AJAX :: GridView Crashes When User Enters Html Open "" Characters In A Textbox?

Sep 17, 2010

My GridView is bound to a sql data source and allows editing of fields. Coding is in C# and JavaScript.

Using Visual Studio 2008 in test mode, if I enter a less-than "<" or greater-than ">" character in a GridView textbox an error is immediately thrown upon pressing enter:

"Microsoft Visual Studio Mirosoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status dode returned from the server was: 500"

When the < or > is entered in production, the page aborts and loads the application start page.

I need to be able to catch and replace those characters BEFORE the error is thrown. I've tried hooking OnTextChange code to the textboxes, but the error is thrown as soon as I press enter...the OnTextChange code never runs.

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