Adding Attachment To E-mail Using System.Net.Mail?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm trying to add an attachment to an e-mail which I'm sending out, but the attaching part doesn't appear to be working properly since I do not receive the attachment. Anyone know why this is occuring? No exceptions are being thrown. I am sending the


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Similar Messages:

Adding Attachment To A Mail?

May 27, 2010

Im sending a mail using cdo object. Im hosting the site. Now i want to attach a file which is in the folder adc on the server. Im getting the path of the file from the database eg. abc est.txt. I have written the code for the same but the file is not getting attached properly. If I hardcode the path and test it in visual studio then its working fine.


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ASP.NET MVC 2.0 : How To Sign An E-mail + Attachment File And Encrypt Both An E-mail And Its Atta

Aug 6, 2010

I am currently developing a web application which need to encryption mail + its attachment file using method triple DES with signed using certification.

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Email Attachment Not Sending With System.web.mail

Nov 5, 2010

I have the following code in a function to send an email out


Calendarstream(pageID) returns the following filepath as a string

The value of attachment is the the filepath being returned however the attachment is not sending. The emails sends without the attachment.

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Sending Mail Message To Multiple Addresses Using System.Net.Mail

Sep 15, 2010

VWD 2008 Express. Visual Basic. I use the following routine (XXXXX have replaced sensitive data) to try to send an email message to mutiple email addresses. It only sends to the first email address in the comma-delimited list. How can I send the message to multiple email addresses?

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Web Forms :: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure Sending Mail

Sep 17, 2010

'System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed. at System.Net.Mail.SmtpReplyReaderFactory.ProcessRead(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 read, Boolean readLine) at............................

getting the above error when sending mail from 2.0

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Mail Stopped Sending With

Jun 16, 2010

I've built several websites on my local machine and have successfully tested sending mail from within the application, but suddenly the mail won't go anywhere! I have a try-catch routine, and I'm getting the message that the mail has been sent successfully but it's not going anywhere. This is the code that I've used in a test page - the html page has a button and a textbox and nothing else. I've imported the namespace.


I'm getting the 'Email Successfully Sent' Message but I'm not receiving the email. I don't think I've changed any settings to stop the emails from going.

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Web Forms :: Difference Between System.Web.Mail And System.Net.Mail?

May 27, 2010

what is diff between System.Web.Mail and System.Net.Mail.....

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Using System.Web.Mail And System.Net.Mail - Error "MailMessage Is Ambiguous"

Dec 29, 2010

We have a website which we have re-designed and coded to work using System.Net.Mail but other parts of our website use System.Web.Mail We have specified the namespaces to be used in our web.config file but as we are specifying both System.Net.Mail and System.Web.Mail and they both use MailMessage it throws an error 'MailMessage' is ambiguous, imported from the namespaces or types 'System.Web.Mail, System.Net.Mail'. Is there anyway to avoid this error and still use both namespaces?

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DataSource Controls :: System.Net.Mail - Adding Multiple Recipients From A Table?

Oct 19, 2010

I have been google some but I canīt find any solution that have been worked for me. I do use System.Net.mail on my site to send emails to individual employes. Now I would like to be able to email all emplyees. The emplyees email address is stored in a MS SQL table. Is it possible to make a BCC email to all employees in that table?

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Send Mail With An Attachment?

Mar 3, 2011


send a mail with an attachment in

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Using Uploaded Files As Attachment By E-mail?

Nov 27, 2010

my question is related to this topic :
I added another fileUpload in the Sending E-mail Method as following:
if (FileUpload1.HasFile && FileUpload2.HasFile)
FileUpload2.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("NewFolder1") +
"/" + User.Identity.Name.Substring(7) +
FileUpload2.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("NewFolder1") +
"/" + User.Identity.Name.Substring(7) +
"How can I use these two files that uploaded (Server.MapPath("NewFolder1")
) as attachments in the Attachment Method??"
I tried with this code:

message.Attachments.Add(new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(Server.MapPath("NewFolder1")));

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Web Forms :: How To Send Mail With Attachment

Apr 27, 2016

I want coding for How to mail Send with attachment in using C# ....

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Web Forms :: Unable To Send Mail With Attachment

Feb 26, 2010

I am getting following error .when i try to send a mail with attchment.

Event code: 3005 Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred. Event time: 2/26/2010 4:42:47 AM Event time (UTC):


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Web Forms :: Sending Mail With Attachment Using VB.Net 2003?

Jun 9, 2010

sending a mail with Attachment using As i can able to sent mail without attachment but when i am trying to add attachment it is not taking. i was trying the since from last 2 days its bit urgent.

you can view my code

Sub SendMailOneAttachment(ByVal
From As
ByVal sendTo


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Configuration :: Attachment In Mail Not Working On Webserver?

Sep 25, 2010

i am using the mail sending facilily in using and code is work fine on local host but show the followiing error on webserver as exception


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Sending Mail By Downloading Attachment From Server?

Aug 4, 2010

I need to send mail by downloading some attachment from server and attach it with mail and send in

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VS 2008 - Retrieving Mail Attachment In JavaScript

Jun 29, 2011

My ex colleague created a few pages using server side javascript. What we are doing is connecting to a pop3 account and retrieving emails. We use a free component called OSPOP3. It works well but I'm having trouble getting the attachments of each email object. This is my asp code:

Set Session("oSession") = Server.CreateObject("OSPOP3_Plus.Session")

that's creating the object.

this is the server side js:


everything works fine ablove except the line i highlighted in red. I don't know why I cant get the attachment name or any of its properties. The attachment count is 1 which is correct.

I get this error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a01c2'

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

In classic asp or I can do this and everything works:

For Each a As Attachment In msg.Attachments
Dim a_Name As String = a.AttachmentName

I can't even console.log the object because it is server side javascript. I have to try to fix it in the ssjs because his code is doing quite alot of stuff and I don't have time to rewrite everything ....

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Web Forms :: Sending Mail With Attachment Of PDF Document

May 22, 2012

I having a pdf document which is saved inside the Template folder of my application.

Each and every time, when i tried to send a mail , the pdf file should be attached with that mail.

Explain the method about how can achieve this in my coding.

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Databases :: How To Use Oracle Stored Procedure To Send Mail With Attachment

Apr 10, 2010

i want to send mails internally and externally for eg. i want to send mail to my boss in the company and also to the customer which doesnt belong to our domain.


and also i want to attach an excel file which is stored in my computer. so how am i going to access that file through the same procedure and then attach the file and send it to both internal as well as external email ids.

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Web Forms :: Attach PDF Document As Mail Attachment And Send Email

Jun 10, 2013

i had a requirement to attach a pdf document to mail.

i have attached the document the text is not displaying in the attachment.

here i had attached the code for reference.

string sSubject = "Automatic Email during Pinpair Activation";
string sEmail = "";
string sAttach = "Silkconference_details-PDF-dial out.pdf";
string file = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + @"DocumentSilk Conference-Details-PDF - dial out.pdf")
byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(file);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

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Web Forms :: Using Data From Web Form To Create A Csv Format File And Mail It As An Attachment To The Admin

Jul 29, 2010

I have a form for getting user information (say a contact us form). once the data is entered and the user clicks submit, the data provided by the user should be created as a csv format file and should be mailed as an attachment to the website administrator.

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Web Forms :: Embed Image In Mail Body While Sending Mail In Uisng Exchange2007_SP1

Apr 9, 2010

I am uisng ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1 EWS to send mail through my application. I want to embed image in mail body so tht user can see body message along with image in its inbox mail .currently I am uisng image tag to show image but in the email body its just showing image url instead of image.

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Web Forms :: Smtp Mail Settings Error The Specified String Is Not In The Form Required For An E-mail Address

May 26, 2010

i've been googling this for two days so here it both the error and the webconfig code.i directed the aspnet 2.0 exe to the application name/database

the problem is when the user tries signing up this error comes up, but the kicker is the user is place into the database ?The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.

Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace: [FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.]
System.Net.Mime.MailBnfHelper.ReadMailAddress(String data, Int32& offset, String& displayName) +1128747
System.Net.Mail.MailAddress.ParseValue(String address) +240 [code]...

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Outlook 2007 + C# - User Selects A Particular Mail And Clicks Menu Item - Display The Particular Mail Details

Sep 6, 2010

My requirement when user selects a particular mail and clicks the menu item it will display the particular mail details (To, cc, bcc, subject, Body, attachments...) in custom form.

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