Using Uploaded Files As Attachment By E-mail?
Nov 27, 2010
my question is related to this topic :
I added another fileUpload in the Sending E-mail Method as following:
if (FileUpload1.HasFile && FileUpload2.HasFile)
FileUpload2.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("NewFolder1") +
"/" + User.Identity.Name.Substring(7) +
FileUpload2.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("NewFolder1") +
"/" + User.Identity.Name.Substring(7) +
"How can I use these two files that uploaded (Server.MapPath("NewFolder1")
) as attachments in the Attachment Method??"
I tried with this code:
message.Attachments.Add(new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(Server.MapPath("NewFolder1")));
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Event code: 3005 Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred. Event time: 2/26/2010 4:42:47 AM Event time (UTC):
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Calendarstream(pageID) returns the following filepath as a string
The value of attachment is the the filepath being returned however the attachment is not sending. The emails sends without the attachment.
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sending a mail with Attachment using As i can able to sent mail without attachment but when i am trying to add attachment it is not taking. i was trying the since from last 2 days its bit urgent.
you can view my code
Sub SendMailOneAttachment(ByVal
From As
ByVal sendTo
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Jun 29, 2011
My ex colleague created a few pages using server side javascript. What we are doing is connecting to a pop3 account and retrieving emails. We use a free component called OSPOP3. It works well but I'm having trouble getting the attachments of each email object. This is my asp code:
Set Session("oSession") = Server.CreateObject("OSPOP3_Plus.Session")
that's creating the object.
this is the server side js:
everything works fine ablove except the line i highlighted in red. I don't know why I cant get the attachment name or any of its properties. The attachment count is 1 which is correct.
I get this error:
Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a01c2'
Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
In classic asp or I can do this and everything works:
For Each a As Attachment In msg.Attachments
Dim a_Name As String = a.AttachmentName
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I having a pdf document which is saved inside the Template folder of my application.
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Explain the method about how can achieve this in my coding.
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i want to send mails internally and externally for eg. i want to send mail to my boss in the company and also to the customer which doesnt belong to our domain.
and also i want to attach an excel file which is stored in my computer. so how am i going to access that file through the same procedure and then attach the file and send it to both internal as well as external email ids.
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i had a requirement to attach a pdf document to mail.
i have attached the document the text is not displaying in the attachment.
here i had attached the code for reference.
string sSubject = "Automatic Email during Pinpair Activation";
string sEmail = "";
string sAttach = "Silkconference_details-PDF-dial out.pdf";
string file = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + @"DocumentSilk Conference-Details-PDF - dial out.pdf")
byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(file);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
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Apr 8, 2010
In my project, one send an email msg with attachments. I store the attach files in a seperate directory(named attachments ), after user send mail I will delete his files (files stored in a subdirectory named with its sesionId in attachments directory)
for instance the user sessionId => abcdf123 so his attach files under the path ~attachmentsabcdf123.
after sending email the directory will be deleted.. My question is that if the user left the system without clicking the send button? The files will remain forever.. How can I overcome this problem?
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Nov 1, 2010
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Feb 24, 2011
I create a new class FileUpload for my web page. In onload method of page, i create a new object of that class and after file uploaded, i fill some information of file to that object(name, size, extention,type). I create a method in class to delete that file. But When i use it, the error "The process cannot access the file 'D: emp25.jpg' because it is being used by another process." is appear. I thinks the object is using the file uploaded and i can't delete file.What's the problem and how can i solve it? I need to delete file.
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May 10, 2010
Users can upload files to the server, which are stored effectively forever.
A few of my ideas involve logging every upload, but then the files are usually referenced in html which isn't easy to track.
Files can sit unused but still be referenced. I could do a fuill text search on these, but that's pretty brute force.
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Aug 31, 2010
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I'm using:File.Delete(Server.MapPath(OriginalFileVirtualPath)); to delete the file.
p.s. for now i'm using the .net server, not a full active IIS, but i don't think that the problem is over there...It even make some sence that when i upload a file to the sever, it won't let to delete it strate away, but i'm sure there is a work around...
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Nov 24, 2010
my application contains a page that provides for the user file upload option and a button that ( send mail for the user that his request is done and a message for the admin mail that contains the file that was uploaded by the user.
my problem is : the admin message is sent but without attachment this is the code for both methods:
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Jun 4, 2010
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