Access :: Can Create The Database And Tables At Runtime Using C#

Nov 17, 2010

Is there a way to create dynamic access database, tables and it's columns in c# and export or insert the data in it from excel file in c#?

How can I create the Access database and tables at run time using c#?

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Oct 20, 2010

I have an security database which is normally ASPNetDB.MDF however I have created the same database structure in MS Access. All works great. However, I need to add a couple of other tables but I can't find how to do that in VWD. I'm pretty sure I was able to when the first database I created was an MDF file but not in MS Access.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Formview, Tables, And Access Database Along With The BLL & DAL Model?

Jul 7, 2010

Really new to C# & Web developing - but have used the DAL & BLL model from a number of the turorials. Have a situation that I not sure the best way to accomplish. I have an application dealing with courses, books, etc. utilizing an Access Database. All was going well in creating an on-line catalog using Formview and tables to display the db values stored in the Course Table (Course ID the key). User is able to use dropdown list to locate the course - dropdown list showed the Course Nbr & Name, but used the Course ID to get the detail. This issue appeared when they introduced a Prerequisite field in the Course Table. This contains the Course ID of the prerequisite course, but they want to display the Course Nbr and Name in the table field. So today it show 18 (Course ID) and they want B101 Intro to Biology. Hope I have provided enough information of what the code looks like below


<asp:FormView ID="FVGeeralidades" runat="server" DataKeyNames="ClaveAsignaturas"
<asp:TableRow ID="TableRow5" runat="server">
<asp:TableCell ID="TableCell11" runat="server" HorizontalAlign="Left" Text="<STRONG>1.6</STRONG> Prerrequisito"
<asp:TableCell ID="TableCell12" runat="server"></asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableCell ID="PrerrequisitoValue" runat="server" HorizontalAlign="Left">
<%# Eval("AsignaturaPrerrequisito")%>

Here is also the OBJECT DATA SOURCE
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"
SelectMethod="GetCourseByCourseID" TypeName="CoursesBLL">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DDLCourse" Name="CourseID" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
Type="String" />

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Access :: Trying To Create A DataReader To Return A Counted Value From An Access Database?

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to create a DataReader to return a counted value from an Access Database. It all works if it finds some rows, but falls apart when there is no total.

My code is as follows (highlights);


The error that gets thrown is:


An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: BoxesOut

Source Error:

Line 43: if(reader2["BoxesOut"] != System.DBNull.Value)

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SQL Server :: Database Design / Create A Separate Table Which Will Contain The Translations For All 50 Tables?

Sep 28, 2010

I am working on a multi-lingual application Assume the following:

Database has 50 tables and application has to support 5 languages

Which is the best way to design the database:

1. Include a langugae column for each table. Repeat the values for each language. Say i have a country table which has 100 countries in it. Then my design will contain 500 rows (100 for each langugae)

2. Create a separate table which will contain the translations for all the 50 tables in with a foreign key to the parent table.

Which is more efficient out of the above two.

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Access :: "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-only."

May 6, 2010

I migrated my asp application to . When i run I got an error like this.

"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Cannot update. Database or object is read-only." I am using access db. I can't find out the solution .

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Apr 8, 2010

i am facing some problem in update, edit and even create new data into my access database using data detail view. i am using microsoft visual web developer 2008, i can do the same when sql server database were to tore the data. but when i try to do the same using access database, an application error. may i know whats going wrong? and how to solve this problem?

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Mar 17, 2011

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using(DataStoreContext ctx = new DataStoreContext())
int value = ctx.RequestProc(filename, message).First().Result;

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Access :: Create A Simple Web Form To Query Database?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm new here and really, new to except the very basic things.

I am trying to create a very simple (I think simple) web form with five textboxes and three dropdown boxes and one submit button. The user enters information in the textbox fields and selects from the dropdown lists (which are populated from the database), hits enter and the database runs the query and returns information on a separate page (or can it return to the same page via panels?) The original page returned to a separate page using server transfer.

I have this page already existing in asp but feel that it would be much better served in

Can someone point me to a post where I would guess this has been answered many times?

How do I submit the new data to the database, update the records and return the query?

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Access :: Create A Virtual Database Field That Combines Several Other Fields?

Jun 2, 2010

I am working on a search engine application and was hoping there was a way to take multiple fields from the database and combine the values (separated by spaces) into a single virtual field, without having to actually add it to the database

Let's say I have 2 fields, FirstName and LastName - can I take these 2 fields and combine them into a Name field where Name = FirstName + " " + LastName

What I'm going to be attempting has a lot more to it than that, but if I can get an example on how to achieve that, I can apply that same principle on a larger scale

ways of doing this with AND/OR, I want to combine multiple fields into a single field

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Access :: IIS_WPG Write/modify Access To The Folder Where MS-Access Database Is Located - Insert An Error Pop-up?

Feb 17, 2010

Is there anything missing in IIS 6.0 that prevents me from (Insert into table) using MS-Access?

Explain: The application works fine under Visual Studio 2008 IDE the insert into table works fine with no error, Also I tested with hosting provider and works fine with no problem. but now I have published the same exact app in a dedicated server windows 2003 with
IIS 6.0 .NET framework 2.0 with latest service pack I gave IIS_WPG write/modify access to the folder where MS-Access database is located and database but at the time of insert an error pop-up. I need to install in the Server or settings in the IIS to recognize my MS-Access db is it some office runtime that I am missing. (BTW I am using OLEDB connection string in my C# )

Using System.Data.OleDb;

I can retrieve data off of it with no problem but when I try to insert is when it fails I thought the problem was Access Rights but I do not think is the case.

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C# - Create A Database That Can "add", "remove" And "edit" Tables And Columns?

Oct 19, 2010

What would be the best database/technique to use if I'd like to create a database that can "add", "remove" and "edit" tables and columns? I'd like it to be scaleable and fast. Should I use one table and four columns for this (Id, Table, Column, Type, Value) - Is there any good articles about this. Or is there any other solutions? Maybe three tables: One that holds the tables, one that holds the columns and one for the values?

Maybe someone already has created a db for this purpose? My requirements is that I'm using .NET (I guess the database don't have to be on windows, but I would prefer that)

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Feb 14, 2011

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Create Runtime PDF Query

Jan 5, 2010

Suppose I want to Edit a fixed section the an HTML section of an ASP.NET Page. I may add some text there and Upload some images etc. Then I want to make PDF (High Resolution) of that particular section. What should I do? I am using ASP.NET (C#) and Javascript (For Edit Text Of that section).

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How To Create The Tables And SPs

Nov 9, 2010

My SQL Server db was installed before I installed VS2008. What happens when I create the standard security it does not create the tables and SPs that are needed.

Would it be possible for someone to create an empty database with the relavant tables and SP etc and save it here or send it to me.

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C# - Using HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler For Runtime View Access

Feb 22, 2010

Is there any potential pitfall for using HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler for runtime view access?

public static GetView<T>(T view) where T : IView
return HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler as T;

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How To Create A WaterMark For A Image Runtime

Mar 23, 2010

I want to ask how I can create a waterMark for a image runtime in other words I want to write some text at every Image I show in my site.

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