Access :: Creating A 'watch List' Of Items?
Jan 6, 2011
If I have an Access database with two tables, called 'Users' and 'Items', what is the method to create a watch list, so a user can login and see the list of items they have chosen to watch (as you can in ebay for example)?I thought the solution might involve using code to modify the relationships between the two tables, but am not sure how this would work in practice.I've searched for answers, but have not made any progress,
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2) Now I want to check the selected items for a particular record in this list
3) For this purpose I have another list of <List> selected items returned by data access layer (For selected items for that employee )
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<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlFilter" runat="server" >
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="ListItemPlaceholder" runat="server"/>
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<mytag:MyControl Mode="DropDown" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Text="C" Value="c"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="E" Value="e"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="B" Value="b"></asp:ListItem>
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ddlPartnerOrganisation.DataSource = agency.AgencyGetListOfEYDN();
string temp = ddlPartnerOrganisation.SelectedValue.ToString();
ddlPartnerOrganisation.DataValueField = "AgencyID"
ddlPartnerOrganisation.DataTextField = "AgencyName"
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Apr 27, 2016
I done my c# code to stop watch
protected void tm1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
long sec = sw.Elapsed.Seconds;
long min = sw.Elapsed.Minutes;
long hour = sw.Elapsed.Hours;
Label1.Text = hour.ToString("00") + ":" + min.ToString("00") + ":" + sec.ToString("00");
When i stop the stop watch i want to display the stopped time in msg box how i get it?????
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Feb 7, 2011
ave a webpage that maintains a list of items. Each item is displayed as a simple short text string and has a int/string data value associated with it. At the moment I am displaying the list as a common separated string. I can generate the present string very simply from the result of a linq query:
string displayString="";
foreach (var i in linqResult) displayString = displayString + ", " + i.Name;
displayString = displayString.SubString(2);
However, I want to modify the page so that the user can remove any item (name) from the displayed list
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List<string> _list1;
List<string> _list2;
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Nov 26, 2010
I have a dropdownlist in a formview that looks like this:
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList5" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="True"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource6" DataTextField="StaffName"
DataValueField="StaffName" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("LetterName") %>'
<asp:ListItem Value=""> </asp:ListItem>
I am trying to add the value from a textbox which is also in the formview into the dropdownlist as a list item. I currently have this code for it:
Protected Sub Formview1_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FormView1.PreRender
Dim dropdown As DropDownList
Dim listvalue As TextBox
dropdown = FormView1.FindControl("dropdownlist5")
listvalue = FormView1.FindControl("textbox1")
dropdown.Items.Add(New ListItem(listvalue.Text, listvalue.Text))
End Sub
This code works and adds the new item to the dropdownlist if I have no SelectedValue set for my dropdownlist. However when I set the selectedValue I get the error message:
"'DropDownList5' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.
Parameter name: value"
This is the bit I dont understand because the value does now exist in the list of items as it was added in from the textbox value. Does it try to do the selectedValue before adding my list item? If so how can I add the list item first, or do I need to set the selectedValue in the code after adding the list item?
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Jan 23, 2010
Another niggling issule. I am trying to remove all the databound items from my listview but it doesn't work. I am trying to remove the items as i have used the delete command button (alongside with the updateand edit)
I have tried.
listview1.datasource = null;
But none of these have worked. I have also tried removing the item via it's index.
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Apr 11, 2010
Im Using asp .net with Vb Coding.
I have to remove the list of selected items from listbox .
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To listbox1.Items.Count - 1
My doubt is If i run the page again the listbox shows the items which i deleted already.
View 14 Replies
Jan 6, 2010
I have an object, that has many properties but the only two to worry about are:
myobject.ID which is an int
myobject.Names which is a HashSet
Then I have a List of those objects that looks something similar to this:
I use Linq to get a some of the data into a repeater, but I'm not sure how to get the list of Names and how often they show up.
Want to use Linq to avoid having to loop through the data.
As my tags should show, this is an ASP.NET solution using C#.
Some clarification:
Lets say I have just three items in my list:
Item 1 has John, Fred, Jack in its names.
Item 2 has John, Fred, Joe in its names.
Item 3 has John in its names.
I am trying to return the following:
John - 3
Fred - 2
Jack - 1
Joe - 1
Also, as a note I am familiar with having to write my own comparer for my object, I'm just missing the 'how to' for the overall solution in my thoughts.
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Oct 4, 2010
I have a List in which I select users from db each time a sql query runs with certain value and selects one user in the time thus I cannot limit identical users in sql.
I have list with:
list[0] = "jerry"
list[1] = "tom"
list[2] = "jerry"
I want any (first or last doesn't matter in my case) to be removed from the list.
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