Adding A Query String To A Hyperlink In Data Grid (c#)

Jun 15, 2010

I have a hyperlink column. I need to add just one query string to the url. It needs to pass the string located in the first column of the same row. Let me know if you need more info. Edit: Also, if you don't mind it might be useful if I was able to pass the primary key of the object bound to that row, instead of the string in the first column. Would that be tricky to do? Either would work fine.

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The problem is that in side that pages repeater (right under the captcha) when I click on the images in there the page redirects to /null/ which then throws a 404 error. I have turned off url rewrite and removed all rules and that didnt solve the problem so I dont think its related to that.

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Dim MyString As String() = Session("MySession").Split("-"C)

And i've got a some code like this

Dim x as Integer

For x = 0 to MyString - 1

Response.write("Ref: " & MyString(x) & "<br>")


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Ref: 123
Ref: 456
Ref: 789

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Hyperlink Control To Listview To Link To Files / Retrieving Filename From SQLdatasource

Dec 19, 2010

I have created a webpage for viewing daily downloaded newspaper, saved as a pdf file in a selected folder (~/NEWS/{0}) within the web root directory. Also i have a SQL datasource linked, where the news table has two columns viz: date and filename.

I want to create a tiled listview where the date text is visible on the hyperlink. on clicking the hyperlink, the file name is retreived for the corresponding date and the pdf file opens in a fresh page.

I have tried going to the item template in listview and replacing the label control with a hyperlink control, but then not able to successfully proceed ahead.

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Oct 27, 2010

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<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink4" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/icons/NewProductsButton.jpg" NavigateUrl="http://www.ABC/DefaultNewProducts.aspx" >New Products</asp:HyperLink>

2) I have a content page TextBox with data equated in the C# code behind:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
tbxCategoryID.Text = CategoryCode;

... sample data "Furniture1135" for TextBox.

3) I need the MasterPage HyperLink4 navigateURL to be



How can I pass the TextBox value appended with the querystring tag "?CAT+" to the MasterPage HyperLink?

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Oct 21, 2010

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HyperLink hp2 = DataList1.Items[0].FindControl("HyperLink2") as HyperLink;
HyperLink hp3 = DataList1.Items[0].FindControl("HyperLink3") as HyperLink; [code]....

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Dec 20, 2010

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111111,Member Account~222222,Trial Account

I have the data spitting out just like that in a grid view, but I am wondering if there is some C# I can put in to where it adds a column when there is a comma and another column when there is a ~ in the data?

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Forms Data Controls :: Drive A Grid View From More Than One Query?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a Calendar Control on one page - the user clicks on a date and goes to another page which displays the details from a diary database for the selected date - works fine so far! Now, whilst on that second page I want to give the User the choice of displaying all diary entries for the month, or for the year. So I could create a further 2 separate pages that display a GridView for a particular Month or a particular Year but that seems a bit of an over kill.

How can I make the Grid View display from different queries or maybe dynamically change the query depending upon whether a Month or Year is selected? So my start page with the Calendar Control has this code:


After which the User gets taken to diaryPage.aspx with the Selected Date from the Calendar Control. I then created a Table Adapter on the diary Page to query the diary Database with the Selected Date and drive the Grid View to display the details for that Selected Date.


SO on that page, how do I now let the User query by Month or Year using the same Grid View? Maybe there is some generic SQL statement that could retrieve either the Selected Day, or Year or Month depending on the parameters sent to it?

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Feb 9, 2011

i have gridview , it contains record of productsname field of product table and hyper link, hyperlink named as Detail.

when i click Detail link ,it will show record of that row in another page,means it shows complete fields of table in another page,,

i want to know only that,how detail link will perform,to view only that row record,

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Jan 13, 2011

I am using a nested listview to display a seperate grid for each group of data returned from my db query. To get this working, I have adapted a piece of code to group the data prior to it being bound:


I am then using the following html markup:



This works as I want it to however some of the fields within the nested table need to be formatted as currency so I am trying to use Eval and {0:c} to do this however the moment I use Eval, the data items cannot be found

DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRow' does not contain a property with the name '0'.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding An Extra Row With A Message In The Bottom Of The Grid View?

Nov 18, 2010

I am facing a problem with grid view footer template.. I just want to add a message like hello world in the bottom of the grid view as a seperate row... Right now I am using footer for this..but If the size of footer text increases the width of column which holds that will also increasing.. Is there any way to add a label in the bottom of the grid like

Ex: The number of Students is 200

This will needs to come in the bottom of grid without changing the size of columns..

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Adding Conditionals To A Gridview Query?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a gridview databound to an sql source returning about 1300 records (cars). I have listboxes to narrow the search (model year, manufacturer, segment). What is the most efficient way to tie these listbox selections to the gridview query?

Right now I am piecing together my own sql query string and replacing the SelectCommand. This works, but I keep running into timing issues where the command reverts back to the coded initial value. I can continue debugging this, but is there a better way?

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Query String Can A Query String Contain An Url That Also Has Query Strings

Nov 22, 2010



I added the iis tag because I am guessing it also depends on what server technology you use?

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