AJAX :: To Ensure User Enters All Of The Person's SSN?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm working with the AJAXControlToolkit in an ASP.NET 3.5 application. I've got a textbox on the page to take the person's social security number, and I've put an masked edit extender and an masked edit validator, force the user to enter the whole SSN, but it doesn't work. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, or have left out. Here's the relevant code:


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AJAX :: GridView Crashes When User Enters Html Open "" Characters In A Textbox?

Sep 17, 2010

My GridView is bound to a sql data source and allows editing of fields. Coding is in C# and JavaScript.

Using Visual Studio 2008 in test mode, if I enter a less-than "<" or greater-than ">" character in a GridView textbox an error is immediately thrown upon pressing enter:

"Microsoft Visual Studio Mirosoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status dode returned from the server was: 500"

When the < or > is entered in production, the page aborts and loads the application start page.

I need to be able to catch and replace those characters BEFORE the error is thrown. I've tried hooking OnTextChange code to the textboxes, but the error is thrown as soon as I press enter...the OnTextChange code never runs.

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How To Auto Populate Textbox When User Enters Value

Jan 14, 2010

how can we do this?

we have a text box where we wish to capture let's say a city name. when the user types let's say l - a list of cities starting with the letter l should appear (london, liverpool, leeds etc)...

any sample code or articles?

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Web Forms :: How To Populate Message Box From A Text Box When User Enters A Value

Feb 4, 2011

How to populate message box from a text box when user enters a value?

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Javascript - How To Populate Message Box From A Text Box When User Enters A Value

Feb 4, 2011

I am using 3 text boxes for range selections. I want to show range value in a message box when user enters range in text box.

Suppose user enters

100 in 1st text box , I want to show "you are selected <100".
100 in 1st text box and 500 in 2nd text box I want to show "you are selected 101 - 500"
500 in 2nd text box and 1000 in 3rd text box I want to show "you are selected 501 - 1000"

After entering a value in 3rd text box ,I want to show all ranges in message box.

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Databases :: Page Gets Stuck If User Enters Unicode Characters?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a form that allows users to post text to a MySQL database using an OdbcConnection. Everything works great until a user entered unicode characters into the textbox and sends the data. Suddenly the page freezes and is not redirected to the next page as programmed. When I check the database later it comes up with all of the users data intact, including the unicode characters. I've duplicated this problem several times by entering unicode characters and then entering only ASCII. It happens every time unicode characters are used. Is the problem on the ASP.Net side or the MySQL side? Here is my code. The description string is from a textbox entered on the form.I thought about using a RegEx to get rid of any non-ascii characters before sending the data. Is that recommended? How do I do it?


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Security :: Lock A Account After A User Enters The Password Too Many Times?

Jan 26, 2011

Do anyone knows how to lock a account after a user enters the password too many times.

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Web Forms :: Make The Text Box Invisible To The User When Enters Asp Page Initially

Jan 28, 2011

i have just started making an asp document using c# codes


right now i have a droplistbox in my design.. when i select others, a text box will appear and allow user to enter the new email address. however, i would like the text box to appear invisible to the user when he enters this asp page initially. how do i go about doing it?

just another question.. Supposed that if the user chooses "Others" and entered a new email address in the textbox and i want him to be able to see this new email address as an option in the future when he runs this asp file again. is it possible not to set up a SQL server for my application? or can i just use some variables to set as that?

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Setting Request.ContentEncoding / The Text Gets All Messed Up When The User Enters Data?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a page that supports multiple languages (the user can change the language at any time).I update the thread's culture based on the user selection in the Initialize Culture method.

I also update the response object based on the code page for the selected country and set its charset to the WebName of the encoding used (if i don't update the response object based on the code page, then the data bound to controls gets garbled). the resource files are also localized based on the code page.

After doing the above changes, the page is getting displayed correctly in the browser.

However, when the user enters data in one of the Asian languages, the text gets all messed up. The drop down list actually throws the invalid callback or postback argument exception.

On checking the request.contentEncoding i found that it was still UTF-8 (set in web.config).

If I change the request.ContentEncoding during BeginRequest event, the input comes in correctly. But I am not sure of the user selected language this early in the page cycle.

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Web Forms :: Password Encryption - When User Enters Special Characters It Gives Error

Jan 10, 2012

I am using this method to encrypt password.. When user enters special characters it gives an error.. Method below :

private string base64Decode(string sData) {
string result=null;
System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoder = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
System.Text.Decoder utf8Decode = encoder.GetDecoder();

[Code] ....

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How To Ensure User Accepts Terms And Conditions On Website

Jan 21, 2010

We're modifying an existing ASP.NET application. We added a Terms and Conditions page with an "Accept" button that stores that choice in the user's account data. We want to prevent the user from accessing any page when the user has not accepted the Terms and Conditions.

I think we want to do this by looking up the "accepted terms" value upon login and storing it in the session. Then we need to intercept every request and check for that session value. (If it's not there, we redirect the user to the Terms and Conditions page.)

Is the PreRequestHandlerExecute method the right place to put this check? This method also gets called on requests for stylesheets and images, so it doesn't seem like it was intended for this purpose.

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Using Validators To Ensure That User Filled Either One Of Two Required Fields?

Jan 31, 2010

I have an ASP.NET form for currency exchange requests. There are two text fields there: amount-source and amount-target.

One of them must be filled and only one.

How to implement this using Validators, if applicable?

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Security :: Access Level / Ensure That A User From A Particular Group Is Redirected To His/her Summary Page?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a summary page that has an Add New Record button, andEdit Record butto and a Delete Record button.Every user has ReadOnly access.However, only users with administrators Access Level can add, edit, delete, view.Users with Staffers Access Level can only Add records but cannot delete or edit.So, basically, 2 access Levels, Administrators, Staffers.Administrators can view, add, delete, update records.The rest, Staffers, can only view and Add records.I am struggling to figure this out.I have done this a ton of times using Classic ASP, something like:

If AccessLevel <> "Administrator" Then
Response.Redirect"login.asp" 'so if user has admin password, s/he ccan log in with that.
End if


4 different groups will be using the system, each will be redirected to their own summary page based on their groupNumber.All I just want now is to ensure that a user from a particular group is redirected to his/her summary page, then that user is checked again against AccessLevel (view, edit, delete, update).

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Web Forms :: Create Email Form Where User Enters Specific Email

Jan 11, 2010

I need to create a form that would work like this Choose Provider :( user would select gmail, yahoo, hotmail, ext) Enter Name: ( user enters there name) Message : ( user enters message) and then the "submit"button.

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Can Replace Broken Images With JQuery After User Enters Value In JQuery Autocomplete

Mar 9, 2011

On my page I have textbox in which user enters value. When 3 values are entered the autocomplete panel shows.In the panel the names and surnames of all available people are shown bassed on the value user enters. Bellow each name and surname is picture of each "candidate". However images are stored on another server (using https "protection") and some people don't have picture.

into <img> tags in Web Handler.

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Security :: How To Authenticate User When Enters Password That Should Be The Windows Password

Feb 4, 2010

I just begin creating a website for an organization. First page to be displayed in the login page. I dont have any knowledge in ASP.NET Security. On Login page, i want to display UserName field as disabled with the useralias of the user who currently logged into Windows. Password user has to provide and it should be that user's windows password.

How do i validate that password that user has entered is his windows password?

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AJAX :: Getting Error / Ensure The Correct Version Of The Scripts Are Referenced - How To Fix It

Jun 14, 2010

We have upgraded recently from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010. One of the upgrades has to do with the AJAX libraries.

On the initial project (SV2008) the AjaxControlToolkit.dll used was:

Product Version:version: 1.0.10920.0
Date Modified: 28/09/2007

The current one, used in the VS2010 project is:

Product Version:
Date Modified: 09/03/2010

The project compiles fine but once we access some web pages, we get numerous error messages with the first one being:

Message: AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct version of the scripts are referenced. If you are using an ASP.NET ScriptManager, switch to the AjaxScriptManager in System.Web.Ajax.dll, or use the ToolkitScriptManager in AjaxControlToolkit.dll.

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WCF / ASMX :: Best Way To "ensure" That A Web Service Is Only Called From AJAX On A Specific ASPX Page?

Oct 26, 2010

I have an ASPX page which hosts a Custom Control. That custom control needs to call an ASMX web service. I would use a PageMethod, if the fact that I'm calling from within a Custom Control didn't preclude that. I'm looking for some guidance on the most effective way to try and lock down the ASMX call such that it will only succeed for my users calling it from my ASPX page - and not for anyone trying to call it from elsewhere. I've seen various ideas around session variables and so on.

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AJAX :: 3.5 Script Manager - Error "Ensure The Correct Version Of The Scripts Are Referenced"

Mar 24, 2010

I am in the process of migrating the ASP.Web Application from .NET framework 1.1 to 3.5. I installed the VS 2008 (framework 3.5 SP1) and was able to rebuild the ASP.NET web app from 1.1. I downoladed the AJAX Toll Kit library from codeplex [URL] I was able to add the AJAX Toolkit tab in my VS 2009 tool box. I am using the AutoComplete serach extender which works fine when I use the Ajax Tool Kit Script manager. When I use the Ajax Extension Script Manager in place of Ajak ToolKit Script manager I get an error "Please let me know why AutoComplete Search Extender is not working with the Ajax Extension Script Manager.

AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct version of the scripts are referenced. If you are using an ASP.NET ScriptManager, switch to the AjaxScriptManager in System.Web.Ajax.dll, or use the ToolkitScriptManager in AjaxControlToolkit.dll.

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Web Forms :: Enters Trigger Wrong Control

Sep 9, 2010

How can i choose what button is activated when a user presses Enter after for example filling out a textbox?

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Web Forms :: Refreshing Page Re-enters Same Data Again?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a simple page, 2 textboxes & 1 button, wherein when button is clicked the values in both textboxes are added to a database table. code works however, when button is clicked the values are still in the textboxes. I created txt1.text = vbnullstring & txt2.text = vbnullstring after Myconnection.Close() just to delete the values in the textboxes.

but when I try to refresh my page, The values are still added to my table. I could redirect to a new page after a successful entry but, I just what to add a label saying "New Entry Added", clear the textboxes and waits for a new entry.

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Web Forms :: How To Populate A Message Box When Mouse Cursor Enters In A Text Box

Jan 31, 2011

I am using 3 text boxes and button. When I click on 2nd text box I want to show 1st text box value in message box (if 1st text box passed the validations). Same procedure when i click on 3rd textbox I want to show 1st text box value and 2nd text box value in message box(if 1st text box,2nd text box passed the validations). When I click on button ,I want to show all text box values in message box with some text message like "you are selected '1st text box value' .... '2nd text box value'.....'3rd textbox value' ".

How can I populate these message boxes?

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Javascript - How To Populate A Message Box When Mouse Cursor Enters In A Text Box

Jan 31, 2011

I am using 3 text boxes. When I click on 2nd text box I want to show 1st text box value in message box (if 1st text box passed the validations). Same procedure when i click on 3rd textbox I want to show 1st text box value and 2nd text box value in message box(if 1st text box,2nd text box passed the validations).

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How To Show A Div Tag Only If A Person Is Logged In

Jan 23, 2011

I was trying to incorporate a functionality in my ASP.NET such that a DIV tag which contains the Profile Navigation Menu should only be visible if a person is logged in. I know the condition on how to if the person is logged in or not but wanted to know the method to toggle the div tag on/off based on person's logged in status.


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How To Identify Whether A Person Is Online Or Not

Jun 11, 2010

I am creating a userprofile type of thing in my site i want to show all user SKYPE status whether online or offline how to do

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