AJAX :: How To Go About Making A Bigger Piece Of Content Change (without Page Refresh) Using The Same Buttons?
May 12, 2010
I created some buttons and a label inside UpdatePanel. Upon clicking the buttons Label's text changes as configured. Lovely. Now how do I go about making a bigger piece of content change (without page refresh) using the same buttons? (Basically I'm trying to build Ajax tabs)I tried making the button click event change ContentPlaceHolderID value on some Content controls but that doesn't seem to work.
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Jan 4, 2010
I am building a website in which all of the site layout is in Master page and the content of the site is in the inherited pages. I have various links for navigation in which i simple use Response.Redirect to transfer to different pages. Now the problem is that I want to put the content place holder inside Ajax Update panel so that the postbacks are Asynchronous and I want to show the postback by an animated image inside Update Panel progress control. The problem is that I am unable to achieve this result and the entire page is posted back and rendered again. I have placed the content place holder inside the Ajax control toolkit's Update panel but it does not work. Is there any way that I can change the content of the content place holder to a new page with asynchronous postback.
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Mar 5, 2011
I have master page
MyMasterPage.aspx and content page MyDefault.aspx.
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UpdatePanelDefault1 at content page MyDefault.aspx asynchronously.
My problem is the post back is full post back when refreshing UpdatePanelDefault1. I would like asynchronously post back during refreshing UpdatePanelDefault1. copy the full code MyMasterPage.aspx and MyDefault.aspx below, and then paste / overwrite it into your blank aspx page for testing. I am using VS 2008
Below is full code MyMasterPage.aspx.[Code]....
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<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upLN" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<!-- My Web page content here.... -->
<asp:UpdateProgress runat="server" ID="ugLN" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="upLN">
<ProgressTemplate>Image here for showing the progress bar...</ProgressTemplate>
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Feb 7, 2010
i my futur webpage i wan't to use ajax. First i tough to use a panel to hold my controls and turn in visible/invisible with buttons. But if i use ajax and i refresh the page and show other controls.
I have a page with 3 different kind of data. in the first you can't type a name, you function, ... in the other more specific and the last one an evaluation. but if i refresh my page to a other what hapends with the data i typed in the first, can it be saved at temporary place. Because at the end all the data will be saved in a SQL database, but it still needs to be possible before it goes into the database to change it.
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here is my code:
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Feb 10, 2011
I have a set of radio buttons (individual buttons) in asp.net. These buttons have a group name (if that matters). What I need to happen is, anytime a user selects a radio button, I need some jQuery to be called. I am not doing a page refresh when the user selects the radio button, so I need this to be done on the fly. I have tried a "CheckedChanged" event in asp.net and can not get it to fire. I have also tried:
if ($('input:radio').attr('checked') === true) {
var checked = $('input:radio:checked').val();
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Mar 15, 2011
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Feb 26, 2011
I have Update panel in Master page:
<asp:ScriptManager id="CartScript" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel id="CartBox" runat="server" updateMode="Conditional">
<ContentTemplate> [code]...
But i got same error. how I can add to my Update Panel that Button from Content Page can refresh it?
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how to export my aspx page (include buttons and Grids) to PDF? Searching the web I found this component, but it works only with normal html If my page has Grids or Buttons, these do not appear in PDF. My current code for export to PDF; This code exports only basic html (no buttons or grids)
string attachment = "attachment; filename=AllPage.pdf";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment);
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
StringWriter stw = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter htextw = new HtmlTextWriter(stw);
GridView1.AllowPaging = false;
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, Response.OutputStream);
StringReader str = new StringReader(stw.ToString());
HTMLWorker htmlworker = new HTMLWorker(document);
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Jul 20, 2012
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Is there a way to only refresh the content page?
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Aug 24, 2010
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Oct 20, 2010
I was working on this last week and took a break from it to 'regroup' and start over. Here is what I'm trying to accomplish.
1. have a web form with dropdowns to allow the user to select font sizes, colors, background image, etc.
2. I want to the form to be updated with the new styles in an update panel.
3. Once the user clicks the apply button, I want the updatepanel to refresh with the new styles.
I tried this by creating an css on the fly, but the updatepanel wasn't picking up the new css without doing a full page refresh, (which we don't want to do). I only want the updatepanel refresh and either use inline styles, a <style> on the web form etc,
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Mar 31, 2010
When Bing map control loads for first time on any browser all pushpin on map are visible.
Bing map control renders perfectly.
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May be it is issue of browser caching content or Bing map control rendering issues on various browsers.
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Apr 9, 2010
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Jun 24, 2010
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Mar 22, 2010
I'm using this Ajax script [URL] to load content from an aspx page on another server than the page calling the content. So far I've learned that this is a no go. The problem seems to be that when using an absolute link to content the script fails as apposed to using a relative link.
I've searched the web for about 10 hours now, and I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
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Jan 20, 2010
how do i change video when page get refreshed? Database for video is situated on Youtube.com
I save only url of video.
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Dec 27, 2010
I made a gallery with datareapeter the show only a picture.
i want with page refresh change picture.
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Nov 4, 2013
I am trying to refresh updatepanel using dropdownlist but facing problems.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlClass" EnableViewState="true" AutoPostBack="false" class="input-large span10" runat="server" onchange="loadAllDefaults();" Style="width: auto;">
Above is the code of dropdownlist
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="ddlClass" />
<asp:Repeater ID="rep1" runat="server">
[Code] ....
This is updatepanel code. as shown in the code, i am referring to ddlClass in triggers which already calls a javascript function loadAllDefaults();
The problem is, since ddlClass is calling javascript function 'onchange' property, i cannot call any other function of backend code and I want to refresh the updatepanel on the basis of selected value of dropdownlist.
How can i do this? I have created a function in c# code in backend but I am not able to call both functions together!
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Mar 3, 2010
You must have noticed one link in yahoo.com, msn.com or other popular websites named "Page Options". When you click this link you get a popup displaying different small several color icons. After clicking one of these icons your page theme changes without entire page refresh. Now you are able to see the same page with different look and feel.
How does it happen and what it takes to do it? Is this possible in ASP.NET? If yes, how to do it?
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Mar 31, 2013
I tried this link but I wonder is it possible doing the same thing without page refresh?
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Feb 15, 2012
I have a master page with an unordered list that contains items like, Home, Messages etc.
Now I am working on an EditProfile.aspx page and I want the menu to change and have items like Basic Information, Profile Picture etc. Sort of like facebook. What is the best way to accomplish this...
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