AJAX :: Accordion Doesn't Work (panes Don't Changing/closing/opening)

Apr 9, 2010

The problem is accordion's showed on the page, but doesn't works. I try use code of all examples, but the problem is the same for all of them. I don't understand what to do, because the code is the same as in the tutorials. When I click on the pane it doesn't changing/closing/opening. What can it be?

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> [code]....

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AJAX :: Usercontrols Inside Accordion Panes Don't Work?

Jun 17, 2010

I have the following problem: I have a web form which contains ajax accordion. Each accordion pane contains a usercontrol. Each usercontrol consists of several textboxes and 2 buttons. All the textboxes and 2 buttons (inside these usercontrols) are wrapped in the UpdatePanel. Following updatepanels is the UpdatePanelAnimationExtender for some animation whithin each usercontrol. Each UpdatePanelAnimationExtender has a different animation id from other usercontrols.

Basically when i only put one usercontrol in the accordion pane everythign works. I have my javascript to clear textboxes and the submit button does a postback to server. However, when i put 2 of these controls in 2 different panes only the last one works. Since the last one works i assume it is because it was last to be parsed on pageLoad. So how can i make it that when user clicks on the accordion pane, the usercontrol is ->?re-initialized?<- so that it could work.

Here is 1st UserControl: uctl1.ascx


Here is 2nd UserControl: uctl2.ascx


when i click on pane and fill up the information in textboxes i click on submit and usercontrol should postback to server for processing.


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AJAX :: Accordion Control Doesn't Work?

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i'm experiencing some weird problem and cannot find any solution on how to fix it.... i have this function where user can update their email address, password etc. i put all this into an accordion. all works perfectly fine until i added in some validation. the validation works fine to. the problem is, now none of my button works. as in it does not trigger any action..

below are my codes



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AJAX :: Accordion Panes Do Nothing When Clicked?

Sep 22, 2010

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AJAX :: How To Change Accordion Panes Selectedindex

Jan 27, 2011

how to change my accordion pane's selectedindex and have come up empty handed thus far.

I've tried both with javascript and C#

Javacsript example:

var a = $('<%=AccordionMain.ClientID%>');

C# example:

AccordionMain.SelectedIndex = 2;

Both of the above code excerpts run, but neither visibly change the selected pane. What am I doing wrong?

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AJAX :: Binding Dictionary To Accordion Panes?

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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AJAX :: Accordion Panes Not Working In Internet Explorer

Feb 24, 2010

I am creating an accordion dynamically through aspx.cs file. There is a subaccordion inside each accordion pane. I am seeing that if there are 10 or more accordion panes in the root accordion, then I can only expand first 4 or 5 panes. Nothing happens when I click on other panes. This is happening in IE8, tried on three different machines. I don't see this problem with Mozilla, it can open as many panes as possible, I have tried with 20 panes in mozilla.

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Mar 26, 2016

How to add opening and closing effects of bootstrap model popup on Modelpopup Extender. I have tried but not solved this issue....

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C# - Binding Dictionary To Accordion Panes?

Feb 18, 2011

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<cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server"


On aspx, I want to create Pane for every section (in this case 2 panes), and in every pane define Eval for needed value.

p.s. I don't think it metters but if dictionary binding is a problem I can bind something else like xmldocument or so...

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Apr 2, 2010

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Web Forms :: Opening And Closing Readers And Connections?

Nov 18, 2010

I should be closing my readers and connections in a more robust way? Some of my questions are:

- If a try-catch block is used, should the closures be done in the Finally section? Or in the main Try section?

- Should all closures assess whether or not the control is already open before closing (to prevent error)? (see closure of conn below)

- Are there any other preferable ways of handling this? Trying to improve my code!


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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Not Work In Accordion?

Jan 17, 2010

i have Accordion out side update panel ,

i want to add button as trigger of UpdatePanel where that Button inside Accordion,

i have tried this solution but its not give me any error but its dont update my udpanel, and when i have added it at design , it will give me error at runtime.

void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e) {
AsyncPostBackTrigger trigger =
new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
Button mybtn=Accordion1.FindControl("Mybtn") as Button;
trigger.ControlID =mybtn.ID;

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AJAX :: Accordion With Gridview Doesn't Display Data

Sep 27, 2010

im trying to display some data using a gridview inside ajax accordion. i have called the method accordion1_itemBound at the accordion properties but it still doesnt show me any data at the gridview... i check all my query string and everything seems find. below are my codes at the source page


and here is the gridview code


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Regex: Match Opening / Closing Chars With Spaces?

Mar 18, 2010

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Which will match a string such as "[[word1]]" and bring me back all the matches if there is more than one, The problem is I want it to pick up matchs where there may be a space in so for example "[[word1 word2]]", now this will work if I add a space into my pattern above however this pops up a problem that it will only get one match for my entire string so for example if I have a string

"Hi [[Title]] [[Name]] [[surname]], How are you"

then the match will be "[[Title]] [[Name]] [[surname]]" rather than 3 matches "[[Title]]", "[[Name]]", "[[surname]]". I'm sure I'm just a char or two away in the Regex but I'm stuck, How can I make it return the 3 matches.

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Store Opening And Closing Time Of Restaurants In Database?

Aug 30, 2010

i need to store opening and closing time of Restaurants in database as well as compare them with current time to see whether it is closed or open when user is viewing it... How to do??

i am not able think how to desing UI through which resturant owner can save opening n closing time for their resturant ? like what control.

i need to save like in Database.

Rid opening closing
1 10.30 AM 6.45 PM

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AJAX :: Accordion Control Add "+" Symbol In Collapesed And "-" Symbol In Expanded Panes

Feb 23, 2011

I'm Using Ajax Accordion i want Collapsed Panes Start with "+" Symbol and When It Expanded Change That Symbol to "-" When Collapsed Again Start with + .... and Continue like that...

Note : I'm Using Header Tempalte and Content Template and Pass Data Source to it.

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AJAX :: Cannot Get Control Toolkit's Accordion To Work?

Jan 3, 2010

I've practically spent seven or eight hours trying to get the ASP.NET AJAX Accordion to work and it simply will not cooperate. I have been to every imaginable corner of the web to Bing and Google, read post after post on this forum, and done any other thing I could possibly think of to get this to work, yet I still hit this wall.

Here's the code I've been using to get this to work:


As for the Massachusetts/Arkansas bit, I found that on some other forum that said that coding would work (it didn't for me). I'm hosting this failed attempt at [URL]. I do have the Bin folder in the project, so that's not the issue.

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AJAX :: Make This Work For Several Days But It Just Doesn't Work?

Oct 7, 2010

i'm trying to make this work for several days but it just doesn't work.

this is my code:

aspx page:




this was downloaded from this website.

the problem is that the page loads fine but no autocomplete occurs.

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