Add Control To TreeNode And Get Value From That?
Jan 13, 2011
I would like to Add a DropDownList to TreeView for each node and then I will get the value when I click a button.Is there any way to do like that.Let me know the way you know.
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Similar Messages:
Feb 10, 2011
I have a sitemap with about 50 nodes. I want to expand the nodes for specific links directly related to the node group to which the current page belongs. Currently, when I navigate to a page, all nodes are expanded by default. Is there a properly I can use to control this behavior?
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Jul 8, 2010
I have a webpage that uses a Treeview. In the treeview are nodes and i use the Text and Value property, but i need one more. I need one boolean property called IsFile.
I make the Nodes and add them to the tree programmatically. I have a class Called NavTreeNodes that inherits the TreeNode class and ads this bool.
public class NavTreeNode : TreeNode
private bool _IsFile;
public bool IsFile
get { return _IsFile; }
set { _IsFile = value; }
public NavTreeNode()
{ }
And when i make a new TreeNode i use this class. Everything works until i try to get the data from the treeview in the SelectedNodeChanged on the TreeView function.
protected void treeview_Navigation_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeNode node = treeview_Navigation.SelectedNode;
NavTreeNode NNode = node as NavTreeNode;
I get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error when i try this. I cant even get the Value or the Text value using this method.
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Feb 14, 2011
Im using an TreeView that is constructed on server side? how can i disable a check box on a tree node but still show it?
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Mar 17, 2010
I couldn't find one that fit for the Treeview control. I have successfully binded my XmlDataSource to my Treeview control. Here is the XML
<ROOT rootName="Sales Literature Groups">
<saleslit_group slgrp_id="1" slgrp_name="PLCs" slgrp_loc="3A">
<sales_literature saleslit_id="1" saleslit_description="Literature #1" is_tube_mailer="0"/>
<sales_literature saleslit_id="2" saleslit_description="Literature #2" is_tube_mailer="0"/>
<sales_literature saleslit_id="3" saleslit_description="Literature #3" is_tube_mailer="1"/>
My question is whether it is possible or not to extract the "is_tube_mailer" field from the Treeview's Treenode. I attempted to cast the node.DataItem to an Xmlnode, however that only seemed to work in the TreeNodeDataBound event. I need to do this within a Button.Click event routine.
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Sep 10, 2010
I would like to set text attribute of a treenode. But I want to do this in HTML. I tried it:
Text="<% =session['var'] %>"
but it does not work.
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Jan 21, 2011
Currently I am working on SessionState with SQL. I have problem. I would like to serialize TreeNode. This TreeNode pbject will be assigned to Session and this is declare as below.
private _treeNode as TreeNode <-- member variable
how do I make this _treeNode seriablizable?
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Jan 11, 2011
i am using a context menu for each treenode, the example i am using has front end code as
<asp:TreeNode Text="<b id='b1' oncontextmenu="return ShowContextMenu(event, 'Panel2')" > this is a test</b>" Value="sLeaf 1" ></asp:TreeNode>
this works fine but i need to add text via the code behind. when i do this the html is not converted and is displayed as text.
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode();
tn.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(string.Format("<b oncontextmenu='return ShowContextMenu(event, '{0}')'>{1}</b>", pnlContextSites.ClientID, site_item.SiteName));
tn.Value = site_item.Id.ToString();
tn.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Select;
how can i fix this?
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May 7, 2010
I don't get it... why am I getting the error "'TreeNode' does not contain a definition for 'SelectAction'"
This is s .net 3.5 site here is the code behind... I have red squiggles under node.SeletAction, node.opulateOnDemand, node.expand, node.value...
View 1 Replies
May 6, 2010
I have a treeview with ID treeview1 which gets populated from xmlresponse somelike like:
<Products ProductID="1" type="Electronics">Television</Products>
<Property ID="New" division="Category" count="50"></Property>
<Products ..../>
<Property .../>
I get Television displayed as treenode. Now I have two issues:
1) if i click on Television i need to make a new xmlrequest based on its ProductID. I tried to bind TreeView1.selectednode.value as property innertext in my xmlrequest but it doesn't accept it. However, I am puzzled how to use xpath @selected to get this particualr clicked node ProductID to be passed as Property innertext.
2) I need to diplay in treeview1 something like : Television(50). So, how to append count to televsion here.
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Jan 31, 2011
How can achive this. I have tried the following
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Refresh", "<script language='javascript'> = " + Session[lObjClsGlobals.mStrViewStateCurrentOpenedChildPage].ToString() + ";;</script>", false);
But it is refreshing the page with previous session values. But I need the latest.
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May 17, 2010
i need to apply different color to treenode so i am using a custom node with RenderPreText and RenderPostText however when the page got postback the color of the node changes to normal text.
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Apr 28, 2010
I have to develope one page using tree view in my application,page can have one treeview which is bind from database,i did the binding procedure, now senario as like below...
Treeview have parent node as CourseName.....
Each course have more than one sujbect,so child node of course node have multiple child nodes....
Now each subject have more than one chapter,so child node of each subject node have multiple child nodes....
Now whenever user click on chapter node i have to display topics for selected chapter on grid.....
And if user treeview collapsed and user try to click on subject name than i have to display those chapters and expand those chapters for selected subject...but when user click on chapter than i have to bind topic grid for selected chapter using chapterid..
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Apr 23, 2010
I have a treenode and when the user selects the root, it does a post back and collapes everything. What I want is the Parent node to do nothing when clicked.
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Jun 29, 2010
I am working on a page where I am looking a relationship property of Treeview.
TreeView1.Nodes.Add Relative, Relationship, Key, Text, Image, SelectedImage
Can We set Relationship here like tvwNExt, tvWFirst like vb. I am unable to find in ASP.NET I have a requirement where I need to go through in loop and set the parent Node, once and then child node. But due to loop its add parent node value everytime.
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Jun 29, 2010
I have a web page, I am adding treenode value from database. I need to check if any value is already added in node then childnode value should be added in the same parent node. In vb6.0 we have something Key of the node, but here I am unable to find. Here we get only text and Value for any Node.
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Feb 11, 2010
I have this working in several pages in my site but in one page it wont work!
this is the hierarchyof the page.
I have a treeview in a div,in an asp:panel, in an updatepanel in a user control. the panel is shown/hidden using the ajax modalpopupextender.
this user control is placed in a content page (using a master page).
Now that you got the above, I'll let you know what ive tried already.
I tried doing this:(which works perfectly when the treeview is placed simply in an aspx page)
tried using also :
Basically i kept playing around with it trying different ways but seems like the selected node is just not visible even though i call this JS function after i have selected the Node in code behind.
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Mar 18, 2011
I am trying to extend the TreeView and TreeNode class and use it in an .aspx page. My development environment is VS 2005. I put the following code inside of a single .cs file in my App_Code folder:
public class MyTreeview : TreeView {
protected override void TreeNode CreateNode() { return new MyTreeNode(); }
public class MyTreeNode: TreeNode { public MyTreeNode():base(){} }
I want to now use my inherited Node and TreeView in my .aspx file. I have the following directive, which is throwing an error -> File is in the special directory App_Code which is not allowed. I tried putting everything into an .ascx file, but I think I am not specifying the class and inheritance directives correctly.
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Sep 14, 2010
How can I do to change backcolor of treenode?
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Apr 19, 2012
What I need to do is perform some kind of decision statement and when true I need to change the backcolor of a treenode to grey, so that it has a grey box around the whole text. There is no backcolor property for the tree node and I don't need it applied all the time so I don't think a CSS class will do this.
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May 27, 2010
how to popup datalist when selected treenode is clicked in treeview .I am using c#.
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Nov 24, 2010
I am new to and im doing a web page in which i have a teeview in my detailview.I add nodes to treeview in detailview itemscreated event and its working fine ,adding nodes accordingly except when i click on the node of treeview the nodes are added again. how to disable the click event of treeview.
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Feb 23, 2011
I want to ask if there is any way to call a javascript function when treenode selected in a asp:TreeView?
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Feb 3, 2011
Is there a way to check/uncheck the checkbox in a tree node by just clicking on the treenode text. I tried something like this - I can check the right checkbox when I click on the node text but I am unable to uncheck it. Is there a way to do that.
protected void tv_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeNode tn = tv.SelectedNode;
tn.Checked = true; = false;
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Jul 13, 2010
I have created one website with Master and content page . I have taken TreeView Control on master page. And I wants that when I click to tree node the i can get value of tree node on content page and bind the dropdown of content page according to value of master page.
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