validation ( it work fine when i return only modal ,but is not working
when i am returning formviewmodal i.e doing a page refresh) ,What might be wrong. Review the create below as it is returning viewmodal class
i want to add button as trigger of UpdatePanel where that Button inside Accordion,
i have tried this solution but its not give me any error but its dont update my udpanel, and when i have added it at design , it will give me error at runtime.
i want to ask question i have simple regular expression pattern like "[ABC]" when i add it to me class
it is working good when i add A , B Or C as i need.but if i copy this pattern and paste it in my regular expression validator control it is not working
im trying to display some data using a gridview inside ajax accordion. i have called the method accordion1_itemBound at the accordion properties but it still doesnt show me any data at the gridview... i check all my query string and everything seems find. below are my codes at the source page
I'm going through the tutorial on this page, but when I programmatically add the second AccordionPane, the program went wrong. Following is my code and error message.
The error message is: Multiple controls with the same ID '_header' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.
I've practically spent seven or eight hours trying to get the ASP.NET AJAX Accordion to work and it simply will not cooperate. I have been to every imaginable corner of the web to Bing and Google, read post after post on this forum, and done any other thing I could possibly think of to get this to work, yet I still hit this wall.
Here's the code I've been using to get this to work:
As for the Massachusetts/Arkansas bit, I found that on some other forum that said that coding would work (it didn't for me). I'm hosting this failed attempt at [URL]. I do have the Bin folder in the project, so that's not the issue.
I have the following problem: I have a web form which contains ajax accordion. Each accordion pane contains a usercontrol. Each usercontrol consists of several textboxes and 2 buttons. All the textboxes and 2 buttons (inside these usercontrols) are wrapped in the UpdatePanel. Following updatepanels is the UpdatePanelAnimationExtender for some animation whithin each usercontrol. Each UpdatePanelAnimationExtender has a different animation id from other usercontrols.
Basically when i only put one usercontrol in the accordion pane everythign works. I have my javascript to clear textboxes and the submit button does a postback to server. However, when i put 2 of these controls in 2 different panes only the last one works. Since the last one works i assume it is because it was last to be parsed on pageLoad. So how can i make it that when user clicks on the accordion pane, the usercontrol is ->?re-initialized?<- so that it could work.
Here is 1st UserControl: uctl1.ascx
Here is 2nd UserControl: uctl2.ascx
when i click on pane and fill up the information in textboxes i click on submit and usercontrol should postback to server for processing.
I am a new to WCF. I have written ajax to use a web service before, but on this project I am trying to use ajax to WCF.After I build the project and wcf using ajax, I receive the return successfully. But, 10 or more minutes later I don't get a return, the ajax calls the error function, and the fiddler returns nothing.
If I rebuild the project without any source modifying, I receive the return successfully again.
My button in user control doesn't work /its click event doesn't fire/. This user control is on the page that inherits from master page. Although, the user control buttons on the master page work correctly.
I have a small problem, I have a page which 4 jQuery modal popups. everything works fine, all the popup comes up however when i click on the button inside the jQuery popup nothing happens. I cannot figure out why.
I have done some modification and customization with List.aspx under Dynamic Data.
I must have messed up some controls or events somewhere.
Everything works well except that GridViewPager buttons (|<, <, >, >|) does not bring me to the next or previous page. It stays at the same page.
But if I manually type in the page number into the page number field and press enter, it works brilliantly. The gridview refresh to the correct pageindex.