Add Class To Selected Option Of A Select Element
Nov 16, 2010
To demonstrate that I could even use a Class attribute on an option elem I tried adding class attributes to options of a select elem in a static page and that works fine. I noticed that not many online resouces documented this so I figured I would explicitly set the record.
here is the jquery code attempting to add a class to the selected option
New information, I found the reason nothing occured was a simple mistake in the value being passed in for compLev. However, now it runs through the code for the correct case and does nothing to the color of the item.
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Values in multiselect dropdown not getting selected when Select All option is selected for a SSRS dropdown. There are multiple dropdowns on the page. We have one dropdown whose output is being used to populate the second dropdown using a stored procedure. When we check the Select All checkbox on the dropdown then ideally upon page refresh all the values should get selected in the dropdown, but in this case the page refreshes back to the blank dropdown, forcing the user to select the values again. The next dropdown too does not get populated. This makes it impossible to run the report for all the cases by using Select All. We ran the report on differnet database environments. My current location is Mumbai,India, the report worked fine when we ran it on a Bangalore,india database. This issue occurs when we try running it on a Chicago database server. I am using SSRS 2005, SQL2005.
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However I realize I can only do this in codebehind if I use ID but this will result in invalid HTML/CSS Selector since you can't have multiple ID's with the same ID name...
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myObject.CssClass = "MyClass";
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I suppose I could do something like
myObject.CssClass += " MyClass";
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$('.Minimize').click(function() {
$('.ContentTD').slideUp('slow', function() {
//animation complete
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<asp:DropDownList ID="DLMatName" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="DlMeasurement_SelectedIndexChanged" AutoPostBack="true">
protected void DlMeasurement_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
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May 20, 2010
I have the following code:
However, the wrong option is selected, and when I view page source, it renders like this:
Why is this occurring?
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Mar 29, 2010
I have a View that has a select drop-down list and an edit button within a form. What I want to do is have the user select one of the options from the select element, click on the edit button, and get the value of the selected option in the Controller method.
I created my form with <% Html.BeginForm(): %>
and the Controller "Edit" method should be called.
I looked through several online examples, but each one focused on how to set values and the default selected value of the select element, rather than retrieving it from the code in the Controller method. I tried grabbing it from the Request.Form collection like:
string val = Request.Form["myDropDownList"].ToString();
and also:
string val = Request.Form["myDropDownList"];
Obviously I didn't do this correctly, because I get a null reference exception. Does anyone have the solution to this issue?
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Nov 11, 2010
I must be missing something simple here. This code was working and i can't seem to figure out why it stopped.
First, I generate a selectlist in the controller like this:
// Select List
ViewData["FieldTypesList"] = new SelectList(
genesisRepository.FieldTypes, "ftID", "ftName"
The View that uses this select list looks like this:
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Genesis.Domain.Entities.Stream2FieldTypes>" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Genesis.Domain.Entities" %>
<%: Html.DropDownListFor(
model => model.FieldTypeID,
<%:Model.FieldTypeID.ToString() %>
However... the HTML that gets generated shows this:
<select id="Stream2FieldTypes_0_" name="Stream2FieldTypes[0]"><option value="1">Text Area</option>
<option value="2">Text Box</option>
<option value="3">Rich Text</option>
<option value="4">Image</option>
<option value="5">DateTime</option>
<option value="6">Decimal</option>
<option value="7">Integer</option>
3 <!--FYI: current value-->
I am completely missing why the view does not render html that selects 3 (Rich Text).
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Jul 6, 2010
Can i get a multiselect dropdownlist with option to select all and select none. I need it urgently....please send the control to arup.bhattacharya@[URL].
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Feb 4, 2010
I am new to LINQ but not >net. I do understand SQLDataSource, etc. I was just told by a coworker not to use a LINQ to SQL Class for my new project (Bank.dbml). I was told to use instead the ADO.Net Entity Data Model (bank.edmx).
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Jan 16, 2010
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I want to select this element to track its change event, but i cant directly select its id because changes its id on runtime.
its id, attributesList changes into ctl00_adminPlaceHolder_attributesList.
so what i want to do is to use a "contains" xpath expression to select the element.
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Failed to convert parameter value from a HtmlSelect to a String. (I've been converting everything to String before submission to the DB using ToString();
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Feb 9, 2010
this is my table
dept Table
dept Id (primary key column)
dept Name
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Aug 26, 2010
I have added a combobox to my page. Listview is updated based on selection from combobox. It is working great except it does not fire when Enter is pressed. User has to click on option from dropdown or has to press tab key to have Listview to populate. I want the user to be able type use arrow key to select option and then press the enter key for event to fire.
Using .net 3.5 and c#
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Feb 16, 2011
I have a VS 2003 Web app that I'm creating. I'm using a Panel control and I'm trying to apply a CSS class to this panel. However, when I try coding the following statement
<asp:Panel class="pnl2" runat="server">
it doesn't like the "class" attribute saying "could not find any attribute 'class' of element panel"? I'm used to using VS 2005 and higher and haven't seen this before. What am I doing wrong?
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