Web Forms :: How To Use Adobe Illustrator File

Oct 22, 2010

If a web designer created a Adobe Illustrator file with 10 templates for the website, can I use the file in the asp.net web form?

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Open PDF File In Adobe Acrobat On IIS Server From Client

May 3, 2010

I read the thread on this topic and tried using "Process.start(mypdf.pdf)" to open the PDF file. I was able to get "Process.Start()" to work perfectly within VS2008 on the built-in server but not IIS; when I am in the development environment it works great, but when I deploy the application and run it it does not work. What happens when I run outside of the development environment, I can export the PDF file to the directory on the IIS server, and the client can also delete the file from the IIS server, BUT, inbetween the export and the delete commands, I have the Process.start command so that the user can open the file and do whatever they need to do; print it, print partially or save it locally ect.

After it exports the file to the server when the exectue "Process.start" occurs, the screen just blinks and there is no error message? I tried many options using Process.StartInfo but no luck. I also tried to to use Process.Start() with a text file (.txt) and had the same result, so it doesn't look like an adobe acrobat problem. I do have acrobat running on the clients as well as the server. I don't think it is a security issue being the exporting and deleting work. Is this the wrong command to use? The web server is IIS7, I am using VS2008 VB.NET and it is a Web application. I need to demo this to the client in 4 days and I need to have this working.

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Controls :: Adobe Reader Could Not Open PDF Because It Is Not A Supported File Type

Dec 10, 2012

I am using the code from: [URL] ....

Everything seems to work, expect when I try to open the PDF file Adobe Reader says:

"Adobe reader could not open 'filename.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)."

I tried opening it in Adobe Photoshop and was not able to there either.

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Streaming To Pdf Causes "Adobe Reader Can't Open File" Error

Jan 15, 2011

I am using VS 2010 and C#. I am trying to create a pdf file in web application. I am trying to convert a dataset to pdf file. The pdf file is getting generated, but when i try to open the pdf, i am getting the error as "Adobe reader could not open "sample.pdf" because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged" How to fix this?

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MVC :: How To Use Adobe Live Cycle Forms

May 17, 2010

I have a requirement in my application like we have adobe live cycle designer forms it is embeded in aspx pages. how to use it in mvc.

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Web Forms :: Import Done Adobe Fireworks Slice

Mar 1, 2010

Need to check with you all does it possible to import the slices created using Adobe Fireworks into a .apsx web form ? First time using Fireworks, not sure Visual Studio 2008 support external importing or not.

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Web Forms :: Convert Aspx Page To PDF Using The Adobe Writer?

Jul 2, 2010

Is there is a way I can convert my aspx page to PDF using the Adobe writer?

I have visited all the posts in asp.net forums ( Is there any solution in which I don't have to use a third party tool )

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Adobe Popping Out Of Browser

Jun 2, 2010

Im building a web application that displays a xfdf document. When we are testing in adobe 5 and we can't stop adobe opening outside the webpage. The user clicks the report and it should open in the browser but instead it opens in adobe it appears to work in everything but adobe 5. We have previously done this with out any problems. Any ideas? This is a snippet of the xfdf

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve"> <fields> <field name="fld_AccomAttic"> <value>0</value> </field> <field name="fld_AccomBathroom"> <value>1</value> </field> <field name="fld_AccomBedrooms"> <value>3</value> </field> <field name="fld_AccomCellars"> <value>0</value> </field> <field name="fld_AccomGarages"> <value>Off</value> </field><f href="{report name}"/></xfdf>

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How To Check Adobe Acrobat Reader On Client PC

Jan 28, 2010

How to determine whether the Adobe Acrobat Reader has been installed or not on the client PC?

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VS 2010 - Adobe Reader In Web Browser / IFrame

Jul 25, 2011

Our ASP.NET application allows the users to review any number of PDF forms. A simple listbox holds filenames and the forms are displayed inside a standard iFrame. The setup is simple and effective: when the user clicks on a filename, that filename is loaded into the iFrame, and shown to the user.

Users are allowed to digitally sign the forms. For appearance purposes, a bitmap of the user' signature is generated and placed in the appropriate location of the PDF form.

The bitmap file format is GIF, and the background is transparent.

We use iTextSharp for form-filling, and we also use iTextSharp to place the bitmap on the forms. Nothing special.

We can readily verify that the signature bitmap is correctly placed on the form, and that the bitmap itself is definitely transparent.

Problem 1:

After placing the bitmap of the user' signature on the form, the form is reloaded and displayed to the user (for verification) and, in most cases, the forms do not display the bitmap. Opening the PDF reveal that the bitmap has been placed and is definitely visible in Adobe Reader (9 and 10 - these are the versions available for testing).

Experimentation and quite a bit of research seems to suggest that the problem lies in caching. One of the possible solution/suggestion is to append a time-stamp or a GUID to the URL, when loading the form after applying the bitmap. In theory, this should prevent Adobe Reader from using a cached copy of the PDF form.

We have tried appending a time-stamp and/or a GUID, without any success: the forms still display without the bitmap. At the risk of repeating myself: the PDF form is correctly signed, and the bitmap is correctly placed. It is just not visible.

This problem seems common to users running the application on intranet web servers (IIS 7). The one application instance running on public web server (IIS 7) does not seem affected by this problem.

Problem 2:

As mentioned, the GIF file generated by our application has a transparent background. In almost all cases, Adobe Reader (9 and 10) seems to understand and respect the transparency of the bitmap.

In one very peculiar case (when the application is running on a Windows 7 64 bit machine with IIS 7), when the bitmap is placed on the form, it becomes opaque (complete loss of transparency).

Again, the problem seems related to Adobe Reader, because the bitmap being applied positively sports a transparent background.

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Finding Crystal Report, Pdf Conversion And Adobe Reader?

Jan 21, 2011

My asp.net app used Crystal report to display as pdf file.

If I open the report in my pc (newest version, Adobe reader 9), it is ok but once I open app in web server (Adobe reader 8), it display a blank screen.

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SQL Reporting :: To Open Adobe Flash Player9 From Rdlc

Apr 23, 2010

I am using rdlc in .net 2008. i made a column in rdlc as hyperlink and on clicking the hyperlink i want to open a adobe flash player.

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VS 2010 - How To Use The Adobe PDF Reader (AxAcriPDFLib) Control To Display Preview Of PDF Document

Jan 31, 2011

In a VB.Net project I use the Adobe PDF Reader (AxAcriPDFLib) control to display a preview of a selected PDF document whereafter the user can double-click upon the selected listbox item to enjoy a full screen view of the relevant PDF document. see the attached sample in this regard. Is there any way to emulate this in ASP.Net?

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SQL Server :: How To Extract Data From Adobe Pdf Form To Sql Server Database

Feb 23, 2011

I want to extract data from pdf form to sql server database. But I don't know how do achieve it?

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Web Forms :: Automatic File Reading / Check For New File Everyday And If The New File Is In The Folder Read It

Sep 20, 2010

I would like ask you for some ideas how can I write mechanism that will be automatically read files from folder. I don't know how to schedule the write task. I want to check for new file everyday and if the new file is in the folder read it.

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Web Forms :: Controlling File Name Of The File Opened Directly From File Download Dialog?

Jul 26, 2010

I am downloading file from database using the following code. This code downloads an excel file from the database which has a macro attached to it when it is opened. This macro reads file name of the excel file and uses it for its computation. Everthing works file if user saves the file on his harddisk and then open if but if he directly opens the file from the dialog(by hitting 'Open' button) then file name of the opened excel file comes out be the name of the webform that has the above code and this leads to error in the macro. Is there any option through which i can control the name of the file if user directly opens the file from dialog or the option to disable or remove 'Open' button form the dialog?


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AJAX :: Attach A File Using File Upload Control And Send It In Email Along With Already Attached File

Apr 27, 2016

I have an asp.net panel having various controls including gridview. I have converted this panel into pdf and attached it as an email attachment using memory stream. Everything is working fine. Now I have an File upload control outside panel through which I have to attach a file and send it in mail along with the already attached panel. But I am unable to figure out how to do it.

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Web Forms :: To Get Filename And File Path Using HTML File Control In Aspx Page?

Jan 6, 2011

I am using HTML file control and HTML image control in .aspx page (for uploading image and showing on web page). It is working fine. But I am unable to get that uploaded image file path and file name in .aspx.cs page. And also tell me how to save selected image in MS ACCESS database.

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Web Forms :: Browse The File When Enter Key Is Pressed While File Upload Controll Is In Focus

Feb 22, 2010

I am using asp.net 3.5 file upload control. I can browse the files when click the Browse button. Same time I can't browse the file when enter key is pressed while file upload control is in focus. I am using master page. I am in urgently need of this.I want to browse the files when enter key is pressed while upload file controll is in focus.

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Web Forms :: Deleting List Item / File - Writing New File With Remaining Items

Dec 23, 2010

Spent ages trying to get this right but am struggling now. I have a list box and textbox, I can happily enter Email addresses into the textbox which are saved into a text file and populated in a list box. I want to be able to select a list item and delete it, along with it's record in my text file. I was going to do it by on the delete list item / button click, it delete's the text file and then writes and a new one with the remaining list items in the list box. Unfortunately it's re-writing the file but either not including the remaining list items. Here's some examples of what I've changed and what populates the text file:

StreamWriter1.WriteLine(Addresses.Items); - System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemCollection
StreamWriter1.WriteLine(Addresses.Text); - A blank line?!?

The code is below. The reason I wouldn't allow the user to delete the first list item is because I thought the code was working ok but for some reason putting in a blank line to start with, and if I deleted the line it'd delete all file content. No, I don't know why I thought that either.


where I've gone wrong? I've not actually slept since I woke up at 8am yesterday. It's now 11am... today.

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Web Forms :: Reload Page / Upload A File That File Dont Shows Up In The Gridview?

Feb 11, 2010

i have a page that uploads a file, shows what files are availeble in a gridview and allows the user to donwload or delete the files. When i upload a file that file dont shows up in the gridview i need to reload the page to see the file. Theres any command in C# to do that? like when i click to save the file it saves d file and it does a page reload.

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Web Forms :: File Is Opened, But If I Re-create It, Ie Open The Temp File Pdf, Don't Reload The New?

Mar 23, 2011

I create a pdf, then I set NavigateUrl with the path. The file is opened, but if I re-create it, ie open the temp file pdf, don't reload the new.. Only after some minutes (I don't refresh the page) ie re-download the new pdf..How can I force to open always the file on the server?

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Web Forms :: Can't Start File Download From Server Side Using .aspx File In IE7

Mar 26, 2011

This below code i have used in my aspx page for file download.

Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename="" + emailAttachment.FileName + "";");
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
Response.OutputStream.Write(emailAttachment.Data, 0, emailAttachment.Data.Length);

This block of code display Download file Dialog for Open or Save the attached file.It's working fine in Mozila Firefox and IE8 but doesn't display Download file Dialog box in IE 7

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Web Forms :: How To Manually Deploy An Aspx File To The DEV Server - It Has An Associated C# Code Behind File

Mar 14, 2011

I am working solo on an Asp.net/C# project created by someone in the past. I created two new web forms, and then built the prjocect and did the deploy using a TFS team build project. For some strange reason, my Aspx file is not getting copied to the destination DEV server. It does get copied to a temp folder on that server, but in the end, the team build is failing and not copying over the new Aspx file.

So until I figure out how to fix the team build script, is their a way to just copy the Aspx file out to the desired server location? That as well as copying out a dll which is associated with the build file?

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Web Forms :: Binding Custom Object To A TextBox In Aspx-file Not In Cs-file?

Aug 14, 2010

A have a custom object - Person in my cs-file and I want to Bind the property Firstname from Person to my textbox txtFirstname in my aspx-file but I cant seem to make it work.

I usually work with webcontrols so its very rare that I get out of my cs-file and use the aspx-file. I can solve my problem by letting my cs-file update the Text-property on my TextBox - but I dont want that I have declared my Person object as protected in my cs-file like this

protected Person myPerson = new Person { Firstname = "Testname" }; and my aspx-file looks like this

<asp:TextBox ID="txtFirstname" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("myPerson.Firstname")%>'></asp:TextBox>

I get nothing in my textbox and I want to use this method to update the text-property for a change - you know just to learn some new and not getting stocked in the cs-file all the time.

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