AJAX :: Slider Refresh From JavaScript?

May 19, 2010

I have an asp.net 3.5 page with between 5 and 15 dynamically created sliders/textboxes. I would like to have a button that the user can click to reset all the sliders to 0 (far left position).

I have no problem finding the sliders and setting their values; the problem is in redrawing the sliders back to the far left position. No matter what I try, the sliders stay exactly where they were, even though their values are all now 0.

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: Hammering Partial Postback With A Slider And Javascript?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a JavaScript slider which calls the follow functions:

var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();

The ZoomButton1 is tied to an UpdatePanel and does a partial postback. In this case, when the Slider is constantly be dragged left and right, the value is changing/updating and JavaScript is hammering the postback extremely fast. It is so fast, the server sometimes but not always reports a pagerequest manager error, I believe.

I know that I can set it to just update my data (updatepanel) on a button_release or a mouse-up.. but occasionally, I still encounter the pagerequest manager error.

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How To Refresh The Label Every Second Automatically Using JavaScript Instead Ajax

Oct 7, 2010

how to refresh the asp.net Label every second automatically using Java script instead ajax?

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Javascript - Lose The Ajax-SliderExtender After Page Refresh?

Nov 30, 2010

I'm using a Ajax SliderExtender in a UpdatePanel. I set a BehaviorID and call $find('behavorID').add_valueChanged function in the $document.Ready. Everything is fine but when I press F5 and refresh the page, I lose the slider in a 1/3 (wtf) chance. If I set var slider = $find('behavorID'), it recognises slider is null.

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Make Call From Javascript Slider Through Aspx Page

Mar 1, 2010

I've created a C# function which extracts data from an mssql database, formats it to a json string and returns that. Now I need to make a call from my javascript (jQuery) slider through an aspx page that is related to the C# code file. I have actually never done anything like this before, from what I could tell by googling I need to use xmlHttpRequest, but how exactly do I make the function get hold of this string? It would be awesome if someone had some example code that shows how this works.

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AJAX :: Call JavaScript Function After UpdatePanel Refresh (Partial PostBack) Is Completed

May 7, 2015

[URL] .... am using this functionality in my project and it is working very fine but i am facing very strange issue while using this.

The above functionality is not working when we place dropdownlist and textbox inside updatePanel and ModalPopupExtender

The .aspx page where i am using ModalpopupExtender and UpdatePanel for DropDownList and Textbox is below

<%-- *************************** MODAL POPUP EXTENDER ***************************************************** --%>
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField3" runat="server" />
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField4" runat="server" />
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" PopupControlID="Div6" TargetControlID="HiddenField3"
BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" CancelControlID="bclosemodalpopup" >

[Code] ....

The above code is not working with UpdatePanel but it is working if we remove DropdownList and Textbox from updatepanel.

The javascript code which i am using is below

<script type = "text/javascript">
var ddlText, ddlValue, ddl, lblMesg;
function CacheItems() {
ddlText = new Array();

[Code] .....

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AJAX :: Looking For Slider Control?

Feb 16, 2010

Requirement: An AJAX slider control have two sliders on a single bar. So that max and min can be selected.

Reference: http://www.google.com/finance/stockscreener#c0=MarketCap&c1=PE&c2=DividendYield&c3=Price52WeekPercChange®ion=us§or=AllSectors&sort=&sortOrder=

- see the company distribution slider. Here there are two bars and moving it changes the bided control value as well.

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AJAX :: Getting The Current Value Of A Slider?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a slider that is getting its initial value from a data table. I am trying to update the value upon textxhanged event. My means of accesing the data table is linq. The intitial value is correct and the update event works but the updated value is whatever the default for the textbox is. How do I get the value of the slider extender itself? Here is all related code:


As you can see I put in a value of 20 in the label.text and that is what gets updated to the db. if I leave both the textbox.text and the label.text empty the db gets update to an empty field. I have seen mention of a value attribute for the extender but have been unable to figure out how to use it.

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AJAX :: Want To Add Labels To The Slider With The Values 1 Through 7

Sep 8, 2010

I realized I incorrectly posted my code when I originally posted this query so I will try again. I am trying to use a Slider Extender with the values 1.00 to 7.00. The Slider works properly but I would like to add labels to the slider with the values 1 thru 7.


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How To Use Slider Extender Of Ajax Toolkit

Aug 11, 2010

i will take one text and the text of that text box is "same". i want increase it's font size when drag a slider.

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How To Label AJAX Slider Extender

Sep 7, 2010

I'm using a slider extender to allow user to select a value from 1 to 7. It works perfectly, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to label the damn thing. I would like the slider to look something like these lovely examples from

RadControls: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/slider/examples/default/defaultcs.aspx

Here is the code for my slider: <table align="center">

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AJAX :: Checkbox Placed Next To Slider Ends Up On Next Row

Jan 25, 2010

In a div element, I have a slider (using the Ajax Toolkit slider extender on a textbox). I then want to place a checkbox control right next to the slider - on the same row. However, on the page, the checkbox ends up one row below the slider. It looks like the slider adds a line break after itself. Is this expected? How can I avoid this?

For information, this code is placed in a content section of a page that has a masterpage attached to it. The content section is more than wide enough to contain the slider and the checkbox.

This is the relevant code snippet


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AJAX :: Slider And Autopostback=true ?

Sep 23, 2010

I have three AJAX sliders and each has a:

<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Slider1" EventName="TextChanged" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Slider2" EventName="TextChanged" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Slider3" EventName="TextChanged" />

When I do a TextChanged event on slider1 (by dragging the slider, changing the value), the protected void Slider1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) event FIRES, however, the TWO other sliders, protected void Slider2_TextChange, and protected void
Slider3_TextChange also FIRES. What gives? why do they fire when I am physically only sliding the slider1 across. The two other sliders values did not change on the webform, yet the event fired.

In order for the event to fire for slider1, I had to insert "Autopostback=true" in the <asp:TextBox ID="Slider1" autopostback="true" OnTextChanged="Slider1_TextChanged">. For <asp:TextBox2> and <asp:Textbox3> I did not put the autopostback event for now.

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AJAX :: How To Center The Slider Extender

Jun 28, 2010

I have a series of sliders in a table. All of the contents of each cell are centered, except the sliders. No matter what I do, they stay left-aligned. You can see them here:

Here is the code for a typical cell:

<asp:Label ID="lblUse" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbUse" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false"></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:SliderExtender ID="sldrUse" runat="server"
Minimum="0" Maximum="100"

Here is the CSS:

text-align: center;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
width: 100%;

Has anyone had any luck in centering sliders?

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AJAX :: Filtering GridView With Slider?

Nov 8, 2010

In my codes i can page my GridView with sliders between numbers.

In NorthWind Database i can get records and filtering with Sliders based Category ID and Price Range in MyGridView. I want to add third Slider which can filtering between category names and show in myGridView.


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Ajaxcontroltoolkit - Slider Extender Control In Ajax?

Feb 15, 2011

I am using Slider Extender for the very first time and i am not able to figure out why am i facing this problem, the problem is mentioned below :I kept the slider extender, Script Manager and 2 text boxes(one for TargetControl and one for BoundControl), i have given all required values (i.e. Maximum, minimum, steps etc.)
now the slider should load on page load. Although the slider is loading on page load but the Bar of the slider is coming out of position. The same thing when i did with Orientation as Horizontal it worked properly but for Vertical orientation it is giving the above problem.

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ADO.NET :: Filter GridView Data With Ajax Slider?

Feb 5, 2011

i found this article on the web. This codes giving results based on xml.


convert with sql database?


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AJAX :: Set Custom Background/rail On Slider?

Jan 25, 2010

I want to customise the handle and the rail (i.e., background) on a Ajax Toolkit slider (using the slider extender on a textbox). The extender has the two properties RailCssClass and HandleCssClass, which can be used for this purpose. However, I can only get the customised Handle to work - not the customised Rail. I end up with a slider that has the custom handle image that I specified, and has a completely blank background (i.e., the original rail has been overridden in some way). However, the new rail/background does not take effect. Any suggestions for why this is, and how I can get this to work?

Here is the code for the div with slider text box and the slider extender, and (below) the CSS classes for the handle and rail:


View 9 Replies

AJAX :: Audio Control With Slider Extender?

Aug 10, 2010

I need to control volume of aspnet audio control using the slider extender in ajax. I have a listview in which every item click plays an mp3 file. Also at each click i assign the current value fron slider to the volume of audio control so that the volume is not reset each time the user clicks on an item. But the problem is that the slider extender does not increase the volume but only decreases it from the last value set.

The .aspx page

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Width="80" Visible="true"></asp:TextBox>

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" onchange="javascript:SetV(this.value);" Text="50"></asp:TextBox> [code]...

View 27 Replies

AJAX :: How To Convert Direction To Rtl To Slider Extender

Apr 25, 2010

how to convert the direction from rtl to slider extender the code below shows slider extender from left to right I want to change direction from right to left? could you please to explain?


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AJAX :: Multihandle Slider Cause Jscript Error?

Apr 2, 2010

'm new to Ajax control toolkit so maybe I missed something essential on the way. I have downloaded and added Ajax to my project and everything seems fine. The Slider contor works but when I add a MultiHandleSlider to my page and run it I get the following error:Runtime error Microsoft JScript: 'null' is null or not an objectThis is the code for my MultihandleSlider:


I have tried all sorts of combinations but I still get this error - Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this?

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AJAX :: JavaScript Function To Pass Value From MasterPage.aspx To Default.aspx And Then Refresh UpdatePanel

Feb 26, 2011

For example, I have master page MyMasterPage.aspx and content page MyDefault.aspx. I have many UpdatePanels at MyMaterPage.aspx, and also I have many UpdatePanels at MyDefault.aspx.


I want JavaScript functionClickMenu(this) at input button [id="ButtonMaster1" @ MyMasterPage.aspx] pass its value ["Menu-1"] into text box [id="TextBoxDefault1" @ MyDefault.aspx], and then performing update / doing post-back to server ONLY FOR UpdatePanelDefault1.

I am looking forward an example code for JavaScript functionClickMenu(this).

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AJAX :: Multiple Data Driven Slider Controls?

Feb 2, 2010

Im trying to incorporate the ajax controll toolkit slider control within an ascx control so that i can then use that within a repeater on an aspx page. Basically i want to have a number of slider controls rendered to a page with default values based on data from a database. i need to put the slider within a data bound repeater as i wont know until runtime how many sliders i will need (maybe there is a better way?). does anyone know of ay examples of how to do this?

The user will then need to be able to move the slider to the value they are after and on the mouse up event ie when they release the slder I will want to be able to update my database with the value they set it to. This bit i think i am ok with but i cant seem to work out how to build a page where by i can render lots of slider controls wth default valuesset from a database.

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AJAX :: How To Create A Page That Will Ave Lots Of Slider Controls On It

Feb 26, 2010

i need to create a page that will ave lots of slider controls on it. about 50 in total. Does anoyne have any examples or good ideas how to handle that many sliders on a single page.

The problem i have is that the ajaxcontrol toolkit sliders seem to behave a bit eratic... eg sometimes you cant slider the slider on select the desired value and sometimes all the sliders disapear just leaving the text box they are linked to visible?

maybe there is a better slider control to use?

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AJAX :: Slider Image Not Displaying When Using WebForms Routing

May 18, 2010

I've implemented WebForms Routing (using ASP.NET 3.5 SP1) and have a routed page that uses the AJAX Control Toolkit Slider control. The handle image doesn't always display, depending on the depth of the URL. I believe it may be something to do with the image being and embedded resource accessed via webresource.axd.

For example:

www.myapp.com/tours - will display the handle image
www.myapp.com/tours/london - doesn't display it.

My routing is configured as such:


On viewing the HTML source the actual image is rendered as:


Been hitting my head against a brick wall with this for days?

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