Alternatives To SQL Notification For Triggering Code On Table Changes?

Dec 3, 2010

So I've just inherited an application which used the SQL Dependency function associated with SQL Notification Services in order to perform some functionality whenever one of the tables in the DB was changed. Specifically I have an MVC website - in the global.asax file there was a listening function which updated the route constraints whenever a table was changed, based on the data changes.

Unfortunately we've also migrated to SQL Server 2008. Now, I can't get this functionality to work at all. As far as I can make out it has actually been removed in SQL Server 2008 although, annoyingly, it does sometimes seem to fire when it errors. Which confused me for a bit, but it would seem that the service is no longer available.

I took a look at StreamInsight but it seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut, frankly. Plus I'm more than a little suspicious that support for it might be removed going forward, just like support for Notification Services was. The simplest approach is simply to schedule a console application to do the work every 5 minutes or so, but immediate updates would be hugely preferable, and I'm not sure how easy it would be to get a command-line application to update something as fundamental on a website as the routing.

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Dec 20, 2010

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Bearing in mind that using SQL server as a user store is not an option for us what should we be considering as an alternative to ADAM & AzMan?

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