Any Way To Assist User To Enter Time Filed ?

Oct 14, 2010

For dates, we have AJAX Calendar control.However, for time input, what kind of assistance we can get from ASP.Net ?The only way I can use is dropdown list but it is not so good.

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... And the tricky part

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Let me know how can I do this?

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I need to make sure a user can only enter numeric values for my Invoice Amount Textbox. It is a decimal field in my database.

I came across the MaskedEditExtender. It seemed like the solution for the problem. However, say I want to enter an amount of R50.00

The mask is set to 9,999,999.99.

When the textbox looses focus the amount becoomes 5,000,000.99.

Is there a better way that I can achieve this??


<cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="InvoiceAmountMaskedEditExtender" TargetControlID="txtInvoiceAmount"
Mask="9,999,999.99" MessageValidatorTip="true" MaskType="Number" AcceptNegative="Left"
DisplayMoney="Left" ErrorTooltipEnabled="true" runat="server">

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Jan 22, 2010

I have a simple form written in and when trying to hit enter while in the form's input box doesn't submit the form for some reason. I had implemented a fix for a previous bug where pressing enter would merely refresh the page without submitting the form data but now pressing enter just does nothing, the fix is below:

<div style="display: none">
<input type="text" name="hiddenText" />

anybody know about a fix for this or a workaround?

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