Adding Server Side Controls Through JavaScript Dynamically?

Oct 23, 2010

Is there a way to add server side control dynamically on the webpage without causing postback. Like can I add a calender control dynamically on a button click and handle calender events to do some other work....

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Web Forms :: Provide Server Side Validation For The Dynamically Added HTML Controls Using Javascript?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a page with a table and two button with the names (Submit and Add Rows) When I click on Add Row a new row will be added to a page(This is achieved using javascript), when I click on submit button I will be doing server side validation. If I found any error the error will be displayed on the page. During this process the controls which were added by me were loosing its state. As a result I need to add the rows once again and need to fill the data and click on submit button. Can any one let me know how to avoid this and see that the controls donot loose their states. So that there is no need for me to create rows once again if any validation fails on the server side.

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IIS Configuration :: Render JavaScript And CSS Dynamically From Server Side Using ClientScript

Jun 3, 2013

I have created a javascript function along with the scripts in a class file using string builder as follows

public static string ShowAlertMessage(string pHeader, string pError)
StringBuilder strScript = new StringBuilder();
strScript.Append("<script type="text/javascript" src="").Append("Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.js").Append(""></script>");
strScript.Append("<script type="text/javascript" src="").Append("Scripts/jquery.msgBox.js").Append(""></script>");


This method I am calling on each and every page on the button click where ever I required as follows

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Popup", Alert.ShowAlertMessage("Hello", "Welcome"), true);

But this is not giving me the output I needed, the one which I converted is the following URL....

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JavaScript - Exposing Server-side State Through Client-side Controls

Feb 11, 2011

I have a list of items on an page. That list is selectable in that whenever the user clicks on one, the page does a postback and the server code stores the index or some unique identifier of the picture in a ViewState property indicating that it is currently selected.

I would like to minimize the load on the server and therefore I would like to store the index or unique identifier representing the image in some way on the client side. The best way I can think to do this is to store said information in a hidden field ), however I had two questions about this before I go crazy:

Is this a security risk in any way, shape or form (i.e., exposing implementation details of the page)?
Is there a better/best way to do this that is more industry-standard? Does provide a framework to do this that is cleaner than my idea? Seems like this would be a fairly common requirement to me...

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Web Forms :: Can Dynamically Create Server-side Controls

Oct 5, 2010

Is it possible to use AJAX and an update panel and create server-side controls such as checkboxes, buttons, and radio buttons (asp server side) that is created when another server-side control (that which exists outside the update panel) calls them?

secondly, how do you keep them from re-appearing after a postback?

When I do a postback, the controls in the update panel disappear.

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Controls :: Dynamically Set MP3 FileName To DewPlayer From Server Side

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The control works fine with hard coded file name.

However, I need to pass on an mp3 filename dynamically with code.

How can I do that? I use ...

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Access Server Side Variable On Client Side And Vice Versa And JavaScript?

Dec 9, 2010

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I have to use C#.Net and JavaScript.

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C# - Calling Server Side Function From Client Side JavaScript?

Sep 14, 2010

Possible Duplicates: how to call server side function from client side - Calling ASP.NET Code Behind function from Javascript Calling ASP.NET server side method via JQuery While loading an aspx page, how is it possible to call a server side method with the client side code?Can u show one example?

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JavaScript - Pass Arguments From Client Side To Server Side?

Feb 11, 2011

I have two comboboxes and would like pass selected value and text to the server method (RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs) when the first combobox selected index changed.

Here is my code. But I am getting Javascript error message at this line. RadComboBox2.requestItems(item, false).


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Generate HTML From Server Side ?

Jul 24, 2010

How to Dynamicly generate HTML from server side ?

I'll give you some examples..

Now im using Response.Write("<a> hi hi </a>"); something like this and i generating stuff dynamicly depends on what is on the SQL..

I was wondering how facebook does it or all those sites is generating a full page depending on the SQL...

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JavaScript - Detecting Client-side DOM Changes Server-side - Is It Possible

Mar 7, 2010

I'm working on developing a custom control to select items from a predefined list. This is accomplished via 2 ASP.NET ListBox controls, with a few buttons to trigger the movement of ListItems from one ListBox to the other (lets call these ListBoxes lstSelected and lstDeselected).

This is easy enough to do in ASP.NET or JavaScript independently: I have both working. However, if modifications are made via JavaScript, ASP.NET retains no knowledge of this. Is there any way to register the creation of of options in a select tag without AJAX?

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How To Convert Server Side To Client Side Javascript

Mar 20, 2010

I've got a function I wrote quite some time ago that works fine, but I'd like to speed up the process and lessen server load by doing the same job in Javascript.I seem to be able to GET textbox values ok, but I can't seem to SET textbox values (I'm'-a JS noob). Can anyone lend a hand in converting my VB.NET code to it's JS equivalent?

Protected Sub txtSellingPrice_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles txtSellingPrice.TextChanged
Dim SellingPrice As Double = Double.Parse(txtSellingPrice.Text.Replace("$", ""))

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Javascript - Get The Value Of Client Side Variable In Server Side?

Mar 24, 2011

I want to ask how to get the value of var title :

From this code :

protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string script = "var title = $('.rsApt').attr('title');";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(),"popup", script, true);

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C# - Wrong State In Server Controls With Same ID's When Dynamically Adding UserControl To UpdatePanel?

Feb 6, 2010

Here is what I am trying to do. I have a page with two link buttons and an updatepanel (the two linkbuttons trigger the updatepanel). I have two usercontrols which have labels with same ID's. When I click the first link button, I add the first usercontrol to the updatepanel and set the label value to

when i click the second link button i add the second usercontrol but i see that the value of the label from the first control is set in the label in second user control. if the id's are different there is no problem - but in my case the usercontrols are being developed by different teams and I am integrating them in the way i mentioned - so they may have same ids.

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Javascript - Get Values Of Js Generated Controls, From Server Side?

Oct 8, 2010

Let me explain the case;On the page, i have a repeater which generates <tr>s and <td>s.On clientside, i have a js function which adds or deletes rows into that repeater-generated-table.The problem is, in this function, i dont only generate a simple row, a textbox (which i have to get its value on server side) is generated too. Is there any way to get value of client-generated controls ?

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Javascript - History.go(-1) Function Not Refreshing Server Side Controls?

Dec 30, 2010

I am using a dropdown, a devexpress grid view and a button on my page.

My gropdown contains the months in the format MM/YYYY, and on dropdown's selection change the data binds in the grid view.

the functionality of button is to go on previous page as same as back button of browser.

Now, my prob is that if i select any month and then select another month, the data changes.
but now when i click on back button having onclick ="history.go(-1)", changes the data on the grid view but the month in the dropdown remains the same.

For example:

Suppose, first i have month selected as 02/2010. At this time the data in grid view is for exapmle 01234

now when i select month 03/2010 the data in grid changes to 56789

now when i click on back button, then data in grid changes to 01234 but the month in dropdown remains to 03/2010.

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Javascript - Asp MVC 2 Client Side Validation For Dynamically Added Input Fields

Dec 17, 2010

How do I implement client side validation for input fields that have been added to the form dynamically with javascript in an MVC 2 application?

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Javascript - User Control With Client + Server Side CustomValidation; Wrong Client Side Validator Is Picked

Nov 23, 2010

I have a user control which contains a CustomValidator which is used according to whether a RadioButton is checked or not (there are several RadioButtons, I'm only showing the relevant one)

<asp:RadioButton runat="Server" ID="RadioBetween" GroupName="DateGroup" CssClass="date_group_options_control_radio" />

There is some client + server side validation code (the server side code does exactly the same thing and is skipped for brevity)

<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateDateFields_Client(source, args) [code]...

There are two instances of this control in the page. When running the client side version it hits the wrong one (the version of the control which is disabled). You can see from the generated HTML both are correctly specified. I'm not sure how .NET works out which clientside function to call given they both have the same name.

<script type="text/javascript">
var ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator = document.all ? document.all["ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator"] : document.getElementById("ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator");

Do i need to add something in to scope it? What's the best way to achieve this? If I disable the loading of the second control everything works fine.

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AJAX :: Can Send An Object From Client-side JavaScript To Server-side Code Via AJAX

Mar 16, 2011

I know that I can receive an javascript object from the server via ASP.NET AJAX using Json. But I am not sure how can I send an javascript object from my client-side javascript to my server-side code. And if I can, how can I extract this object in my server-side code and access its members?

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Javascript - Client Side Validation And Server Side Validation In Java Script And Respectively ?

Sep 6, 2010

want to know that can we validate a control which is out side a form element in side validation)and outside a form element in html(client side validation) let's take a closer look

<input type="text" name="first name"/>

can we apply clien side validation on above text box by java script ?in

<form runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

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Adding Client Scripts For The Server Side Event GridView.OnPageIndexChanging

May 26, 2010

Is there a matching client side event that is fired before or after OnPageIndexChanging is raised? Such as the OnClientClick, I would like to append a script when the paging numbers / arrows are clicked. Is it possible, of so; how?

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How To Dynamically Include Server Side Scripts

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to add dynamic content to my page from external files, but coming short on how to do it properly. First i tried fiddling with the WebClient class, but when i added the dynamic content it just posted the code behind.. Actually the same as Response.WriteFile does

It's for a simple CMS where i have the basic site core and then some extra modules that i have lying in a seperate folder. If the parsing of the requested url demands a modulefile, the idea was to search for that file and if it existed, run the code and post it back to the site core.

In classic i was forced to manually (ugh..) add includes with the filenames statically written in the file-property.. That could be the way to do it again, but is there another way? Something like server.execute in classic, i just need to be able to send site core variables to the external file (without sessions if possible)

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Assign Validation Group To Asp.Button Dynamically On Client Side Using Javascript On The Base Of Item Selected In Drop Down List?

Jun 15, 2010

n a form I have multiple group of controls which are grouped using validation group property. I want to assign validation group to asp.Button dynamically on client side using javascript on the base of item selected in drop down list.

Here is JavaScript which I am using, but it is not working. It shows validation group undefined but actually a default group is defined.

<script type="text/JavaScript">
function NextClicked() {
var _ddlStatus = document.getElementById("<%=ddl.ClientID%>");
var _selectedIndex = _ddlStatus.selectedIndex;
var _btn = document.getElementById("<%=btnNext.ClientID%>");

alert(_btn.ValidationGroup); // here in messge it shows undefiend, yet I have defiend a group in button as default.

if (_selectedIndex == 1) {
_btn.ValidationGroup = "G1";
if (_selectedIndex == 2) {
_btn.ValidationGroup = "G2";

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Javascript - How Much Client-side Programming Is Needed When Doing Server-side Programming

Mar 16, 2011

but I am rather confused about what to invest in. I heard that server-side code translates into client-side code. So, if you have an .aspx file, it will be converted to HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I have experience with the latter three technologies put into a rather dull text file and rendered by a web browser. My question is how much HTML/CSS/Javascript coding would I have to do when server-side programming? In other words, can someone using ASP.NET program purely on the server side and not bother to write for the client side? Of course, I don't care about server-side being translated into client-side, but I am wondering if client-side programming needs to be done explicitly and to what degree.

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Dynamically Adding A CSS File From Server Control?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a custom control and I want to dynamically insert a link to a stylesheet.

Might not be the best solution of the year but it needs to be done.

Everytime I try, Page.Header is null.

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