Adobe Popping Out Of Browser

Jun 2, 2010

Im building a web application that displays a xfdf document. When we are testing in adobe 5 and we can't stop adobe opening outside the webpage. The user clicks the report and it should open in the browser but instead it opens in adobe it appears to work in everything but adobe 5. We have previously done this with out any problems. Any ideas? This is a snippet of the xfdf

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><xfdf xmlns="" xml:space="preserve"> <fields> <field name="fld_AccomAttic"> <value>0</value> </field> <field name="fld_AccomBathroom"> <value>1</value> </field> <field name="fld_AccomBedrooms"> <value>3</value> </field> <field name="fld_AccomCellars"> <value>0</value> </field> <field name="fld_AccomGarages"> <value>Off</value> </field><f href="{report name}"/></xfdf>

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Similar Messages:

VS 2010 - Adobe Reader In Web Browser / IFrame

Jul 25, 2011

Our ASP.NET application allows the users to review any number of PDF forms. A simple listbox holds filenames and the forms are displayed inside a standard iFrame. The setup is simple and effective: when the user clicks on a filename, that filename is loaded into the iFrame, and shown to the user.

Users are allowed to digitally sign the forms. For appearance purposes, a bitmap of the user' signature is generated and placed in the appropriate location of the PDF form.

The bitmap file format is GIF, and the background is transparent.

We use iTextSharp for form-filling, and we also use iTextSharp to place the bitmap on the forms. Nothing special.

We can readily verify that the signature bitmap is correctly placed on the form, and that the bitmap itself is definitely transparent.

Problem 1:

After placing the bitmap of the user' signature on the form, the form is reloaded and displayed to the user (for verification) and, in most cases, the forms do not display the bitmap. Opening the PDF reveal that the bitmap has been placed and is definitely visible in Adobe Reader (9 and 10 - these are the versions available for testing).

Experimentation and quite a bit of research seems to suggest that the problem lies in caching. One of the possible solution/suggestion is to append a time-stamp or a GUID to the URL, when loading the form after applying the bitmap. In theory, this should prevent Adobe Reader from using a cached copy of the PDF form.

We have tried appending a time-stamp and/or a GUID, without any success: the forms still display without the bitmap. At the risk of repeating myself: the PDF form is correctly signed, and the bitmap is correctly placed. It is just not visible.

This problem seems common to users running the application on intranet web servers (IIS 7). The one application instance running on public web server (IIS 7) does not seem affected by this problem.

Problem 2:

As mentioned, the GIF file generated by our application has a transparent background. In almost all cases, Adobe Reader (9 and 10) seems to understand and respect the transparency of the bitmap.

In one very peculiar case (when the application is running on a Windows 7 64 bit machine with IIS 7), when the bitmap is placed on the form, it becomes opaque (complete loss of transparency).

Again, the problem seems related to Adobe Reader, because the bitmap being applied positively sports a transparent background.

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AJAX :: Autocomplete Popping Over Textbox?

Jan 7, 2010

I've been stymied for a few days on and interface issue with Autocompleteextender and a simple textbox. Is the user types in the textbox while the scroll position of the page is near the top, the autocomplete pops under the textbox, just like it should.However, when I scroll down a little, the autocomplete pops over top of the textbox, making it impossible to see what you are typing. How do I force the autocomplete to pop under the textbox no matter the scroll position of the page? My code is below:


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AJAX :: Calendar Control Not Popping Up?

May 16, 2010

Recently upgraded to VS2010 and just (today) downloaded the latest version of the toolkit. The calendar doesn't pop up when my date textbox receives focus. I never encountered this problem with VS2008 and have many of these controls installed and working fine.

I have the toolkit dll in the bin directory and have added a reference to it. The project builds fine - no errors. The page code looks fine - no errors or ugly blue squiglies. In design view everything looks fine - no error messages.

The implementation in question is about as basic as it gets:

The code:

In web.config <Pages:

<add namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" tagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" />

On the page:

<asp:ScriptManager EnablePartialRendering="true" ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:TextBox ID="StartDateTextBox" runat="server"
Width="100px" />
<ajaxToolkit:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server"
Enabled="True" />

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AJAX :: Popping Up A Form For Data Input?

Jun 4, 2010

I am really new to AJAX and Web Application development in general. What I am trying to do is relatively simple, problem is...I'm just not sure how to do it.

I wish to popup some sort of control that contains a "asp:Label" and an "asp:TextBox" where I can input a value into the textbox. Is this possible to do with AJAX? If so, how is it done?

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JQuery :: Datepicker Not Popping Up In Gridview Edit Template Textbox?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a gridview that I can't for the life of me get the datepicker calender to pop up for. I've been using the datepicker for months very successfully for a variety of textboxes on the page and inside of formviews but this is the first time I've tried using with gridview. I didn't expect any issues however can't seem to find anything to work. I have searched the forums for 2 days and attempted any suggestions found within the solutions to no avail. I've tried using the CSS to link the datepicker but everything stopped working when I changed the code and my page which uses a css style already got all distorted looking.Here is my gridview (only included a part b/c it is large and am only having problem with the datepicker for the date completed text box)


Here are my scripts at the bottom of my page...the problem one is the "txtActual_date_completed". Please note that I am using 2 other datepickers on this page in fiter criteria for my gridview and they are working just fine.


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Visual Studio :: Error Popping Up - Unable To Connect To Development Server

Jun 7, 2010

I developed a website project using visual studio 2008 and language used is c#. It was working fine till yesterday[i.e., It compiled and also i could run it using the development server by pressing ctrl+f5] and today when i tried to run it says "unable to connect to development server". I tried to reinstall visual studion 2008 and even now its not working. Also when i go to websites n configuration option it say the same error "unable to connect to development server". I absolutely no idea about why this error popped up. I got my project demo. day after n how can this be set right.

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Visual Studio :: Designer Screen / The Popup Window Is No Longer Popping Up ?

Jan 19, 2010

In a custom component, there is a popup window that should appear to me so that I can manipulate one of the lists (an in-built editor). The component is Telerik, but I don't think that has anything to do with it (maybe).

The popup window is no longer popping up to me. I wonder if it got minimized or it's a z-index thing, where the window is behind VS? But this locks up VS, and I can't do anything within it until I cancel the window. But I can't cancel the window because I can't see it... and so that is really slowing me down and is really frustrating.

Is there a way to get around this? A key press to bring this to the front or give it the focus?

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Web Forms :: Modal Popup Stops Popping After 10 Times When Using Update Panel

May 6, 2010

I have a test page with links that open a panel modally (using AJAXControlToolkit: ModalPopupExtender). I am using an update panel. After clicking any of the links about 10 times, the popup is shown buried under the links (and is not accessible). When I limit the content on the page, the number of times is extended. My thought is that this may be a "data limit" in relation to the update panel, as this works fine when the update panel is removed. I would love to post the code, but this form won't let me. I can certainly send the webform if anyone is interested.

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Jan 28, 2010

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Finding Crystal Report, Pdf Conversion And Adobe Reader?

Jan 21, 2011

My app used Crystal report to display as pdf file.

If I open the report in my pc (newest version, Adobe reader 9), it is ok but once I open app in web server (Adobe reader 8), it display a blank screen.

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Open PDF File In Adobe Acrobat On IIS Server From Client

May 3, 2010

I read the thread on this topic and tried using "Process.start(mypdf.pdf)" to open the PDF file. I was able to get "Process.Start()" to work perfectly within VS2008 on the built-in server but not IIS; when I am in the development environment it works great, but when I deploy the application and run it it does not work. What happens when I run outside of the development environment, I can export the PDF file to the directory on the IIS server, and the client can also delete the file from the IIS server, BUT, inbetween the export and the delete commands, I have the Process.start command so that the user can open the file and do whatever they need to do; print it, print partially or save it locally ect.

After it exports the file to the server when the exectue "Process.start" occurs, the screen just blinks and there is no error message? I tried many options using Process.StartInfo but no luck. I also tried to to use Process.Start() with a text file (.txt) and had the same result, so it doesn't look like an adobe acrobat problem. I do have acrobat running on the clients as well as the server. I don't think it is a security issue being the exporting and deleting work. Is this the wrong command to use? The web server is IIS7, I am using VS2008 VB.NET and it is a Web application. I need to demo this to the client in 4 days and I need to have this working.

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Web Forms :: Convert Aspx Page To PDF Using The Adobe Writer?

Jul 2, 2010

Is there is a way I can convert my aspx page to PDF using the Adobe writer?

I have visited all the posts in forums ( Is there any solution in which I don't have to use a third party tool )

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Controls :: Adobe Reader Could Not Open PDF Because It Is Not A Supported File Type

Dec 10, 2012

I am using the code from: [URL] ....

Everything seems to work, expect when I try to open the PDF file Adobe Reader says:

"Adobe reader could not open 'filename.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)."

I tried opening it in Adobe Photoshop and was not able to there either.

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VS 2010 - How To Use The Adobe PDF Reader (AxAcriPDFLib) Control To Display Preview Of PDF Document

Jan 31, 2011

In a VB.Net project I use the Adobe PDF Reader (AxAcriPDFLib) control to display a preview of a selected PDF document whereafter the user can double-click upon the selected listbox item to enjoy a full screen view of the relevant PDF document. see the attached sample in this regard. Is there any way to emulate this in ASP.Net?

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Streaming To Pdf Causes "Adobe Reader Can't Open File" Error

Jan 15, 2011

I am using VS 2010 and C#. I am trying to create a pdf file in web application. I am trying to convert a dataset to pdf file. The pdf file is getting generated, but when i try to open the pdf, i am getting the error as "Adobe reader could not open "sample.pdf" because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged" How to fix this?

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SQL Server :: How To Extract Data From Adobe Pdf Form To Sql Server Database

Feb 23, 2011

I want to extract data from pdf form to sql server database. But I don't know how do achieve it?

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Mobiles :: Link Button Not Working In Mobile Web Browser But It Works On Regular Browser

Feb 9, 2010

I have website home page which my client can view well on his blackberry mobile phone but I have link buttons on that page which redirect the users to other pages ..just Response.Redirect ............simple code.... but when he clicks on the link, it requests for enabling javascript..I do that but the home page just does a postback. Links are not working on cellphone........... on regular website they are working fine.

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Web Forms :: Browser Popup Window Maximize Button Is In Enable State In Chrome Browser

Dec 14, 2012

I used javascript code to open popup window.Popup window "Maximize" button is in 

disable state.But in Chrome it is in enable state.I want to make browser maximize button disable.

Below is my javascript code

function Call_PopUp(event, URL) {, 'CustomPopUp', 'width=990, height=540, menubar=no,scrollbars =yes, resizable=no, top=50,left=50,toolbar=no,dialog=yes,minimizable=yes,maximizable=no');

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Web Forms :: Getting Browser Info / Get The Browser Version, Type Of The User

Apr 25, 2010

i need to get the Browser version, type of the user. i need the short name not the long one.

at the monent i have this:

browser = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") that retuens this:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/4.1.249

i need only (Chrome/4.1.249), (MSIE 8.0)...............

plus i would like to get the operating system too

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Web Forms :: Detect Browser Types Versions And Browser Capabilities?

Jun 18, 2013

I have a web application that runs via IIS 7 what i want to do with the application ( with C#) is only load if the browser is greater than IE9, or greater than or equal to Chrome27 or greater than or equal to firefox19.  

How to do this or areas i should read to do such a thing?

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